Wife stand at attention

Chapter 226 Old Mrs. Kang's Chapter Memory

Chapter 226 The Memories of Mrs. Kang (5)
"I discussed with the old man for a long time, and finally agreed to the proposal of the elders of the Gu family."

The old lady didn't continue talking, and looked up at Yang Yi.And Yang Yi also looked at her straight with black and white eyes, seeing her stop, so she answered: "So, you gave them both medicine?"

The old lady shook her head and smiled wryly, "It's not that early to take the medicine. I found Yong Xin and told her the truth straight to the point. I hope she leaves Kang Shuo, not because she is bad, nor because I don't like her, but because The Gu family can help our Kang family get through this difficult time. Only when Kang Shuo marries Mei Yun can the Kang family be saved. But I don’t want Yongxin to ask me in shock, why do I feel that she is dating Kang Shuo? I heard When she said this, she was also surprised for a while. Ask her if they are not dating?"

"Ying Xin shook her head. She said that she and Kang Shuo had no relationship at all. Her feelings for Kang Shuo were not a relationship between a man and a woman at all. It was just a very pure friendship, a friendship like brother and sister, The relationship between a school girl and a senior. It is not the kind of love between a man and a woman that we think of at all, and after Kang Shuo confessed to her, she has clearly rejected it. This is Yong Xin's style of doing things, since If you don’t love, then you will never give the other party hope.”

"But it is obvious that Kang Shuo did not give up. He continued to pester Yong Xin, and even said that he would not marry Yong Xin. In the end, Yong Xin couldn't accept his madness and dropped out of school. After that, Kang Shuo couldn't find him anymore. It's Yongxin. Then Meiyun's boyfriend took the 100 million from Meiyun's parents and left Meiyun decisively. Then Meiyun and Kang Shuo got married naturally, and everything in the Gu family was settled. It belongs to our Kang family. But Kang Shuo and Meiyun are strangers, and then I drugged them both, but they always thought it was the other party. So they have been holding grudges, and the more they look at each other, the more they hate each other. It's pleasing to the eye, but it's even more distasteful to Xiaoqiao."

"Crack!" came the sound of opening the door.

Large supermarket.

Xiao Cao pushed the shopping cart, and Miao Miao sat on the shopping cart, her legs dangling slightly.The mother and son were strolling to the food area, and more than half of the car was already in the car.

"Mummy, can my baby buy that?" Miao Miao pointed to the Boli seaweed on the food shelf and asked Shi Xiaocao.

Shi Xiaocao smiled and nodded: "Of course it's no problem. Mommy has the card in hand now. Anyway, we don't need to pay for things ourselves. We use the third young master's card. You can take whatever you want to eat, and don't give it to the third young master." It saves money, and the more you get, the better." Shi Xiaocao Zhizi had the intention of maxing out the third young master's card.

The little princess Miaomiao was overjoyed, and her eyes widened when she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.Stretching out his hands, he took a large pile of seaweed and threw it into the shopping cart.

Mommy said, Uncle San paid for it today.

Of course, under Shi Xiaocao's very good education, how could it be possible for little princess Miaomiao to only take a lot of seaweed?By the way, I also took a lot of other snacks that she likes to eat.For example, there are a lot of fish, or salami, or Oreos, and so many others, so many that even the baby herself can't remember how many she got.

Walked through the food section, pushed a shopping cart around to the women's section.

Looking at the assortment of various supplies, Shi Xiaocaotongzi thought with dignity that it seemed that her supplies were gone, and it seemed that the day when her relatives would visit relatives was coming soon.So, I picked the most expensive brand, [-], and threw four packs of different sizes into the shopping cart.

Baby Miaomiao holds a salami duck tongue in his left hand, and a box of Wangzai milk in his right hand. He takes a sip of the milk in his right hand, and then takes a bite of the duck tongue in his left hand.

Seeing the sweet taste of the baby's food, Shi Xiaocao stretched out his hand to take Miao Miao's right hand, bit the whole duck tongue in her hand into his mouth, and sucked the Wangzai in the baby's right hand hard, Push the shopping cart as if nothing happened and continue to move forward.

Miao Miao glanced at the empty left hand, then shook the Wangzai box in the right hand—empty?
"Mommy, can't you leave some for Miao Miao? After you eat the duck tongue, you can leave a mouthful of Wang Zai for the baby. As for you, don't you have any left for Miao Miao?" Friends small universe is burning.

Shi Xiaocao smoothly took another box of Wangzai and a pack of salami in the shopping cart, and stuffed them into Baby's hand: "Baby, Mommy thinks that what I eat is for sharing, you take a bite of it and I eat it." It’s too much to eat in one bite! Besides, look, we’ve taken so much, let’s continue to swipe the third young master’s card after eating.” What Xiaocao Zhizi said was a matter of course.

Well, this is a reasonable equivalent exchange for her, she is really not eating for nothing.Besides, Baby sometimes tells stories to the third young master for free.

Miao Miao friends are happy, I feel that what Mommy said is right, delicious food should be shared together.So, he tore open another pack of Salami and a box of Wang Zai, took a sip and said to Xiaocao innocently: "Mommy, when you are with your uncle, how do you share it? Miaomiao like this, two people eat a duck tongue and drink a box of milk?"


Shi Xiaocao choked.You can even feel that there are strange and ambiguous eyes and smiles from someone beside you.

Baby, can you not be so direct?

Even if it is direct, you can change to other foods. You say that eating the same apple is better than eating the same duck tongue.

But who is Shi Xiaocao?
That's the little girl who scolds people without making drafts, coaxes people without blinking their eyelids, makes people smile with satisfaction, and tricks the baby into not getting red necks.If Xiao Taimei is uttered by such a few words from the little friends, if she is panicked by the eyes of so many people, is she still Xiao Taimei?

So, Xiaocao Zhizi said to Miao Miao, who sucked milk and gnawed duck tongue, without blushing or panting, "Baby, it's not like eating a duck tongue, but eating an apple together." "Oh." Miao Miao Bao'er responded half-understanding, but she thought in her heart, Mommy is so stingy that she doesn't even share an apple with Bao'er.Well, she also wanted to eat an apple with Mummy, so she thought so, so she said to Cao: "Mummy, can Miaomiao go buy apples now?"

Xiaocao: "..."

Baby, do you need to be so cute?But if she wasn't so cute, she wouldn't be Shi Xiaocao's daughter.

Ever since, Xiaocaotong's mother's love overflowed, she pushed the shopping cart, and waved at the baby Kodama: "Okay, let's go buy apples."

Li Qingxue was wearing a white tight-fitting sweater, an ultra-short black wrap skirt, and a white windbreaker hanging on her arm. She was pushing the shopping cart to choose her own supplies in front of the women's supplies cabinet.

There are some items in the shopping cart on the side.

Xiaocao pushed the shopping cart and Miao Miao Baoer went straight to the food area. The shopping cart passed the women's products area. After three seconds, Xiaocao pulled the shopping cart back and stared straight at the woman standing in front of the women's products shelf. Li Qingxue.

(End of this chapter)

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