Wife stand at attention

Chapter 217 Yang Yi's Exclamation

Chapter 217 Yang Yi's Exclamation (4)
The old lady nodded and gave her a look of appreciation.

Since she had a stroke, this woman has become more and more presumptuous. She really regards herself as the mistress of the Kang family!What Wan Ju said was absolutely correct, and she was not mistaken either.As for her, Fang Ying, who wanted to be the mistress of the Kang family, even if she died, she wouldn't be able to justify her name.

After feeding the old lady, Yang Yi moved his chopsticks and ate as if nothing had happened.

Everyone eats a meal differently, happy ones, depressed ones, smiling smiles, and those who bear grudges.

After dinner, I stayed with the old lady in her room for a while, helped the old lady pinch it with Aunt Ju, and in the bathroom, helped the old lady take a bath with warm water and put on clean and refreshing clothes .

For this granddaughter-in-law, the old lady became more and more satisfied and cared more and more.Taking care of her, a half-paralyzed old woman, is not distasteful at all.

During the period of her stroke, Yang Yi and Aunt Ju almost took care of her and helped her bathe.Fang Ying never washed her, and her granddaughter Kang Mei never touched her body.Gu Meiyun has come to take care of her a few times.

Yang Yi didn't return to her room until the old lady fell asleep at nine o'clock.

Only then did I realize that there was one more important thing I hadn't done, which was to test whether I was really pregnant.

Thinking of this, the calm mood became faintly excited again.

He took out the pregnancy test stick he bought at the pharmacy from his bag, turned around and went into the bathroom.

Follow the instructions in the manual and operate step by step.

Squatting on the ground, holding the pregnancy test stick in his right hand, staring at the pregnancy test stick without blinking, thinking silently: two red lines, two red lines.In this way, Master Kong will have his birthday present when he comes back.

There was a knock on the bathroom door, and Fang Ying's voice came: "Xiao Yang..."

Yang Yi, who was concentrating on the pregnancy test stick, was startled by the sudden voice, so her hand trembled, and the pregnancy test stick in her hand fell into the toilet by such a coincidence, and she hadn't had time to see whether it was a bar or a stick. Two bars.

"I saw that the door of your room was not closed, so I came straight here. Are you... all right?" Fang Ying asked her with concern, but the eyes that looked at her were a little flickering.

Yang Yi was a little annoyed, but she didn't show it on her face, and smiled at her: "What do you want from me?"

How could it not be closed?
She has always had the habit of closing the door as soon as she enters it, okay?

An uneasy expression crossed Fang Ying's face, and she smiled dryly at Yang Yi: "It's okay, go to bed early, and you have to go to work after taking care of grandma every day, and the distance is so inconvenient, you are also quite tired No. I won’t bother you.” After speaking, she turned and left without waiting for Yang Yi to react.

Regarding her actions, Yang Yijue was somewhat inexplicable and unbelievable.If it was Gu Meiyun who came to the room and said this to her, she would definitely not feel anything wrong, but this is Fang Ying, the one who came to the door after seeing her only once, asking her to leave Cambridge.It was Fang Ying who wholeheartedly wanted Li Qingxue to enter the Kang family, how could she care so much about her?

But he couldn't figure out what she meant.

Turning her eyes to the toilet, she hoped to see whether it was one or two on the pregnancy test stick, but she was very disappointed. No matter from which angle she looked, she couldn't see whether it was one or two, and she Sadly, I only bought one.If I knew it earlier, I would have bought an extra one, what a mistake.I can only buy another one tomorrow. Well, I probably didn't sleep well tonight.

Outside the door, Fang Ying walked thoughtfully, her brows were furrowed, and her face was deep.

Just now, she looked clearly at the pregnancy test stick in Yang Yi's hand, which showed two red bars, which meant that Yang Yi was pregnant.Then, based on the old woman's liking for Kang Qiao and her, and Kang Shuo's abnormal feeling towards her, the Kang family no longer has her son's share.

Fang Ying did not go back to her and Kang Shuo's room, but went to Kang Jian's room.

In the room, Kang just came out of the bathroom, wearing only a white bathrobe, Cang's short hair was still dripping with water, and was wiping it with a dry towel.Fang Ying knocked on his door.

"Mom?" Kang Jian looked at her puzzled, "It's so late, what do you want me to do?"

Normally, she rarely came to him after this meeting.

Fang Ying pulled him into the room, closed the door, and said cautiously, "Yang Yi is pregnant."

Kang Jian frowned.

On the big bed, Yang Yi tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

I kept thinking in my heart, is she pregnant?Why didn't she buy another pregnancy test stick?She has been entangled in these two issues, so entangled, that even she herself doesn't know when she fell asleep.

In the dream, she finally saw clearly the pregnancy test stick that fell into the toilet, with two red lines on it.

Yang Yi smiled, smiling as warmly as a spring breeze.

She is pregnant, she has a baby, and she has a baby with Master Kong.

She could even see how happy Master Kong was.

The slightly rough palm gently stroked her cheek, his eyes with infinitely charming double eyelids and dark eyes were staring at her with burning pulses, and the warm breath with a touch of mint scent was soothing. Slowly spraying it on her face, she couldn't help but immerse herself in his tenderness.

There was a faint smile called happiness on the corner of his lips.

The eyes slowly opened.

In the night, a man was sitting on her bedside, looking at her with burning eyes, a big palm was caressing her cheek, his face was only a fist away from hers, and his warm breath was blowing out. sprinkled on her face.

"Ah—" Yang Yi cried out in shock.

In the night, Kang Shuo lowered his head, looked closely at Yang Yi with his eyes, stroked her face back and forth with one hand, and murmured to himself, "Ying Xin." His breathing was complete. It was sprayed all over Yang Yi's face, that expression, that look in the eyes was completely narcissistic.

Yang Yi was terrified, and at the same time she subconsciously sat up, she stretched out her hand and pushed Kang Shuo. His appearance made her feel very sick, not only sick but also cold.But he didn't want to, Kang Shuo took advantage of the opportunity to hold the hands that pushed him into his big palms, and those piercing eyes that conveyed incomparably fiery eyes looked at Yang Yi without any scruples, and even touched Yang Yi's hands. He held it tightly to his chest.Another look of intoxicated obliviousness.

At this moment, he was only wearing a large black nightgown, the neckline of the nightgown was slightly open, slightly revealing his well-maintained chest.But he wanted to put Yang Yi's hands on his chest under his nightgown too much, and he still muttered softly to himself: "Ying Xin, why did you leave? As I said, after the incident, I'll give you an answer, why don't you wait for me, don't wait for me to deal with everything and give you a chance and give me a chance? This time I won't let you go, you are mine, you are mine .”

(End of this chapter)

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