Wife stand at attention

Chapter 223 Old Mrs. Kang's Chapter Memory

Chapter 223 The Memories of Mrs. Kang (2)
Fang Ying froze, and looked at him with disbelief: "What do you mean?"

Without speaking, he turned around and walked towards the study.

Suddenly, Fang Ying's eyes darkened behind her, and she fell to the ground with a "boom".

Mrs. Kang's door opened, but it closed again.

Yang family.

Yang Yi has only been in the company for more than half a year, but this is the second time he has taken a one-month leave.The last time it was a fracture, this time it was a miscarriage, and both times were related to the Kang family.

This week, Xiaocao and Gu Meiyun are taking care of her.During the day it was Gu Meiyun, and at night it was Xiaocao.

In fact, she felt sorry for Xiaocao and the second young master, because of her, they were separated.

Gu Meiyun said that she would take care of everything, but Xiaocao and Yangliu unanimously vetoed it.Just like your Kang family, how dare we hand over my sister to you?

Gu Meiyun stopped talking.

Two days later, the weekend.

Gu Meiyun called and said that she would come later, Yangliu's temporary unit had something to do, and after explaining to Xiaocao, she returned to the team very worried.

After Yang Liu had been Boss Ran's personal bodyguard for more than a month, finally, with her unremitting efforts, she returned to the military camp that she longed for.Xiao Liutiao directly assured the boss that she must be in Cao Ying and her heart is in Han.Oh, no, it should be the boss who is in the barracks.

The boss pursed his lips and smiled, and mercifully let the little wicker die.

Under Miao Miao's pistachio, Yang Yi's mood improved a lot.She is slowly coming out of the shadow of childbirth.

Xiaocao saw that there were no ingredients at home, so she took Miaomiao to buy some, but she was worried that Yang Yi would be alone at home.Yang Yi waved at them, and made a rare joke for the first time in these days: "Xiaocao, I don't lack arms or legs now, why don't you worry about me?"

Seeing that she could finally laugh, Xiaocao was finally relieved, so she took Miaomiao out.

The confinement child can't watch TV, surf the Internet, read books, or do anything.

Sitting on the bed, leaning against a pillow on her back, hugging a pillow in her hand, Yang Yi had nothing to do.

Suddenly, I miss Master Kong a little bit.

The phone rang in good time.

He took the phone and took a look, it showed that Master Kong was calling.

The eye sockets became wet all of a sudden, the nose was a little sore, and the throat was a little choked, so the voice was a little abnormal, "Hello."

Her voice was a bit deep, not as cheerful as before, just a simple "Hello", unlike before, every time she received a call from him, she would always happily call "Master Kang" or "Master Kang" .

Hearing this dull voice, Kang Qiao's heart twitched slightly, "What's wrong? Are you sick or not feeling well?" Kang Qiao put down what he was doing, and talked to Yang Yi on the phone wholeheartedly.

Things finally come to an end, and I can go back in two days.

Listening to the familiar voice that she missed very much, the longing and sorrow in Yang Yi's heart became stronger, and she also thought of her losing their baby even more.Then, tears flowed down her cheeks, but Cambridge couldn't see it.

Try to use the calm and normal voice that you feel and say: "No, why are you free?"

Although Yang Yi had already used the calmest and most normal voice, Kang Qiao still felt something was wrong with her.Obviously, there was a strong nasal sound in her voice, as if she had just cried.So, a serious voice sounded: "Guy Yang!" with the tone of a soldier.

Yang Xiaoguai responded subconsciously: "Yes!"

"Say, what happened? Why are you crying?"

The hand holding the phone froze slightly, and the whole person was stunned for a moment, all the sour and bitter things in my heart burst out at this moment.But he tried his best to suppress himself so that he wouldn't be distracted during the mission, so he sniffed and said to Cambridge in a coquettish manner, "I miss you."

Kang Qiao was stunned for a moment, and a warm current flashed through his heart, and the hanging heart was slowly let go, "Yang Xiaoguai, you're doing well! You think I'm going to cry?"


Yes, she did cry.At this moment, tears were still on her face, but she had to act as if she was very happy flirting with him, "Well, Yang Xiaoguai has always been very promising, isn't Mrs. Kang very honored?" It flowed out, and the bitter taste in my heart became stronger.Fortunately, there was no one at home at this moment, otherwise she wouldn't know how to talk to him on the phone.

Master Kang, in fact, at this moment, I really miss you.I want you to bear the pain of losing my baby with me, I want to cry on your shoulders, I want to comfort me by your side, I want you to know how helpless I am at this moment .However, I can't tell you, because I can't increase your burden.The task on your shoulders is arduous, and I can't share it for you. I can only cheer for you silently behind my back and support you unconditionally.That's all I can do for you.

There came Kang Qiao's low chuckle. After the chuckle, Kang Qiao's serious voice came: "Little boy, I will be back in a week at most. In fact... I miss you a lot too." This sentence Mr. Kang seemed a little embarrassed when he said this, and even his tone was a bit harsh, but it fit Mr. Kang's identity very well. Yang Yi could even feel that when he said this, he must be crawling on her with his hands. inch size.

In fact, it was a very happy thing, but...

Take a deep breath, "Cambridge."

"Huh?" Cambridge seemed a little uncomfortable all of a sudden, this was the first time she called his name, and it was unprecedented in a very serious tone.Ever since they met, she had called him "Master Kang" or "Master Kang", and even called him "Little Qiao", but now she called him "Kang Qiao" in such a serious tone.

To him, the sound of "Cambridge" seemed to have opened up the distance between the two of them.Kang Qiao didn't like this feeling very much, he would rather she called him "Master Kang" or "Master Kang".

"What do you want to say?" In Kang Qiao's heart, that bad feeling rose again. He always felt that something happened to his little boy, but he didn't want to tell him. He didn't like this feeling very much.

Yang Yi bit her lower lip heavily, and wiped away the tears on her cheeks: "Do you... like children?"

Kang Qiao was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't recover from what she said, her voice was still ringing in his ear: Do you like children?
Like it, of course I like it!Like their kids.

(End of this chapter)

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