Wife stand at attention

Chapter 220 Liu Liu, I want the Zhang family

Chapter 220 Liu Liu I want to go home (4)
Yang Liu looked contemptuously at the person holding the steering wheel in the car, and threw a snort at him.

The boss ignored Xiao Liutiao's contemptuous eyes and honked the car horn at her.

Xiao Liutiao angrily wanted to kick him into the reservoir together with the car.

The phone in his pocket rang.

Xiao Liutiao didn't intend to stop. While continuing to run, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, glanced at the screen, and received a strange call: "Hi, I'm Yangliu."

Yang Yi's weak voice came from the phone: "Liu Liu, I want to go home." Faintly, Yang Liu seemed to hear Yang Yi's slight sobs.

Yang Liu stopped walking, and was startled by Yang Yi's faint weeping and her sentence "Liu Liu, I want to go home".

She knows the strength of her family, Comrade Yang Yi. She has never seen her cry since she was a child. Even when her mother passed away, she only cried silently.But now, she faintly felt Yang Yi's helplessness.

The steps under her feet stopped, and her heart burned following Yang Yi's low sobs on the phone, "Sister, what's the matter? Tell me, I'll listen."

Yang Yi's voice just continued to be heard over there, but it was still: "Liu Liu, I want to go home." Apart from these six words, there was nothing else.

Yang Liu's heart was caught by these six words, without thinking about it, she knew something must have happened to Yang Yi.

"Okay, I'll pick you up, let's go home." This is the telepathy of being a sister, Yang Liu knows that at this time, no matter what happens to Yang Yi, it is best for her to go home.

Over there, there was no sound, only the sound of Yang Yi's breathing was transmitted to Yang Liu's ears through the mobile phone.Then another woman's voice came, telling her the address.

When Yang Liu heard it, it turned out to be a hospital, and it was also a gynecology department!

Suddenly, Yang Liu became angry!

Don't even think about it, you know what happened.

The moment Yang Liu stopped, the boss' car also stopped.

Yang Liu stretched out her right hand and jumped into the Bugatti's passenger seat without even opening the door, "City No. [-] Hospital."

Boss Ran didn't ask, he raised the hood, drove the car to a place where he could turn around, and then turned around and headed straight towards the city's No. [-] Hospital.

When Yang Liu arrived in the ward, Yang Yi was still staring at the ceiling unfocused.Gu Meiyun was sitting on the head of her bed, and the old lady and Aunt Ju were on the other side of the bed.

"Sister." Yang Liu walked to the bed and called softly.

Yang Yi turned her head slightly, the moment she saw Yang Liu in her calm eyes without any waves, a gleam finally appeared, she continued to spit out six words quietly to Yang Liu: "Liu Liu, I want to go home."

This time, she didn't say "I want to go home" but "I want to go home", which is enough to show the pain in her heart.

"No, you just had a miscarriage and your body is very weak. You should stay in the hospital for observation for a few days before you leave the hospital." Gu Meiyun stopped Yang Yi, of course she was really worried about her body, "Listen to Mom, ah."

"Yes, young mistress, you just had surgery yesterday, so you can't now..." Aunt Ju also persuaded Yang Yi.

The old lady was also anxiously speaking unclear words, which probably meant that she should not be discharged from the hospital.

A person walked in at the door, and everyone turned their eyes to look, it was Kang Shuo who hadn't shown up the whole night yesterday.

The moment Yang Yi saw Kang Shuo, a flash of resentment flashed in her eyes, and she stared directly at Kang Shuo with anger like a cold pool in her eyes.At this moment, she did not regard him as an elder at all, nor as Cambridge's father.At this moment, in Yang Yi's eyes, Kang Shuo is her son-killing enemy!
Kang Shuo looked a little downcast at the moment, even a little lost, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden, with deep regret in his eyes, he walked towards Yang Yi who was on the hospital bed.

The moment Gu Meiyun saw Kang Shuo, there was a look in her eyes that wanted to smash him into pieces.And the old lady Kang looked at him with a look of hatred.

Yang Liu took a look at Kang Shuo, then at Yang Yi on the hospital bed, and then at the expressions on the faces of Gu Meiyun and Mrs. Kang, as well as the eyes in their eyes.In addition, the bunch of four-leaf clover in front of Yang Yongxin's tomb, what Yang Yi said, and the scene of Kang Shuo chasing Yang Yi that day.If you still can't figure out why, then you won't be called Yangliu.Obviously, her elder sister's miscarriage was related to this man, what's more, Yang Liu could think of how Yang Yi's miscarriage was.

In a paradoxical rage, Yang Liu gritted her teeth and clenched her fist, and could even hear the "click" sound from her fist, as well as the strong murderous intent revealed in her eyes.At this moment, she no longer cared about the military uniform she was wearing and the oath she said that "the People's Liberation Army is for the people".At this moment, she is just a younger sister who is eager to protect her elder sister, a younger sister who has depended on Yang Yi since she was a child, and it can almost be said that the two have one life.

Before the crowd reacted, they only heard a "click", already, Yang Liu, who was full of resentment, detained Kang Shuo who was only two meters away from Yang Yi's hospital bed, and Kang Shuo was at this moment Kneeling with both legs on the ground, she knelt straight in front of Yang Yi.

"Your uncle! I don't care if you are the chief's father or not. I will never forgive the person who fucked up my sister!"

Yang Liu's move stunned everyone in the ward, especially Aunt Ju, who opened her mouth in shock, not knowing what to say.Anyway, Kang Shuo is also an elder, even if he is not, he is still Kang Qiao's father and Yang Yi's father-in-law.Although what happened last night was Kang Shuo's fault, but just letting an elder kneel down to a younger generation or his own daughter-in-law, it can't be justified, right?

This was the first thought that popped into Aunt Ju's mind when she saw Kang Shuo who was kneeling on the ground and being held upside down by Yang Liu.

Mrs. Kang also looked at Yang Liu with an incredulous expression.The thoughts in her mind are almost the same as those of Aunt Ju.No matter how wrong the son is, he is still the elder!This kid in military uniform is too ignorant, let him kneel down to Xiao Yang, what a thing!

On the other hand, Gu Meiyun just gave him a slight sideways glance, with a look of deserving expression on her face.

Yang Yi, who was half sitting and half leaning on the back of the chair, did not speak, but looked at Kang Shuo who was kneeling on the ground expressionlessly.

Kang Shuo was surprised, and at the same time, a very complicated look crossed his face.Although he was kneeling on the ground at the moment, the corners of his eyes were inadvertently aimed at Yang Liu who was standing beside him.

When he heard Yang Liu's voice, his whole body trembled slightly.

female?Not a man?
This was the first thought that popped into Kang Shuo's mind when he heard Yang Liu's voice.Then, the scene of Yang Liu driving Yang Yi away at the gate of Yang Yi's company a few days ago flashed by.At that moment, he always thought she was a man.But now, her voice told him that it was a woman, and her name was Sister Yang Yi.So does it mean that she is Yang Yi's younger sister, Yong Xin's other daughter?What about... the girl at KFC yesterday?What about the woman of the second young master of the Ran family?Who was that girl he met at her home when Yang Yi had a broken bone?He always thought that she was Yong Xin's other daughter.However, at this moment, he saw a glimpse of Yong Xin's youthful appearance on the face of this male child in military uniform.

(End of this chapter)

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