Wife stand at attention

Chapter 218 Liu Liu, I want the Zhang family

Chapter 218 Liu Liu I want to go home (2)
The deep desire in Kang Shuo's eyes became stronger, he threw the quilt in his hand on the ground, and walked towards Yang Yi who fell on the ground.

Enduring the pain, Yang Yi kept shrinking back, "Don't—you're a bastard! Master Kong, save me—"

The sound of tearing resounded throughout the villa.

Just when Kang Shuo walked in front of her and was about to bend over, the door was opened, and Gu Meiyun rushed into the room.

Seeing this scene in the room, Gu Meiyun strode to Yang Yi's side, "Slap!" A heavy slap hit Kang Shuo's face, and took the quilt aside to cover Yang Yi's body.

"Are you still human? Ah—" A slap was not enough to vent the anger in Gu Meiyun's heart, and she punched and kicked him again, "You can do this kind of thing, she is your son's wife! You are inferior to a beast!" Gu Meiyun Subaru slapped Kang Shuo vigorously.However, Kang Shuo didn't seem to react at all. He glanced at Gu Meiyun with his eyes, revealed a snorting cold snort, and continued to stop his gaze on Yang Yi.

Fang Ying and Kang Jian Xunsheng also came in, each wearing only a nightgown.

When she saw Yang Yi who fell to the ground with a terrified face, and Kang Shuo who was supposed to be sleeping in her room, a cold sarcasm crossed Fang Ying's face, "Shuo, what are you doing? Oh, my little one." Yang, even if Xiaoqiao is not at home, you can't do this..."

"Slap!" Before Fang Ying could finish her sentence, she slapped Gu Meiyun firmly: "Shut up! You treat everyone like you! You are as despicable as the little slut you taught! What kind of person is he, don't rely on my daughter-in-law."

"Gu, Mei, Yun!" Fang Ying caressed the right cheek that was slapped by Gu Meiyun, and stared at Gu Meiyun bitterly. Calling Gu Meiyun's name, and the anger revealed in her eyes is so obvious, I can't wait to slap her back, "Am I wrong? Ah! With her current appearance, anyone will think so! Don't think that What kind of good is your son found, who knows she and several men are not clear! I have seen it with my own eyes!" Fang Ying put fuel into the black as if adding fuel to the fire.

"It hurts, it hurts so much." On the ground, Yang Yi huddled under the quilt, clutching her lower abdomen, beads of sweat rolling down her face and forehead.

"God!" Gu Meiyun discovered that the quilt covering Yang Yi's body had faint blood stains, so she walked to Yang Yi's side in a big stride, and lifted the quilt, already, there was a big puddle of blood between Yang Yi's legs, and Yang Yi His face was pale and blue.

"Kang Shuo——I killed you! You killed my grandson!" Gu Meiyun's eyes showed a strong murderous intent, and she punched and kicked Kang Shuo again.Kang Shuo, on the other hand, froze in place without any reaction, and watched Gu Meiyun vent on him.

A sneer of success flashed across Fang Ying's eyes.It's best not to have it, just wait for this moment!Otherwise, it would be in vain to do so many things.

Kang Jian walked to Yang Yi's side, bending down to hug Yang Yi.

"Go away!" Gu Meiyun pushed Kang Jian away, "No one should touch my wife."

At this moment, Gu Meiyun really had the urge to kill someone.She wants to kill Kang Suk!
"Auntie, sister-in-law is like this now, she has to be sent to the hospital quickly." Kang Jian didn't think about anything else, but just said what was in his heart.

"Xiao Yang, don't be afraid, mom will send you to the hospital, everything will be fine, the child will be fine." Gu Mei comforted Yang Yi, as if comforting herself.It was very difficult to help Yang Yi up, and walked out of the room together with the quilt wrapped around Yang Yi.

Outside the door, Mrs. Kang was sitting in a wheelchair, and Aunt Ju was standing behind her, holding her wheelchair with both hands.The expression on her face was a bit distorted, her eyes showed dead silence, she looked at everything here with a deep look, tears flowed down her old cheeks, her face was full of pain.

Gu Meiyun half-supported and half-carried Yang Yi, and when she passed by the old lady, she said: "Your good son did a good job. Please pray that your great-grandson will be fine. Otherwise, it depends on how you explain to Xiaoqiao. After finishing speaking, he helped Yang Yi to leave.

"Wan... Ju, help..." Suddenly, the old lady uttered such a clear sentence, neither vague nor inarticulate, but with a little difficulty.

Aunt Ju was slightly taken aback, and after she was taken aback, she helped Gu Meiyun and supported Yang Yi to walk towards the stairs.

Hearing the old lady's words so clearly, as well as the resentment in her eyes, and seeing Kang Shuo staying directly on Fang Ying with this resentment.This glance made Fang Ying tremble all over.

"Mom...shuo..." Fang Ying opened her mouth and spit out these two words, not knowing what to say.

Kang Shuo still stood there as if he had been given acupuncture points, but his eyes were staring at the pool of blood left by Yang Yi without blinking, unable to recover for a long time.

After staring at Kang Shuo and Fang Yingzu with shrewd eyes in resentment, the old lady suddenly fainted.

Downstairs, Gu Meiyun stepped on the accelerator, and the black car drove out of the Kang family villa at a high speed.In the back seat of the car, Aunt Ju hugged Yang Yi, wiping the sweat off her forehead.

Two minutes later, another car flew by the villa.

City H, military region.

Cambridge, who had been up for several nights, just lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, but sat up from the bed "suddenly".Even he himself didn't know how to get back, but there was a dull depression in his heart, which made him a little out of breath.

He took the mobile phone and turned it on to dial Yang Yi's number, but when he saw that the time displayed on the mobile phone was two o'clock in the morning, he hung up the phone again.It's just that the uneasiness in my heart seems to be getting stronger and heavier.

No sleep for one night.

Hospital.Gynecological operating room.

The door was closed and the lights were on.

Gu Meiyun and Aunt Ju stared straight at the light in the operating room without blinking, and clasped their hands tightly.

Anxiety tinged with nervousness.

The foreheads of both faces were also beaded with thin beads of sweat.

The lights went out.

At the same time, Kang Jian also arrived pushing Mrs. Kang's wheelchair.There was an indelible worry on the old lady's face, and her complexion was not very good.

"Doctor, how is my wife?" Gu Meiyun hurried forward, not caring that she was only wearing a nightgown right now.

The old lady stared straight at the doctor, eagerly waiting for the doctor's answer.Of course, Aunt Ju was equally eager.

The doctor took off his mask and shook his head, "Sorry, we did our best, the adults are fine, but the child is gone."

Gu Meiyun staggered and almost fell, but fortunately Aunt Ju supported her.It's just that Aunt Ju's hands are shaking badly.

(End of this chapter)

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