Wife stand at attention

Chapter 234 Cambridge's Anger

Chapter 234 Cambridge's Anger (1)
Aunt Ju's body froze for a moment. This...how many years ago, why did the old lady say that?
However, there was no time to think about it, and the old lady said excitedly and excitedly: "Xiaoqiao, are you back? Come, come to grandma, look, the snow is so thick, I will ask Wanju to make a big snow for you soon." People." He said while stretching out his hands towards the front.

Hearing this, when Aunt Ju looked around, there was no sign of Cambridge, except for a piece of white snow, there was nothing.

A bad premonition rose in my heart.

Could it be the old lady...

As soon as the idea came out, the old lady lowered her hands and tilted her head.

"Old lady!" Aunt Ju shouted.

Yang family.

Gu Meiyun just stewed an old hen and served Yang Yi a bowl of chicken soup.

Yang Yi took it, and smiled: "Mom, I've almost recovered, you don't need to supplement me every day. If you continue to supplement like this, it will be the same as what Liu Liu said, and I will become fat for nothing. Zhou returned to the company to sell the vacation and went to work."

"No!" Gu Meiyun directly objected, "Little confinement is also confinement, if you don't take care of it, you will fall behind the root of the disease. The child is gone, but you can't have anything else, otherwise I will feel sorry for you and Xiaoqiao. Be obedient I'll talk about work later, drink the chicken soup now."

Holding the chicken soup, Yang Yi wanted to say something more, but in the end she didn't say anything more, and she drank the chicken soup ING.

In fact, Master Kang's mother and her mother-in-law are really easy to get along with.If they really get along like this, she thinks there should be no problems between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law between them.

Gu Meiyun frowned, as if she was thinking about something, looked at Yang Yi who was drinking chicken soup and said, "Xiao Yang, about work, mom thinks so..."

Before he could finish speaking, the phone rang.

Yang Yi turned her head, and Gu Meiyun picked up the phone.



"What? How did this happen? I'll be right over." He hung up the phone hastily and stood up hastily.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Yang Yi put down the bowl in her hand and asked.

While changing her shoes, Gu Meiyun said to Yang Yi: "Aunt Ju called, saying that your grandma is in the hospital again, I'm going now."

Yang Yi stood up from the sofa with a "bass", "Mom, I'll go with you."

Gu Meiyun stopped changing her shoes, "No, you are still in confinement."

Yang Yi had already walked into her room, she was taking off her military overcoat, and put on her own down jacket, and said to Gu Meiyun, "I'll put on my hat later, anyway, it's okay to drive there by myself."

Gu Meiyun didn't object any more, and just followed the old lady's pampering towards Cambridge. In addition, the old lady had a stroke and is now in the hospital. Yang Yi's relationship with Cambridge, she must be in the hospital.

So, he didn't say anything anymore.

Yang Yi packed herself up tightly, wearing a cartoon wool hat, a thick scarf, a down jacket that reached to her ankles, and a pair of snow boots to go out to the hospital with Gu Meiyun.

military region.

After Yang Liu made three little snowmen, he finally saw Kang Qiao's party and several heads of the military region come out of the office building.

"Staff Yang?" When the head of the regiment saw the willows waiting downstairs with three little snowmen already piled up at his feet, he was slightly startled, and then asked with a smile on his face: "Why are you here? "

Yang Liu was puzzled.

What is it called? Why is she here?

Where should she be if she is not here?
It wasn't that the chief's brother-in-law said he needed to find her, so she piled up three snowmen waiting here.

"Returning to Chief, I'll wait here...uh..." Glancing at Cambridge, he thought about what to call him, but it seemed that brother-in-law was not appropriate. "Wait for the chiefs."

"Waiting for us?" Several chiefs looked at each other, "Do you have something to do with us?"

"Uh...Actually, I'm waiting for Chief Kang." Yang Liu shrugged off her short hair in embarrassment.

When the heads of the military region heard this, they were even more puzzled. This Battalion Commander Kang is not from their military region. Logically, Staff Officer Yang should not know him yet. Why are you standing here waiting for him? "Wait...Old Kang?" Comrade leader asked Yang Liu with a blank expression.

Several other chiefs also looked puzzled.

Kang Qiao pursed his lips and smiled at his comrades, and said to Yang Liu, "You have been waiting all this time?"

Yang Liu nodded: "Ah, didn't you say that you need to find me, so I'll wait for you, and I also need to find you. By the way, how did you get to our military region?"

The head of the regiment pointed at Yang Liu, and said with a smile: "Staff Yang, are you spying on the military situation?"

Willow is embarrassed.

Could it be that according to what the chief said, she is not a soldier anymore?

"Looking back at the commander, our military situation is not for prying."

The chief laughed: "What is that for?"

"It's for understanding. I'm not inquiring about the military situation, but understanding the military situation. Moreover, in private, I don't understand the military situation. I care about my family."

"Family?" The head and the elders were puzzled again, and they looked at Kang Qiao and Yang Liu again. When did they get married?
Kang Qiao smiled slightly, pointed to Yang Liu and said, "My wife is her sister."

"Oh..." The chiefs understood, "Then don't bother your family members to reminisce about the old days. Staff Yang, on behalf of the military region, treat the chiefs and their families well, and you may not distinguish between public and private affairs."

No matter how embarrassed Yang Liu was.

Several chiefs left after flipping through the entertainment, and those in front along with Cambridge also left very tactfully.

"Brother-in-law, have you seen my sister at home?" Yang Liu asked.

Cambridge shook his head, "Can you leave now? If possible, let's go back together."


"Then get in the car." Pointing to the car he just drove, he said to Yang Liu, and he had already opened the car door and got in, "Your sister, how are you doing recently? By the way, just now you said you wanted to talk to me. What's the matter?"

Yang Liu just opened the car door, at first hearing this, the hand holding the car door froze, and his eyes drooped even more, the fun on his face just now was gone, replaced by a solemn expression.

"What's the matter?" Kang Qiao started the car and glanced at Yang Liu, his expression seemed to be a little off.

Yang Liu took a deep breath, closed the car door, sat on the passenger seat, and looked at Cambridge solemnly, "Brother-in-law, I have something... I will report it to you first." Her tone was very heavy, and her expression was equally serious. heavy.

The car started, but Kang Qiao didn't drive. Holding the steering wheel with one hand, he turned slightly sideways and looked directly at Yang Liu: "What's the matter."

"I... beat your old man some time ago." As a soldier, frankly confessing things has always been Yang Liu's strength.

(End of this chapter)

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