Wife stand at attention

Chapter 228 Lightback

Chapter 228 Returning to the Light (2)
At this moment, a voice suddenly came over: "Yeah? Isn't this Miss Li?"

Li Qingxue turned her head, and a strange man was looking at her with an expression of "I know you", but she didn't know this man at all.Just when he was about to say something, the man spoke up before her, but he pointed to his head instead of her, and pointed at the crowd of onlookers: "Don't you know? She has a problem here, just now My husband died after I got married. I thought that the old man could get a lot of money by raising his braids early, but he didn't want to get a penny. In a panic, I wanted to make a fool of myself. Well, last time I posted it on the Internet The one who posted a post, if she is satisfied, she will be hired for a long time. However, it is said that she is now crazy enough to think that she gave birth to a child for the old man, and she can get a lot of money with this child. Hey, I advise you Parents with children should take good care of their children, lest one of them be accidentally picked up by her." After speaking, the man glanced at Miao Miao who was hiding behind the staff, and said with disbelief: "No way. , Miss Li, you took action so quickly?"

"You—" Li Qingxue's face turned blue, "Who are you? I don't know you at all!"

The man pointed his finger back at the tip of his nose, and sneered: "Who am I? Last time I was dragged by you to a hotel room on the street, and almost raped by you. Fortunately, I am strong enough!"

Not far away, there was another commotion, several doctors in white coats came towards Li Qingxue, "Where is the patient?"

"Doctor, you came just in time. Then, it's her." Someone pointed at Li Qingxue, "Take her away quickly."

"Baby." Shi Xiaocao's eager voice came, and then she saw her rushing forward with a shopping cart.

"Mommy." When Miao Miao saw Xiaocao, she strode leisurely from behind the staff toward her, "Mommy, if you don't come again, the baby will be taken away by bad guys."

Shi Xiaocao picked up Miao Miao and walked in front of Li Qingxue with a look of resentment, "Miss Li, although I sympathize with what happened to you, I even kindly took my daughter to accompany you to the supermarket. Just to let you relax. You are doing too much, my daughter is not a tool you use to cheat money. I only charge you 2000 yuan a month for hourly labor, you..." Shi Xiaocao was furious Staring at her, hugged Miao Miao tightly.

In the eyes of the people around, Shi Xiaocao's current appearance is completely speechless by Li Qingxue.


The strange gazes of the people around made Li Qingxue feel a little at a loss for a moment. When she realized it, she was already supported by the doctors from left to right and walked towards the exit of the supermarket.But Shi Xiaocao and Shi Miao made faces at her.

"I'm not sick, let me go! They are the ones trying to harm me, let me go! I want to sue you!" Li Qingxue's voice sounded farther and farther away.

Baby Miao Miao continued to sit on the shopping cart, and Shi Xiaocao Zhizi continued to push the shopping cart to carry out her big shopping. For Li Qingxue, this was just a small lesson.Shi Xiaocao originally wanted to stick a piece of paper on her buttocks saying: I am newly married, rich and widowed, please follow in my footsteps if you are interested.However, in the end, she decided to let everyone watch a good show. Of course, she made a great sacrifice of Miaomiao's precious appearance.

After watching the show, people dispersed, and the mother and daughter finally returned home with a full load after a big shopping trip, waiting for the checkout at the cash register.

One bag, two bags, three bags... There are six or seven shopping bags in full, and finally the booty of the mother and daughter is finished.

The cashier smiled at the mother and daughter and said, "Thank you, it's 650 yuan in total."

Shi Xiaocao showed a bold expression of "Oh, it's only 650 eight yuan", took out a bank card from her bag and handed it to the cashier, smiling like a spring breeze: "Swipe the card."

The cashier lady took the card and swiped it again and again. After three times, she smiled professionally and said to Shi Xiaocao, "I'm sorry, ma'am, the balance on your card is insufficient, please change to another card."

At this moment, Shi Xiaocao felt that she was hallucinating.

Yes, absolutely she was hallucinating.

How could the card given by the third young master have insufficient balance?

That means there is no upper limit, okay?

He showed a more professional smile at the cashier lady, and automatically ignored that she just called her "Madam" instead of "Miss", "Did you read it wrong? This is the card of Master Ran San, how could it be possible?" Insufficient balance? You, you must be dazzled, impossible, impossible." While talking, he made an expression to the cashier lady, "It's definitely your blindness, but girl, I don't have the same knowledge as you".

The cashier lady continued to show her unrivaled smile: "Madam, the balance is indeed insufficient." Glancing at Shi Xiaocao, then at the six or seven bags in her shopping cart, "You are... to change the card?" Brush or..." That means to put these back again, and then take a look at the few bags of things that the mother and daughter have unpacked and gnawed, and continue to smile: "However, ma'am, these things that your baby has unpacked and eaten ..."

"Isn't it just that the balance is insufficient? It's fine if you can't change it." Shi Xiaocao angrily snatched the card that was exploited from the third young master a few days ago from the hand of the cashier lady, but the card had insufficient balance, and then He took out his own card from his bag, and handed it to the cashier lady reluctantly.

Angrily thinking in my heart: Miss Ran, you are dead!Dare to give my old lady a card with insufficient balance, let me lose my face, and let my own card withdraw more than 600!You just wait for me, if this account is not settled with you, I will not be called Shi Xiaocao!

Yang family.

The old lady and Aunt Chrysanthemum returned, and only the sisters Yang Yi and Yang Liu were left at home.

The two sisters are still in the middle of what the old lady said and have not recovered.

Mom never told them about it.Some time ago, regarding Kang Shuo's attitude towards Yang Yi, the way he looked at her before, they always thought that his mother had a relationship with him, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

Fortunately, my mother's vision is not so bad. How can such a scumbag be worthy of my mother's affection?It's just... the child is gone.

That's it.

The Kang family, December 24, Christmas Eve.

The first snow after the beginning of winter began to fall, and then scattered and heavy snow.

Ruoda's Kang family villa is the same as this winter, deserted and lonely, without any popularity.

Kang Jian is busy with the company all day long and doesn't go home.

Kang Shuo didn't know what he was doing. Since Yang Yi's accident, he locked himself in the study for a whole week, and now he has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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