Wife stand at attention

Chapter 233 Master Kong is Here

Chapter 233 Master Kong is back (4)
It turned out that it was so!
She was her daughter!
very good!

They are both her daughters, but they are treated completely differently!

Not reconciled, she is very unwilling!
You are waiting!

I will get back everything that is owed to me.

Drive me out of the Kang Corporation, right?I will be back again.

The silver-gray BMW disappeared into the old district.

military region.

It was a rare heavy snow, and it still piled up a thick layer.Company Commander Jian very humanely asked them to clear the snow from the entire training ground.

So, the soldiers played snowball fights while cleaning.

Yang Liu was also one of those who had a great time playing, having a snowball fight with the big group of big men throwing snowballs.

The phone rings.

Take it out and show: man.

Rolling his eyes, he picked up the phone and said angrily, "What's the matter?"

Boss Ran's voice sounded: "Come out, at the gate of your military area."

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"I'll give you 5 minutes." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly.


Grit your teeth.

Five minutes later, Xiao Liutiao drove out of the military vehicle on time at the gate of the military area.

The Bugatti Veyron stopped at the main entrance of the military area very mightily.

However, Xiao Liutiao did not look in the direction of the Bugatti Veyron, but stopped at the military vehicle with the license plate headed by "海" slowly driving into the military area.

When the car passed by Yang Liu's car, the window rolled down...

"Brother-in-law, chief?" Yang Liu looked at Cambridge in the military vehicle in disbelief.

Kang Qiao, who was holding the steering wheel in the car, glanced at Yang Liu who was almost looking at him with surprised eyes, and said a few words: "I'll look for you later." Go to the gate of the military area.

In the car, Yang Liu was stunned for a long time before she came to her senses. The brother-in-law of the chief just said to look for her later.That means there must be something to find her.So, without hesitation, he turned the steering wheel and stepped on the accelerator to keep up with Cambridge's car.She didn't remember that there was a man she was talking about leaning against the car door at the door, standing in the snow waiting for her.

Seeing Yang Liu's very free and easy movement of turning the direction and stepping on the accelerator to turn back, Ran Xi, who was leaning on the car door, thought for a moment that he was dazzled.But the facts told him that he was not dazzled, but that Little Wicker had indeed returned the same way.


The boss is angry!

Little Wicker, how dare you shoot me empty!
So, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Liutiao's number directly.

Xiao Liutiao was holding the steering wheel and stepping on the accelerator, keeping a distance of three meters from the car in Cambridge ahead.

The phone rings.

Glance at the caller ID, "Man".

It suddenly occurred to her that she drove out because the stinky man asked her to come out and only gave her 5 minutes.Oh, it seems that as soon as she saw the chief's brother-in-law, she forgot about that man.

Well, well, her fault.

With the attitude of "acknowledging mistakes and admitting mistakes", Xiao Liutiao rarely answered the phone with a good temper: "Hey, what's the matter?"

From the phone, the voice of the boss gnashing his teeth came, and he still said every word: "Xiao, Liu, Tiao, can, tell, tell, I, you, are, doing, what, what?"

doing what?
Xiao Liutiao was depressed and puzzled, isn't she driving?What else can I do?So, with the same feeling in my heart, I blurted out the answer: "I'm driving."

Over there, the boss almost vomited blood from her anger.

"Let me ask you, why did you go back the same way when you reached the door? Don't you remember what you were going to do just now?"

"There is something temporary, it's better to change the plan. You don't have anything urgent or important. My brother-in-law, the chief, said he needed me. Because of the instinct of a soldier, I think I should focus on business and put personal matters aside for the time being." Xiao Liutiao said plausibly. , full of military nature.

Boss: "..."

"You said it, that's your brother-in-law!" The boss angrily.

Xiao Liutiao is as good as he is: "First is the chief, and then brother-in-law. So, no matter whether it is public or private, I think the things here are more important."

"He's the sea, you're the land! What business can you do!"

"Sea, land and air are one family, and soldiers are not separated. Okay, I have something to do here, you go home by yourself, Taijun is waiting for you at home. I will contact you when I am free, that's it." After finishing speaking, he did not give the boss any words. Opportunity, hung up the phone directly.

The car in front of Cambridge stopped, so Yang Liu also stopped.

Ran Xi, who was leaning against the car door, looked at the hung up mobile phone and gritted her teeth.

Kang Qiao and the other group entered the head's office, and Yang Liu waited beside the car.

It snowed overnight and day after day, and finally stopped in the evening.

Kang family.

Aunt Ju was preparing dinner in the kitchen, and Li Qingxue was sitting on the sofa with the old lady in the living room watching TV.

"Wan Ju." The old lady who was watching TV suddenly called Aunt Ju to the kitchen.

"Grandma, what's the matter?" Li Qingxue asked, leaning forward.

The old lady ignored her and just gave her a sideways look with disapproving eyes.The old lady dislikes Li Qingxue very much now.

Aunt Ju stepped out of the kitchen and walked towards the old lady, wiping her hands with her apron as she walked, "Old lady, what's wrong?"

The old lady pointed in the direction of the door: "Push me out."

Aunt Ju was startled, and when she was about to say something, Li Qingxue stepped forward and said, "Grandma, it's quite cold outside. You're not feeling well now, so don't go out. Tell me what you want, and I'll go." Take it." The old lady's tone was very understanding and caring.

The old lady glared at her and said angrily, "Didn't you move out? Why are you back?"

A look of embarrassment crossed Li Qingxue's face.

"Wan Ju, push me out, Xiao Qiao will be back soon. He hasn't come back to see me for a long time, I have to pick him up. He also said, bring Xiao Yang back with him. Others don't love him It doesn't matter, as long as I love him as a grandma." The old lady smiled slightly as she spoke, with a slight look of expectation in her eyes.

Aunt Chrysanthemum was taken aback again. She glanced at the old lady and then towards the door. In the end, she pushed the wheelchair towards the door without saying anything.

Snow, accumulated thickly.

Aunt Ju originally wanted to ask someone to clear the snow in the yard, but was stopped by the old lady.The old lady said, this is called "auspicious snow heralds a good year", and the more it accumulates, the better it is.

So Aunt Ju gave up.

The wheels made two marks on the thick white snow. The old lady sat in the wheelchair and looked ahead quietly, and said to Aunt Chrysanthemum behind her: "Xiaoqiao likes playing in the snow the most. This year's Xueyou is much bigger than last year's, and when he comes back, he should take you and me to build a snowman with him."

(End of this chapter)

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