Wife stand at attention

Chapter 227 Lightback

Chapter 227 Returning to the Light (1)
A wicked smirk curled up on the corner of his lips.

What is Yuanjia Road Narrow?That's it.

If you dare to think wrongly about my elder sister, Shi Xiaocao, if you dare to let people hooliganize my sister, and prevent you from being treated like a monster in the public, am I calling Shi Xiaocao for nothing?

Lowering his head, he whispered softly in Baby Miaomiao's ear, only to see Baby Miaomiao nodding non-stop, with a big grin on the corner of his mouth.

Shi Xiaocao touched the top of Baby's head, and asked with maternal love: "Baby, do you understand? Can you complete the task?"

Baby nodded sharply, stretched out his hand to Shi Xiaocao and made an OK gesture, and promised firmly: "Mommy, baby, promise to complete the task that Mommy gave me."

Facing Miaomiao's powdery cheeks, Shi Xiaocao gave a "baji" and printed a big kiss, then wiped the top of the baby's head, revealing a super big smile, took Miaomiao out of the shopping cart, and Baby made a victorious V gesture: "Baby, it's up to you. Mommy is waiting for your triumphant return, go!"

Miao Miao also made a victorious V gesture to her, "Mommy, I'm waiting for the good news from my baby. My baby will definitely carry forward Mommy's spirit of killing harm for the people." After finishing speaking, she showed a touch of sweetness Smiling, swaggeringly, strode forward vigorously.

When she was a younger sister, Xiaocao Zhizi pulled the shopping cart and found a very hidden place to hide herself, but her eyes were staring straight at that certain direction, ready to help Miao Miao at any time.

Li Qingxue picked out a few packs of sanitary napkins and put them in the shopping cart. When she was about to push the cart forward, she felt that her ultra-short skirt seemed to be ripped off.Just as she was about to get angry, she saw a little girl like a barbie doll looking up at her. Her eyes were like the shining stars in the dark night, and there seemed to be a faint attraction, which made her Pity gives birth to a love.

Her eyes shining like stars were covered with a layer of tears, and her little hand that was pulling at the hem of her skirt gave people a feeling of wanting to pull but not daring, wanting to let go but not wanting to let go.There was a hint of timid panic in her eyes with faint tears, and she lowered her head in panic the moment she raised her head.

Li Qingxue looked down at Miao Miao, with a faint smile on the corner of her lips, squatted down in front of Miao Miao, squeezed Miao Miao's small hands into her own palms, and said with a smile: "Baby! ,What's wrong?"

Li Qingxue fell in love with Miao Miao the first time she saw Miao Miao.I don't know why, but I always feel that this child looks familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

"Auntie, I got lost with Mommy, and I can't find Mommy." A very soft voice came from Miaomiao's mouth. With his head down, he twisted the corner of his clothes with one hand, and in timidity with fear.

Seeing Miaomiao like this, Li Qingxue felt a pity from her heart, showed a motherly smile to Miaomiao that she didn't even believe in, and asked Miaomiao softly: "Auntie thinks I'll give you the phone, call your mommy, and then Auntie will wait for your mommy here with you, okay?"

Miao Miao raised her head, two lines of tears hung on her pink cheeks, sucked her small nose, and said cautiously: "But, I forgot Mommy's cell phone. Mommy said she didn't like it." Me, she also said how good it would be without me. Auntie, do you think Mommy doesn’t want me anymore?” After that, the two lines of tears under the corners of the eyes flowed even more fiercely, almost shouting burst into tears.

Li Qingxue frowned slightly, and then smiled at Miao Miao: "How could it be? You are so cute, why would your mommy not want you? Maybe mommy is looking for you now."

Miao Miao tugged at her big hand, with teary eyes: "Auntie, may I go home with you?"

"Ah?" Li Qingxue was taken aback for a moment. Although she said that she really liked the child in front of her, she really never thought about bringing a strange child home.My heart sank suddenly, thinking of her lying on the cold operating table not long ago, thinking of the ruthless machine stirring the child in her stomach into a ball of blood, my heart sank and became cold again.She also had the opportunity to be a mother in the past, but she...

The hand couldn't help but climbed up to her lower abdomen. A child was also conceived in her womb. If he was still there, would she have become a mother too?Will it be so cute and painful with this little girl?
However, she was ruthlessly abandoned by her. If he knew, he would never forgive her.

Showing a wry smile at Miao Miao, she shook her head: "Auntie can't take you home, you will be worried if your mommy can't find you. Just like Auntie can't find her baby, Auntie can't take you home. It will be very sad."

Miao Miao stroked her chin with one hand, and looked at her with a serious expression.This old look is in stark contrast to the timid and scared look just now, and she pursed her lips to Li Qingxue and showed a soft smile: "Auntie, do you have a baby too? Your baby will go with you too Is it lost? Is it like me and Mommy are lost? Is it here too? Let me look for it with you, you look for your baby, and I look for my mommy."

Tears welled up in Li Qingxue's eyes, and she smiled bitterly again: "Auntie's baby will never be found."

"Why?" Miao Miao was puzzled.

"Because my aunt abandoned him." He held Miao Miao's little hand tightly with both hands, and his expression was a little loose, as if he was remembering something, and seemed to be looking at Miao Miao.So holding Miao Miao's hand became a little bit harder.

"Wow—" Suddenly, Miao Miao burst into tears.

Following Miaomiao's crying, Li Qingxue became anxious, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with you?"

"Mummy, help—"

Li Qingxue couldn't help but hold Miao Miao's arm tightly with both hands, and asked anxiously: "What's the matter with you?"

On the side, a few people gathered around, including customers and supermarket staff.

Miao Miao suddenly hid behind one of the middle-aged women in supermarket work clothes, pointed at Li Qingxue with trembling fingers and said: "Bad guy, I told you that she is not your daughter anymore, I don't want to go home with you , I want my own mommy, you are not my mommy."

The middle-aged woman guarded Miao Miao behind her, and looked at Li Qingxue with a vigilant face: "Miss, if you do this again, I will call the security guard. How could the child mistake his mother?"

"I... I didn't..." Li Qingxue suddenly couldn't figure out what was going on, why did this child take a big turn all of a sudden?

She wanted to say that she did not intend to bring Miao Miao back, nor did she recognize her as her daughter.However, if these words sounded in other people's ears, it was her sophistry. She did not admit the wrong child, and the child was indeed hers.

(End of this chapter)

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