Wife stand at attention

Chapter 224 Old Mrs. Kang's Chapter Memory

Chapter 224 The Memories of Mrs. Kang (3)
Did she mean that... she already had it?

Suddenly, a burst of joy spread throughout his body, every cell from head to toe was extremely excited, "Little boy, are you..."

"Ding Dong." The doorbell rang.

His joyful tone was transmitted from the phone to her ears, and Yang Yi knew that he had clearly misunderstood.To be more precise, it's not that he misunderstood, it's just a step late.

"I... the doorbell rang, and someone is looking for it. I'm going to open the door. What's the matter? Let's talk about it when you come back. That's it. I'll hang up first." Yang Yi hung up the phone in a hurry, got out of bed, and walked towards the door .

Holding the mobile phone that was already busy, Cambridge stared blankly in place.But the corners of his eyes and brows were full of lingering joy and excitement.

"Master Kang, if I give you a gift, what would you want most?"

"I want a son."

"Then let's talk about it when you come back."

"Do you like children?"

Connecting several paragraphs of Yang Xiaoguai's words back and forth, how can someone as wise as Cambridge not know what's going on?
At this moment, he was very sure that his wife Yang Xiaoguai had "Little Qiao", so he asked him if he liked children, and asked him what he wanted if he gave him a gift, and then said she wanted it. a son.It turned out that it was so.

The hand holding the mobile phone couldn't help tightening the mobile phone in his hand, the expression on his face couldn't help but softened a bit, and there was a look in his eyes called "becoming a father for the first time".

He must be a qualified father, the best father, not like Kang Shuo.

Another silly smile came from his heart.

Ever since, Mr. Kang was extremely excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

After this mission, he must take some time off to be with his little boy.

Yang Yi wrapped herself in Yangliu's thick and heavy military coat, stepped on cotton wool slippers, walked out of her room, and opened the door.

Outside the door, Mrs. Kang was sitting in a wheelchair, and Aunt Ju was standing behind her, pushing the wheelchair.

When Yang Yi saw the old lady, she was slightly taken aback, and then she showed a faint smile to her: "Grandma, why are you here?"

There was lingering sadness in the eyes of the old lady, and a hint of apology.Her complexion is not very good, a little pale.Her eyes were deeply sunken, and she looked very thin.

In just a few days, she suddenly aged ten years.Even the hair that was originally mixed with black and white, now more and more white hairs are seen instead of black hairs.

Seeing Yang Yi, the old lady's eyes were moist, and even tears slid down her cheeks, and a slightly trembling voice came from her mouth: "Xiao Yang, grandma came to see you, come to say a word of humility to you." .”

Hearing the old lady's voice so fluently, Yang Yi froze, looked at the old lady in disbelief, and then at Aunt Ju.

In... a few days, the old lady can talk?Her stroke is gone?

Aunt Ju said: "The old lady got up early this morning, and the first thing she said was: I want to see my daughter-in-law. The old lady was scared, and I was scared too. But she said it clearly."

Yang Yi showed a smile and said to the old lady: "Grandma, come in, it's cold outside. As soon as you recover, I'm sorry. I originally wanted to be filial to you for Cambridge, but I didn't expect it to become like this. I originally thought that you could hug your great-grandson, but..."

Aunt Ju pushed the wheelchair into the house, and Yang Yi closed the door.

The old lady said: "I should say I'm sorry, grandma, if it wasn't for taking care of me, a half-dead old woman, you wouldn't..." The old lady paused, just when Aunt Ju pushed the wheelchair into the room and turned around, She saw the photo of Yang Yongxin hanging on the wall.

The old lady was stunned, looking up at the smiling photo.

When Aunt Ju saw Yang Yongxin's photo, she froze like an old lady, which was unbelievable.

No wonder Kang Shuo acted like that to Hui Yang Yi, it turned out that she was Yong Xin's daughter.In other words, he already knew.That's why he had a 360-degree change in his attitude towards her, from firmly opposing Kang Qiao and Yang Yi's relationship at the beginning to fully approving their marriage later, and even wanting to hand over the company to Kang Qiao.It turned out that all of this was just because of Yong Xin.

Yang Yi could clearly see the old lady's absent-mindedness, the look in her eyes looking at the photo, and the expression on her face.

"Grandma, do you know... my mother?" Yang Yi looked at the old lady, and then at the photo of Yang Yongxin on the wall.

A drop of old tears dripped from the corner of the old lady's wrinkled eyes, and she laughed at herself: "It turns out that everything is a cycle of cause and effect. But why do you have to bear all this? I should suffer all this, all this It's all my fault, my sin. But why did I hurt you? You are a good boy, Xiaoqiao is a good boy, you should be very happy, but let you bear all this. It's my fault , Everything that happened back then was my fault." The old lady was full of remorse.

Aunt Chrysanthemum's eyes were also watery, "Old lady, it's not your fault, it's because the master got into the horns and couldn't get out. Besides, Miss Yang also made it very clear back then that her feelings for the master were not the same. It's not the relationship between men and women, but the relationship between brothers and sisters. Miss Yang also said that if it is love, she will never compromise, and her love will never be slaughtered by others. She did it for everyone's benefit."

Listening to the words of the old lady and Aunt Ju, Yang Yi was a little puzzled, but after a while, she sorted out a little clue.Tightening the thick military overcoat on his body, he asked the old lady, "Grandma, can I... know what's going on?"

The old lady's eyes were still staring at Yang Yongxin's photo without blinking, and she muttered to herself: "Yingxin, did Auntie do something wrong? Auntie didn't know you were gone until now, Xiao Yang is your daughter No wonder I fell in love with this child from the bottom of my heart as soon as I saw this child. I always felt that this child had a sense of deja vu, and it turned out that this familiarity came from you. Xiao Yang has the shadow of you in the past. You put this The child taught me very well, and I am very pleased to have her as my granddaughter-in-law. But, I am sorry for you, that bastard Kang Shuo actually married Xiao Yang to miss you, and caused her to lose her child Auntie's sins in this life can't be washed away, how can she have the face to see you then." The old lady said, and another line of old tears shed.

Standing behind the old lady, Aunt Ju was also wiping her tears.

Facing Yang Yongxin's photo, after turning over tears and talking to herself, the old lady said to Aunt Ju behind her: "Wan Ju, I want to chat with Xiao Yang for a while, you can go to the community for a while, I'll see you soon." Call you again."

(End of this chapter)

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