Wife stand at attention

Chapter 221 Liu Liu, I want the Zhang family

Chapter 221 Liu Liu I want to go home (5)
Did he get it wrong?

"You... are Xiao Yang's younger sister?" Kang Shuo turned his head slightly and looked at Yang Liu carefully, the look in his eyes looking at Yang Yongxin through Yang Liu appeared again.

It was this glance that aroused the resentment deep in Yang Liu's heart even more.No need to think about it, he must have seen Comrade Yang Yi in the same way. "Your uncle! Believe it or not, I gouged out your eyes and fed them to the military dogs!" Yang Liu ruthlessly made a gouging motion at Kang Shuo's eyes, and walked to Yang Yi's side, "Sister, let's go home! His family is a bunch of lunatics."

He took off his military uniform and put it on Yang Yi, picked her up by the waist, and walked out of the ward.

Boss Ran stood outside the door. Seeing Yang Liu walking out with Yang Yi in his arms, he also took off his coat and put it on Yang Yi, "I'll do it." Taking Yang Yi from Yang Liu's hand, "Go and go through the discharge procedures." , me and..." After a pause, he glanced at the pale Yang Yi, and finally said, "My sister is waiting for you in the car."

Gu Meiyun chased out from the ward, and said to Yang Yi: "Xiao Yang, mom is going to take care of you. Kang Qiao is not here, and your confinement needs someone to take care of you." Taking a look at Ran Xi who was holding Yang Yi, she was slightly taken aback, " Master Ran, why do you..." What is his relationship with Xiao Yang?Why is he holding Yang Yi again now?
Gu Meiyun was a little puzzled about the relationship between Ran Xi and Yang Yi.

Aunt Ju also came out of the ward pushing Mrs. Kang's wheelchair, followed by Kang Shuo.When she saw Ran Xi who was holding Yang Yi, she was also puzzled.

Ran Xi didn't speak, but cast a cold glance at them, and turned to leave with Yang Yi in her arms.

Miscarriage, in fact, can be discharged from the hospital in one day, as long as the confinement is properly raised at home.

Yang Liu went through the discharge procedures, took a bag of medicine prepared by the hospital, walked out of the hospital and headed towards Ran Xi's car.

Along the way, Yang Yi didn't say anything, just leaned on Yang Liu's shoulder, dazed in a daze.

Yang Liu didn't speak either, but held her somewhat cold hand tightly with both hands.

The driver uncle, Boss Ran, was even more speechless, and he acted as an uncle driver who was silent to the end very well throughout the whole process.

Back home, Yang Liu was in trouble.

She is a kitchen idiot and a foodie, now Comrade Yang Yi has a miscarriage, what should she do?She doesn't know how to cook at all, okay?

Ever since, I immediately thought of Shi Xiaocao.

And then, she just made a phone call to ask whether Shi Xiaocao is the second young master's personal nanny or not, and let Hao come over to be Comrade Yang Yi's confinement wife.

Of course, Shi Xiaocao has absolutely nothing to say.But the second young master was depressed. This is his 24-hour nanny and pillow, okay? Why did the eldest woman deprive him of his benefits with a phone call?

However, what he got was Shi Xiaocao's fist and kick and took away all the cash in his pocket, so he pretended that she was going to repay his favor now.

The second young master exploded, repaying his favor?At worst, my young master spends money to hire a confinement wife.

Xiaocao shook her head, NO!

Ever since, the second young master watched helplessly as his 24-hour nanny and pillow swaggered and disappeared in front of him.

Of course, what the second young master said was just a joke.Yang Yi, of course she knew her, and they played the role of Miao Miao's father and mother together once.Moreover, she has a good relationship with his younger sister, and she is the sister of his future sister-in-law, and she is also a sister who is no different from his own sister, so there is nothing to say.

Kang family.

Yang Yi had a miscarriage for a week, and the Kang family was immersed in the gloom for a week. Mrs. Kang locked herself in the room, and Kang Shuo locked himself in the study.

Except for one person, of course.

That was Fang Ying.

Regarding Yang Yi's miscarriage, and it was still a miscarriage caused by Kang Shuo, Fang Ying couldn't mention how happy she was.It seemed that in this way, she let out a sigh of relief for Li Qingxue.It seems that everything about the Kang family has fallen into her hands steadily.

Kang Jian still went to and from get off work every day, nothing wrong.But in Fang Ying's eyes, it seemed that success or failure was already decided.

Gu Meiyun has been taking care of Yang Yi at Yang Yi's house during the day.As for the Kang family, she has already given up her heart, and for Kang Shuo, she has given up even more, and no longer has any hope.The only thing she has to do now is to take good care of Yang Yi, and how to explain to her son when he comes back.

Today, Fang Ying is still the only one in the Kang family's villa.

Holding a cup of good coffee, a set of lake blue ladies' attire, and a noble and elegant hairstyle, she stood in Gu Meiyun's room and looked around at all the furnishings in the room.

Although she was nearly fifty years old, Fang Ying was well maintained and looked like she was only in her early forties.

Gu Meiyun's room is very simple, it can be said to be simple and monotonous.That's right, what can a woman without a man do but be monotonous?

Fang Ying naturally knew that although Gu Meiyun was Mrs. Kang, Kang Shuo had never shared a room with her.Kang Shuo has always shared a bedroom with her.Therefore, Gu Meiyun has been a widow all these years.

When she was young, she asked Kang Shuo, why didn't she divorce Gu Meiyun?If she has a legitimate identity, then their children will no longer have to bear the status of illegitimate children. Even if they enter the Kang family's gate, they still cannot erase the shadow of being born out of wedlock.

Kang Shuo didn't answer her, and it was only after Kang Shuo was drunk that she realized that he couldn't divorce Gu Meiyun.To be precise, he can't take the initiative to propose a divorce, otherwise, all the property of the Kang family will belong to Gu Meiyun, and he will leave the house without leaving the house.

At that moment, Fang Ying was dumbfounded.

How could this be?
Doesn't that mean that she will bear the status of a concubine for the rest of her life, and will never get a formal status?If she gets this title, it means that she will lose everything, and she will once again live the life that can be said to be without three meals?

No!She will never live like that again!
She would rather be a concubine for the rest of her life than live with Kang Shuo in such a poor life.

In fact, she hated the old lady, because the old lady made a rule that the Kang family would never divorce, and whoever asked for a divorce would leave the house completely, the same for the man and the same for the woman.

That's why Gu Meiyun is willing to live under the same roof with her, because she is also afraid of losing everything she has now and becoming a person with nothing.

That's right, who would want to live a life that is completely inhuman?
However, the old woman said that everything in the Kang family belonged to Cambridge.Kang Jian, who is also a grandson, can only have 15, and Kang Mei only has 5.

(End of this chapter)

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