Wife stand at attention

Chapter 232 Master Kong is Here

Chapter 232 Master Kong is back (3)
Several peddlers stepped on tricycles, yelling around, some were buying fruits and some were buying daily necessities.

On some walls that are more conspicuous, there are several large characters of "demolition" written in big red paint.

The old district is too old, the municipal government has decided to demolish it and rebuild it, and now it is in the process of negotiating relocation subsidies between the government and residents.

The green taxi stopped at the intersection of the old district where it could no longer drive in.

Fang Ying got off the back seat of the car and walked towards one of the alleys skillfully.Stop in front of an old house that is the lowest, shortest and most dilapidated in the entire old district.

Push the door in.

In the small courtyard there is an old pagoda tree with a crooked neck, covered with a thin layer of white snow.At this moment, the heavy snow is still falling.

A man stood under the old pagoda tree with a crooked neck, without an umbrella.Maybe he had been standing there for a while, and a thin layer of snowflakes had accumulated on his body.There was a cigarette in his hand, and at this moment, the white smoke curled up, which contrasted very well with the falling white snow.There was a long streak of ash on the cigarette butt, which did not break.

The shoes made a "squeak" sound when they stepped on the snow.

The man didn't look back, but just shook the cigarette in his hand, and the long ash fell to the ground, falling into the thick snow.The white soot and the white snow were mixed together, making it difficult to tell them apart.

"It's here, it's really on time, and it didn't disappoint me." The man's cold voice sounded like this cold weather.

Fang Ying slammed a check at the man, "This is the last time, don't think about it again!"

The man turned around, only to find that his face could not be called a face at all, it was full of burn scars, his nose was only half, the left half was missing, only a big hole could be seen.His mouth also has no lips, and it cannot be said that he has no lips, but his lips have been replaced by the scar.The only good thing about the whole face is the eyes.

At this moment, his eyes were staring at Fang Ying without blinking.It was a horrible thing to look at a man with his piercing eyes on a face that was not a face at all.

At this moment, Fang Ying felt that way.

He even couldn't help but took a few steps back and looked at him with terrified eyes.

Outside the door, Li Qingxue, who was staring at the yard, almost screamed when the man turned around.

This... If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed that there was such a person in the world.This man, if he went out at night, would scare a lot of people to death.Or maybe he doesn't need to go out at night, even if he goes out during the day, he can scare a group of people to death.

He tightly covered his mouth with both hands, not to make a sound.She only stared at the two people in the courtyard with her eyes that were as big as copper bells.Fang Ying turned her back to her, so she couldn't see the expression on her face.But just from this tone, this voice, she can know that they are old acquaintances.Or maybe, the reason why this man became such an inhuman and ghost-like person had something to do with her.

Li Qingxue didn't say anything, and continued to look inside.

The man threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and showed Fang Ying a smile that he thought was a smile.But in Fang Ying's view, it was so ferocious and ugly that she couldn't help but shudder.

The man pointed at his grimace-like face, "Last time?" He shook his head, "No, how is it possible? I think it's just the beginning. If you're not convenient, maybe I can go to Kang's house to find Kang Shuoyue, or maybe go to Li Shige's daughter, what's her name?" The man raised his head slightly, as if he was thinking hard, and after five seconds he said to Fang Ying, "Oh, it seems to be Li Qingxue? Or maybe I can look for our daughter, how would she react if she knew? It is said that my brother saved her back then, and she was not burned to death.”

"How dare you!" Fang Ying was furious when she heard this!There was a fierce look in the man's hideous face.

Outside the door, Li Qingxue was startled when she heard her father's name and her own name.

This man knows Dad?Do you still know yourself?Why didn't she know him?
That's right, he looks like a ghost now, even if he knew him before, it's impossible to recognize him now.

The man took the check that Fang Ying threw to him, and walked two steps closer to her with the check, "Fifty thousand?" There was a disdainful sarcasm in his voice, "Fang Ying, do you think I'm a beggar? Fifty thousand Just want to send me away?"

Fang Ying took a step or two back, keeping a certain distance from the man, and looked at him with a disgusted expression: "Don't push yourself too hard, how many fifty thousand have you taken from me back and forth? Your broken face can be turned into a star!"

The word "broken face" seemed to irritate him, a sternness flashed across his eyes, and suddenly he pinched Fang Ying's chin with his right hand: "Fuck, my face is broken like this because of someone Yes! Ah——you still have the nerve to mention the word “face” in front of me! What the hell are you talking about? “Ah——in order to hide the fact that Li Qingxue is your illegitimate daughter, you even Even my own sister can kill me! If I told Li Qingxue that the accident of her parents back then was not an accident, but that you ordered me to do it, what do you think would happen to her? Fifty thousand? You fucking add two zeros , within three days, if I can't get it, I will find Kang Shuo and tell him that you have hooked up with your brother-in-law before you met him, and gave birth to an illegitimate daughter. In order to deceive others, put her My age is two years younger. Didn’t you go to bed with me just to repay me for helping you solve your future troubles? And you gave me a fucking companion! I’m quite skeptical, you said your current one Are the sons and daughters Kang Shuo's? You have so many men, so you don't even know which man you belong to?"

"Enough!" Fang Ying yelled, covering her ears with both hands: "Stop talking!"

"Don't talk anymore?" The man seemed to be talking more and more vigorously, and he didn't mean to stop at all, "If you don't give me 500 million, don't even try to keep my mouth shut! 500 million, I'll leave as soon as I get it, no Appear in front of you again."

"500 million?" Fang Ying looked at his ferocious face with a half-smile, "Where did I get so much money?"

The man grinned at his empty mouth, and reached out to pat Fang Ying's Baoyi cheek: "You will find a solution. I will wait for your good news in three days, or I will go to Kang's house to find Kang Shuo." After finishing speaking, the man turned around and went straight into the house, leaving Fang Ying alone in the yard standing with Xue in a daze.

Outside the door, Li Qingxue left without making a sound, but there was a gloomy look in her eyes, and she clenched her fists tightly with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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