Wife stand at attention

Chapter 222 Old Mrs. Kang's Chapter Memory

Chapter 222 The Memories of Mrs. Kang (1)
This made Fang Ying extremely angry.

Why are they all from Cambridge, her sons and daughters add up to only 20.All the affairs of the company are managed by her son, so how can Kang Qiao just sit back and enjoy the success without putting in any effort!

This time, Yang Yi's miscarriage was planned by her alone.

Just when she inadvertently saw the two red lines on the pregnancy test paper, a complete idea flashed through her mind.That is to use Kang Shuo's hands to destroy the child in Yang Yi's stomach. In this way, the father-son relationship between Kang Qiao and Kang Shuo will never be restored.Kang Qiao will hate Kang Shuo all his life, so he will never go back to Kang's house.

As for Gu Meiyun, as far as she likes and cares for Yang Yi now, as well as the vaguely revealed mother-child affection for Cambridge, she naturally guessed most of it.Therefore, Gu Meiyun will definitely turn against Kang Shuo, and may even propose a divorce with Kang Shuo.

Divorce, which she has been looking forward to for nearly 30 years.

The old woman said that whoever files for divorce first will lose everything in the Kang family.Then if Gu Meiyun proposed first, everything in the entire Kang family would belong to her and her son.The old woman has suffered a stroke and is paralyzed, how long can she live?She can't even articulate a word now.

Although when she saw Yang Yongxin's photo, she already understood that she was just a substitute in Kang Shuo's heart for decades.However, she didn't mind at all, as she had no feelings for Kang Shuo at all.That being the case, everyone takes what they need.She got the Kang family, and Kang Shuo owed her.

That night, she kept talking in Kang Shuo's ear about Yang Yi's goodness, Yang Yi's beauty, and Kang Qiao's disregard for his family, only caring about his work, being unfair to Yang Yi, and so on.

The more she spoke, the more clearly she could see the strong longing in Kang Shuo's eyes.

So she hit the iron while it was hot, and said something seemingly unintentionally: This child takes care of mom so wholeheartedly, even Sister Yun and I feel inferior, and I don't know if he is tired.I heard Mrs. Chrysanthemum accidentally mention that this child doesn't sleep very well, and always kicks the quilt at night. You said it's such a cold day, what if someone gets sick?But I heard from Aunt Ju that she put the spare key in the drawer of the coffee table in the living room.I'll go see her later.

And then, that scene happened as she wished.The child in Yang Yi's stomach was aborted by Kang Shuo's hands, and she also saw the gnashing of hatred in the eyes of Yang Yi and Gu Meiyun.

When Gu Meiyun returned to the room, she saw Fang Ying standing in her room, looking around her room leisurely, with an indelible expression on her face.

She just came back from Yang Yi's house, and planned to change clothes and go to the supermarket to buy some supplements for Yang Yi, but she didn't want to see Fang Ying standing in her room.

This is the master bedroom of the Kang family.

Although Kang Shuo has never slept with her in these years, except for that one time, her room is the master bedroom.Fang Ying and Kang Shuo's room is just the second bedroom.

At this moment, she saw the replaced longing in Fang Ying's eyes.


Gu Meiyun sneered at her coldly, "Looking for me or do you like my room?"

Fang Ying didn't hide it, and smiled slightly at Gu Meiyun: "I'm looking for you, and I also like your room. Sister Yun, tell me something you don't like to hear, I think sooner or later, I will be in this position. Of course, I don't like the room at all, because it smells like you."

Gu Meiyun gave her a cold and disdainful look, but suddenly slapped Fang Ying directly by surprise.

Fang Ying didn't realize that Gu Meiyun would slap her suddenly, she couldn't stand upright, the coffee cup in her hand was thrown out, and landed on the big bed next to her, the coffee spilled all over the bed sheet, and Fang Ying was because of Unsteady standing, fell to the ground.

Fang Ying didn't know how many times she was slapped by Gu Meiyun in the past 30 years, during the 30 years that she and Gu Mei went to live together.Some were in front of the old lady, some were in front of Kang Shuo, and some were even in front of juniors.She has endured it for so many years, and now she doesn't want to bear it anymore.

He stood up, raised his hand, but stayed there when his hand was five centimeters away from Gu Meiyun's face, and showed a strange smile to Gu Meiyun, "Gu Meiyun, how many slaps you have given me in the past 30 years, I will slap you one by one. Remember. Don't worry, I will definitely return it to you in full."

Gu Meiyun glared at her: "You have this ability, even if you remember it one by one. I'm afraid that you don't have this memory. You'd better not let me know that Xiao Yang's miscarriage is related to you, otherwise I will definitely let you live, no, as, die!" These words, Gu Meiyun gritted her teeth, and said each word to Fang Ying, her face was full of despair.

Fang Ying pursed her lips and smiled, and reached out to wipe the blood stain on the corner of her lips, "Aren't you curious why Kang Shuo entered her daughter-in-law's room? Don't you think the old lady's stroke is a coincidence?"

A flicker flashed across Gu Meiyun's eyes.

The smile in the corner of Fang Ying's eyes became stronger, and she continued to use her weird smile to Gu Meiyun and said, "If the old lady hadn't had a stroke, would Yang Yi move in? If not, would Kang Shuo have a chance? You Didn’t you notice that Kang Shuo looked at Yang Yi very differently? Is that the way an elder looks at a junior? No.” Fang Ying shook her head, and the weird smile on her face added another twist, “It’s a man looking at a woman Do you know why? Because Yang Yi's mother is the woman in his heart. You? Hehe..." There was another sneer, "It's nothing."

Gu Meiyun looked at her with no expression on her face, there was no change on her face, only a touch of sarcasm, and she spit out two words: "Bitch."

"I'm mean? Are you mean? If you didn't mean to drug Kang Shuo, would you have Cambridge?" Fang Ying sneered.

Of course, after Fang Ying said this, Gu Meiyun gave her another heavy slap, pointed at the tip of Fang Ying's nose, and said angrily: "It's okay to be cheap, you're so stupid! I'll wait to see what you say." End!" After saying that, he turned and left.

At the door, Kang Shuo stood hunched over in the corridor for an unknown amount of time.

When Gu Meiyun came out of the room, she passed him by, and gave him a cold sideways glance, "Take care of your woman!" After finishing speaking, she left without looking back.

When Fang Ying saw Kang Shuo at the door, she was stunned for a moment, and then she smiled at him as if nothing had happened: "Shuo, how long have you been here? Let me ask Sister Yun, Xiao Yang Do you need any help?"

Kang Shuo took a deep look at her, but his eyes were very calm, and said to her lightly: "There is still a vacant room on the first floor of Qingcheng Bieyuan, if you are free, move there."

(End of this chapter)

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