Wife stand at attention

Chapter 225 Old Mrs. Kang's Chapter Memory

Chapter 225 The Memories of Mrs. Kang (4)
Aunt Ju nodded and went out.

Yang Yi sat down next to the old lady while wearing Yangliu's army coat tightly. The story will definitely be very long.

The old lady took a deep look at Yang Yi, with lingering confusion and self-blame on that old face: "You must be very surprised why Xiaoqiao didn't love his father or mother when he was a child, and only my grandma treated him like that." treasure."

Yang Yi nodded.

Yes, she is weird.Both Kang Qiao and Kang Jian were Kang Shuo's sons, but it was obvious that he didn't like Kang Qiao at all, and it could even be said that he had a sense of hatred.What kind of father is he.

The old lady fell into a flood of memories: "That's because Xiaoqiao was not what both of them expected, but someone designed Meiyun to be pregnant with Xiaoqiao. Meiyun always thought that it was Kang Shuo who designed it for her. Kang Shuo decided that it was Mei Yun who gave him the medicine, so neither of them wanted to see this child who should not have come."

Yang Yi was very surprised, she never thought it would be like this.After being surprised, she looked at the old lady with disbelief, because Yang Yijue's old lady's tone and expression told her that she was the one who designed the drug.

The old lady showed a wry smile, and nodded to Yang Yi: "Yes, you guessed right, I was the one who drugged them. So, from childhood to adulthood, no matter what Xiaoqiao does, I will support him unconditionally. At home, he's a little devil. At school, he's a bully. But whether he's a little devil or a bully, I'm used to him. As long as it's something he likes to do, I never say no or I will not object to him. Watching him grow up day by day, but he is becoming more and more like a gangster. In fact, I feel very uncomfortable. However, because I owe him, no matter what he becomes Well, he will always be the most beloved grandson in my heart."

"I thought he would just go bad and be brought into their social circle by those gangsters, but I didn't expect that all of a sudden, he just left me a note and disappeared without a trace. When I saw him again, he was already a righteous PLA. In fact, he could become what he is now, maybe I should really thank Li Qingxue. Maybe without her, without her knife, They will not give me such a promising grandson."

The old lady was immersed in her own thoughts. When talking about the grandson of Cambridge, she was obviously full of indelible love.

Yang Yi wanted to interrupt her. She knew everything about Cambridge.Kang Qiao had already told her everything, what she wanted to know more now was the relationship between her mother and Kang Qiao's parents.This is related to why she lost her baby by Kang Shuo.

However, it was obvious that the old lady did not intend to immediately shift to this topic, but asked her: "Li Qingxue, you should know her and Xiaoqiao..."

"Well, I know her. She has approached me a few times. She was just a mistake made by Kang Qiao when she was young and ignorant. In fact, it is not a mistake. It can only be said that Li Qingxue's methods are too clever, and Kang Qiao is so stubborn. Just slip into her trap." Yang Yi interrupted the old lady.

The old lady laughed, "Yes! She has a lot of scheming. So, don't say that Meiyun doesn't like her being a member of the Kang family, I don't like it very much either. But if Xiaoqiao really likes him, maybe I I just accepted it. Fortunately, Xiaoqiao didn't choose her in the end, otherwise how could I have such a promising grandson, such a good grandson-in-law."

Zhang Yi opened her mouth to say something, but the old lady waved her hand at her to show that she knew what she wanted to say. She smiled at her and got to the point: "Mei Yun and Kang Shuo are classmates, and our Kang family and The Gu family is even more of an aristocratic family. It can be said that they are well-matched. They also grew up together. They had a good relationship when they were young. Our two adults also hope that they will have the opportunity to develop together. So, try to match the two of them so that They were admitted to the same school, and even the adults of the two families have already discussed to organize their marriage as soon as they graduate from university. But it seems that all these are just our adults’ ideas. Although the two of them entered the same school Meiyun also made a boyfriend in the school. It’s just that the man’s family conditions are very bad, and it can even be described as terrible. Gu’s parents are against it, but Meiyun Yun still does his own thing, and does not marry unless he is king."

Very bloody TV drama plot.

This was the thought that popped into Yang Yi's mind when she heard the old lady talk about this.

"Ying Xin met when I was sick and hospitalized. She was the daughter of the nurse who took care of me. At that time, she had just been admitted to Kangshuo's university. The living conditions at home were not very good. Her mother was a nurse in the hospital. She will also come to the hospital to help her mother take care of the patients. No matter the doctors, nurses or patients in the hospital, they all like Yongxin, and so do I. If I have such a well-behaved and sensible daughter, I will be very happy."

"When Kang Shuo and Mei Yun came to see me, they met Yong Xin. After talking, they realized that Yong Xin was their school girl. It can be said that Kang Shuo fell in love with Yong Xin at first sight. This is me as a mother, clearly Chu De saw it in his eyes. In fact, I like Yong Xin very much, and I even thought about adopting her as a goddaughter. When I knew Kang Shuo’s feelings for Yong Xin, I was actually very happy in my heart. Once you come here, you don't have to accept her as a goddaughter, she is directly a daughter-in-law. I think it's very good. So I slowly calmed down the matter between Meiyun and Kang Shuo. Wouldn't everyone say that they would rather dismantle ten A temple will not ruin a marriage. I think, since Meiyun and Kang Shuo don’t call, and she has a boyfriend, although the man’s family is not very good, as long as she really loves each other, if the man If you are self-motivated, you will definitely be able to give Meiyun a good life. Besides, I really like Yongxin, so Kang Shuo and Meiyun are both perfect. I even stood up for Meiyun in front of Gu's parents. Cloud speaks."

Speaking of this, the old lady's face sank for a moment, and she continued with a serious expression: "Kang Shuo and Yong Xin seem to have started dating, and I am naturally happy to see it. Thinking about it, let them go after Yong Xin graduates." The marriage between the two was arranged. However, I always imagined it to be beautiful, but the reality is cruel. I found that Yong Xin seemed to be avoiding Kang Shuo intentionally or unintentionally, just when I wanted to go to her and ask her to understand what was going on. , Kang Shuo’s father’s business failed, and the turnover was not working well, and he needed a lot of money, but he couldn’t find such a large amount of money for a while. At this time, Mei Yun’s parents found me and said they were willing to pay the money To the Kang family, but the condition is that Kang Shuo and Meiyun must get married. The Gu family has only one daughter, Meiyun, and everything belongs to Meiyun. The man who fell in love with Meiyun only cares about the money of the Gu family Compared with this, they are more willing to give everything to Kang Shuo, at least they watched Kang Shuo grow up, and our two families are family friends, so we will never treat Mei Yun badly."

(End of this chapter)

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