Wife stand at attention

Chapter 229 Lightback

Chapter 229 Returning to the Light (3)
Fang Ying refused to move out of the Kang family's villa.

Gu Meiyun moved to Yang's house to take care of Yang Yi, and did not return to Kang's house.

There are only the old lady and Aunt Ju in Ruoda's villa.

At this moment, the old lady has already reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dying. She has a good family, and she just broke up.She knew that the relationship between Kang Shuo and Gu Meiyun would be almost the same after she left, and it was even more impossible for her son and grandson to have a moment when their previous suspicions would be resolved.Yang Yi will never step into the Kang family again.

It had been snowing all day, and a thick layer had formed on the trees.

The old lady was sitting in a wheelchair, looking out of the clear floor-to-ceiling windows at the falling snow, lost in thought.

Since returning from Yang's house that day, the old lady's spirit has become worse and worse.

In just two or three days, the whole person lost a lot of weight.However, in the entire Kang family, except for Aunt Ju, no one really cared about her, and even his own son never looked at him again.

Aunt Ju saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart.

The photo album full of photos of Cambridge was still on his lap.

With trembling hands, he took the mobile phone that was put aside, and hesitantly dialed Cambridge's mobile phone, but hung up after 0 seconds.

What can she say to her grandson?

But at this time, the phone rang, and he lowered his head, showing that it was a call from Cambridge.

Did she call Xiaoqiao just now?

When the old lady saw the phone number, she was looking forward to it but felt melancholy. Her mood was so complicated that she didn't know whether she should answer Cambridge's call or not.

The phone kept ringing, and the old lady just held the phone in a daze.

Finally, five seconds later, he picked up the phone and said in a very happy tone, "Xiaoqiao."

The voice of the old lady who missed her very much came from the mobile phone: "Grandma, why did you call me and the phone hung up again?"

"Grandma misses you, but she's afraid of disturbing your work. Thinking about it, I don't want to disturb you anymore. Does grandma bother you now?" the old lady asked Cambridge cautiously.

"It just happened to be done, so don't bother."

"Xiao Yang...have you called yet?" She asked in a tentative tone. Although she could guess from Kang Qiao's tone, Yang Yi must have not told him about the miscarriage. But I want to confirm it again.If she could, she really wanted to see her son and grandson stop being strangers before she left.But like other fathers and sons.However, she herself felt that this opportunity was no longer possible.

"Huh?" Kang Qiao was slightly taken aback by the old lady's words.Thinking about it again, it is estimated that Yang Xiaoguai had already told grandma first, so grandma would ask such a question.So, the corners of his lips raised and he said briskly: "Well, I've done it. I know."

"Got it?" Now it was the old lady's turn to be confused, "What do you know?"

Cambridge didn't answer directly, but said something vaguely: "I know what you know."

The old lady was even more confused, "Then you still..." Why can't I hear any sadness in Xiaoqiao's tone?Is it to prevent her, an old woman, from worrying?Yes, it must be so.So he asked tentatively: "Can you...can you forgive your father? Actually, he really... didn't do it on purpose. These days, he has regretted it very much." No matter how bad his son is, he is still his own son.If she didn't do that back then, he wouldn't be so extreme, right?
The old lady took Kang Shuo's fault to herself.It's a few of them who caused all this today.

Kang Qiao didn't answer, but just asked, "How is grandma doing recently?"

The old lady forced her smile: "Okay, okay! Everything is fine! Grandma will wait for you to come back and tell you personally..."

"Grandma, I'm in a hurry right now, so I won't talk to you for now. Take care of yourself and see you with Yang Yi when I come back." The old lady's "sorry" was interrupted by Cambridge.

"Okay, okay, you go, grandma will last until you come back."

Cambridge hung up the phone hastily, obviously not understanding the word "support".

Just as the phone was hung up, there was a knock on the door.

The old lady turned her head, and Gu Meiyun stood at the door, calling "Mom" in a calm manner.

The old lady hadn't heard Gu Meiyun call her "Mom" for a long time, and when she heard the "Mom" and just hung up the phone with Cambridge, her eyes were moist, and she said to Gu Meiyun, "Meiyun, come in, just in time Mom also has something to tell you."

Gu Meiyun walked into the old lady's room with a trolley case in her hand. When the old lady saw the box, she was startled for a moment, then she understood, raised her eyes to Gu Meiyun and said, "Is it really necessary to go this far? cloud."

Gu Meiyun smiled and remained silent.

"What if mom told you that I was the one who drugged you back then?"

Gu Meiyun looked at the old lady with a smile: "I know."

The old lady froze.

Gu Meiyun put the trolley case aside, with a faint smile on her face, a smile that had never appeared on her face in the past few decades.This is a smile without any magazines from the heart and without any burden, as if she has already walked out of a dead end that has troubled her for a long time.

Squatting down in front of the old lady, holding the old lady's hands with both hands, he raised his eyes: "Mom, thank you very much for tolerating my self-willedness over the years. It turned out that I figured it out and nothing happened. Everything before was just nothing. My cocoon is just a cocoon."

Seeing the carefree smile on Gu Meiyun's face, the old lady was not very used to it for a while, she was slightly startled and asked Gu Meiyun, "When... did you know?"

Gu Meiyun didn't answer but instead asked: "It doesn't matter to me now, I've spent most of my life in a muddleheaded way, and I don't want to let myself live in such a muddleheaded way again."

The old lady continued to ask without giving up: "Since you know that what happened back then has nothing to do with Kang Shuo, can you really not give him another chance? After all, you have been married for 30 years. You have been in love since you were young. You really can't start over from scratch." Ever? Mom really hopes to see the two of you as close as ever in your lifetime."

Gu Meiyun smiled and shook her head: "Mom, not everything can be restarted from the beginning. You know better than anyone what kind of life I have lived in Kang's family these years. I have given him a chance, and I have given him a chance. I have a chance, but... Even if I ignore the fact that he brought Fang Ying's mother and son back to Kang's house, I don't think I will ever forgive him just because he lost the child in Xiao Yang's stomach. You Take care, I'm leaving." After finishing speaking, without waiting for the old lady to say anything, she pulled the trolley case out of the room.

Outside the door, Kang Shuo didn't know when he stood in the corridor, and he didn't know if he heard the conversation between them.At this moment, his complexion was ugly, with paleness in the ashen.

(End of this chapter)

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