Wife stand at attention

Chapter 231 Master Kong is Here

Chapter 231 Master Kong is back (2)
"What, did I say something wrong?" Seeing her looking up at him without blinking, Ye Shanming smiled slightly.

Yang Yi shook her head, "Maybe. It's not that there is a saying that people are not sages, and they can do nothing. The most important thing is to know what kind of path you will take in the future. I have always felt proud of being a military family member, no matter what they do Whatever, I support them unconditionally."

"They?" Ye Shanming asked in confusion.

"Ah, they." Yang Yi nodded, "My husband and sister."

Ye Shanming didn't answer any more, but just looked at her with a kind of unfathomable eyes.

There was a sound of opening the door.

Gu Meiyun entered the room with a trolley case, and when she saw Ye Shanming inside, her body froze slightly, and the hand that was holding the trolley tightened.

Ye Shanming put the teacup in his hand on the tea table, and said to Yang Yi, "I should go, take good care of your health, and work is not in a hurry." After speaking, he threw it at Gu Meiyun who was standing at the door With a look of deep meaning in his eyes, he turned sideways past her and left.

"Mom, I'm back." Yang Yi took the trolley case from her hand.

Pointing to Ye Fangming who had already walked out of the door: "Who...is he?"

"The boss of the company."

"The boss of the company?" Gu Meiyun chewed these four words carefully, lowering her head slightly, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

The Seventh People's Hospital is a psychiatric hospital in Jingshi.

After Li Qingxue stayed inside for two days, Fang Ying finally went through all the formalities and took her out.

Li Qingxue looked a little decadent, a little sluggish, her eyes were a little dizzy, and she was sitting numbly on the passenger seat of the car, but Miaomiao's innocent face flashed in her mind.It never occurred to her that she entered the 6+1 meeting thanks to a child, and she still really likes that child from the bottom of her heart.

There was a gloomy arc on the corner of her lips, and there was a gloomy look in her eyes.

"Auntie, I'm sorry to trouble you." Li Qingxue said to Fang Ying who was sitting in the driver's seat.

Auntie can now be said to be the only person who is related to her by blood, and perhaps the only person who cares about her.Although Kang Jian and Kang Mei also have a certain blood relationship with her, she knows that Kang Mei has always looked down on her, and since she was a child, she has always felt that her arrival has taken away her mother's love that originally belonged to her.Kang Jian's attitude towards her started from that incident.

Up to now, she has neither returned to Kang's nor went to Ye's.

Fang Ying wiped the back of her head with some distress: "Xue'er, who did you offend? As for punishing you like this?"

Who offended?

Did she offend too few people?

He pursed his lips and smiled: "I'm fine."

Fang Ying was still a little worried and said: "In a while, Kang Jian and I will ask him to give you a few days off, so you can go out and relax."

Li Qingxue turned her head and raised her eyes to look at her, eyes full of complexity.

Fang Ying felt a little uncomfortable being looked at by her, and withdrew her right hand that was pressing on the back of her head, "What's wrong? Why do you look at my aunt like that?"

"Didn't Kang Jian tell you?"

Fang Ying was confused, "What are you talking about?"

Li Qingxue shook her head: "It's nothing. Auntie, there is a question I've always wanted to ask you."


"Why are you being so nice to me?" Ever since she was a child, it seems that everything she has done is not just as simple as a nephew. No wonder Kang Mei has a faint hostility towards her. Even if it were her, she would feel this way of.

Fang Ying showed her a dry and unnatural smile: "You are my sister's daughter, and my sister is my only family member. They are gone. Is there anything wrong with my aunt taking care of you?"

Li Qingxue did not speak, but took a deep look at Fang Ying with her eyes.Just when she was about to say something, Fang Ying's cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone from his bag, but when he saw the number displayed on the screen, a trace of panic flashed across his eyes. Li Qingxue wanted to ask something, but Fang Ying, who had just started the car, turned off the engine and got out of the car to answer the phone.

Inside the car, Li Qingxue looked directly at Fang Ying outside the car. She couldn't hear what she was saying, but it could be seen from the expression on Fang Ying's face that she was a little irritable and restless, even very angry , but can only endure.

Two minutes later, Fang Ying returned to the car.

"Auntie, what's wrong?" Li Qingxue asked.

Fang Ying's face was smeared, and she glanced at Li Qingxue unnaturally, and then said to her embarrassedly: "Xue'er, you can drive the car, your uncle just called and said that he has something to do." Discuss with me, and he will pick me up later."

Come pick me up here?
This is a mental hospital.

Li Qingxue was full of doubts, knowing that Fang Ying's phone call just now must not be from Kang Shuo.Since she said so, there must be something wrong.He pursed his lips and smiled at her: "Understood, then I'll go back first." After speaking, he opened the car door and wanted to get out of the car and sit on the left driver's seat.

"Uh..." Fang Ying called her.

Li Qingxue turned around: "Auntie, is there anything else?"

Taking a deep look at Li Qingxue: "Go back to Kang's house."

Li Qingxue's face darkened, "Auntie, I..."

Gently patted the back of her hand, "Recently, I was not very happy with your uncle because of Yang Yi. I hope you can help me persuade your uncle. You know, he listens to you more because Cambridge..." Fang Ying didn't Further down, it was enough for Li Qingxue to know what she wanted to say.

Li Qingxue sneered in her heart, it turned out that this was the ultimate goal.

In this world, regardless of whether you are related by blood or not, the relationship you use will never change.It's the same between her and Ye Shanming, and even the only aunt in front of her who she feels has no interest in her.

He pursed his lips and smiled at Fang Ying: "What's the matter with Uncle and Yang Yi?" Kang Shuo always felt that his attitude towards Yang Yi changed too quickly. He was strongly opposed to it before, but he completely accepted it without saying anything. He also gave her a check as compensation.

"It's a long story. Auntie will tell you later. You should go back first. There will only be an old woman in this meeting." After Fang Ying finished speaking, she got out of the car and left.Reached out to hail a taxi.

Looking at the taxi that took Fang Ying away, Li Qingxue became thoughtful.

Finally, when she saw the car disappear in front of her eyes, she started to step on the accelerator and followed.

This is the old area, and the houses here are the oldest in Jing City. Basically, the houses are two to three storeys, and they are still short.The road here is also very narrow, so narrow that even a car cannot pass through it, only bicycles and telescreen cars can pass through it.The wires are messy and intertwined with each other, and some wires are even hung with clothes hangers to dry clothes. They don't even realize the danger of drying clothes like this.

(End of this chapter)

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