Wife stand at attention

Chapter 230 Master Kong is Here

Chapter 230 Master Kong is back (1)
When Gu Meiyun passed by his side, she coldly showed a disdainful smile and left.

Kang Shuo walked into the old lady's room, and the old lady was still holding the album full of photos of Cambridge in a daze.

Without looking back, he just caressed the photo of Cambridge with one hand, and seemed to be talking to himself and also said to Kang Shuo behind him: "This family, it just broke up like this. The gods are watching, my sins are all in my life." You can't get rid of it. You always thought that Meiyun drugged you to get pregnant with Xiaoqiao, and it was because Meiyun wanted to marry into the Kang family and become your wife, so you and Yongxin were separated. But You clearly know that Yongxin doesn't have the kind of feelings between a man and a woman towards you. She treats you just like a brother and sister. Meiyun didn't drug you, and she never went to find Yong Xin. The one who drugged you I was the one, and I was the one who looked for Yong Xin. Yong Xin left not because I went to find her, but because she didn't want you to pester her anymore. I have never understood why your attitude towards Xiaoqiao suddenly came This big change, it turned out that it was because Xiao Yang was Yong Xin's daughter, and you put your feelings for Yong Xin on Xiao Yang. And because of this, you lost your grandson, what a crime. These years are the hardest Who is that person? It's Xiaoqiao. Xiaoqiao, the person grandma is most sorry for is you, and Xiaoyang."

Kang Shuo's body full of vicissitudes froze completely.There was a layer of regretful moisture in the eyes.

Yang family.

There is only Yang Yi in the family, and Gu Meiyun is taking care of her body during this time.Yang Liu and Xiaocao finally let go of their hearts, and handed Yang Yi over to Gu Meiyun with peace of mind.

Yang Liu went to the army, and Xiaocao continued to work on the set.

Gu Meiyun went to Kang's house to pack her things and will be back in a while.So Yang Yi is the only one in the family.

Wrapped in a thick military overcoat, she sat on the sofa and stared directly at the photo of Yang Yongxin on the wall.In the photo, Yang Yongxin is still smiling and amiable.Suddenly felt that there was a thin layer of dust on the photo, so he stood up, took the rag beside the photo frame, and wiped off the dust around it.

A piece of yellowed paper gently fluttered to the ground from behind the photo frame.

Bend over, pick up, spread out.

Between the two (birth certificates) was a handwritten slip of paper.

When she saw clearly the two (birth certificates) and the words written on the piece of paper, Yang Yi was stunned.

The three sheets of paper in his hand slipped from between his fingers and fell to the ground once again.

The birth certificate belongs to her and Yang Liu.

On the yellowed piece of paper was written: 1—Yang Yi; 2—Yang Liu.

After staying stupidly for 30 seconds, Yang Yi came back to her senses, bent down and picked up three pieces of paper, continued to put them into the back of the photo frame, and said to Yang Yongxin in the photo: "Mom, thank you."

Just hung the picture on the wall.

The doorbell rang.

He tightened his coat, walked towards the door, and opened it.

Outside the door, Ye Shanming stood at the door, wearing a dark black high-end suit, a pair of high-gloss leather shoes, and holding a box of blood-enriching health care products in his left hand.

When Yang Yi saw Ye Shanming standing outside the door, she was slightly taken aback, "Boss Ye? Why are you here?"

Ye Shanming pursed his lips and smiled at her, glanced into the room, and said to Yang Yi: "You won't just let me stand at the door and talk to you, will you?"

Yang Yi smiled apologetically, turned her side, and let him enter the room: "Oh, I'm sorry, I... didn't realize it for a while. Mr. Ye, please come in."

Ye Shanming glanced at Yang Yi and entered the room, "Didn't you say that you don't have to call me Mr. Ye when you're not in the company?"

Yang Yi was stunned again, then shrugged: "I'm used to it." After closing the door, she asked again: "What to drink? Tea is good? Two days ago, Xiaocao just exploited a box of high-quality Longjing from someone."

Put the health products in his hand on the coffee table, and said to Yang Yi: "It doesn't matter."

Yang Yi turned around and went into the kitchen to make tea.

Ye Shanming looked around the room, but when he saw Yang Yongxin's photo on the wall, he frowned, something flashed in his eyes, and his eyes stopped on the photo.

When Yang Yi came out of the kitchen with a teacup in her hand, she happened to see him staring at the photo, and handed the cup to him: "My mother."

Hearing the sound, Ye Shanming turned his head, took the cup she handed over, glanced at Yang Yi and then at Yang Yongxin in the photo, and took a sip of the tea in the cup: "You don't look like your mother, but Yangliu looks more like you. Some. You said you two are twins? Why don't I look alike like other twins."

Hearing this, Yang Yi's eyes flickered slightly, and she couldn't help pulling out the broken hair around her ears: "Twins are divided into identical eggs and fraternal eggs. Our sisters are fraternal eggs." As if thinking of something, he raised his eyes and looked at Ye Shanming: "Mr. Ye and Liu Liu are very familiar? Didn't you say that you only met each other last time? How do you remember it so firmly?" There seemed to be something wrong, but he said Nothing is wrong, but that weird feeling is always there.

A strangeness flashed across Ye Shanming's eyes, but he hid it very well. His eyes behind the glasses scanned the room, "Why are you alone at home? No one is taking care of you? Where are you... sir?"

"He...is on a business trip." Yang Yi mentioned it. As a family member of a soldier, he naturally knew that there are some things that should not be known too much, especially the topic of Master Kang's mission.

Something flashed in Ye Shanming's eyes, but he showed a fussy expression towards Yang Yi: "You... Xiaochan, he still wants to go on a business trip? Could it be that your body is not as important as work?" Some were aggrieved for her, and some were slightly angry, "What are you in his eyes?"

Yang Yi was slightly taken aback, he...is he so angry?Why does she always feel that his anger is not so simple?

He stretched out his hand and plucked the broken hair around his ears, and smiled at him: "He can't help himself. I feel quite embarrassed. I have only been in the company for more than half a year, and I only asked for a big leave for two years. time."

Ye Shanming took a deep look at her, "Your body is important, and work is nothing. In such a big company, you can find someone to take over your job at any time. I just feel aggrieved for you. By the way, I didn't listen." You mentioned, which line of work does your husband do? If you need any help, just ask, if you can, I will try my best to help. "

"Thank you, I don't think there is such a possibility."


"He's a soldier."

"Oh." Ye Shanming gave a long answer, his eyes flickered slightly, "Soldier, yes. I once knew a person who could do all kinds of evil before, but then somehow, he also became a soldier. It's ironic when you think about it, a person like him can be a soldier, and it seems that the quality of a soldier is not very good."

Yang Yi looked at him without blinking, always felt that what he said sounded like something?

(End of this chapter)

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