Wife stand at attention

Chapter 235 Cambridge's Anger

Chapter 235 Cambridge's Anger (2)
Something flashed in Kang Qiao's eyes, and his heart sank, "Why?" Yang Liu hit Kang Shuo with his hands. He definitely couldn't be Yang Liu's problem, it must be Kang Shuo's problem.

Yang Liu roared: "He bullied my sister Luo, do you know that your son was lost by him! How much pressure my sister has been under during this time, not only to help you take care of your grandma who had a stroke, but also to take care of her when she just found out that she was pregnant. You didn’t recover from the joy, but your perverted old man killed your son with his own hands. When you go on a mission, she has to worry about you and bear the pain of losing the child alone. She dare not tell you for fear of affecting you work……"

"Say it again!" Kang Qiao held Yang Liu's hand tightly, his eyes were bloodshot.

"It's the same if I say it twice or three times." Yang Liu has always adhered to the idea that he is not afraid of the shadow, "Your father made my sister give birth."

"Hoo--" the car flew out like an arrow, and Yang Liu, who hadn't fastened his seat belt firmly, leaned forward and almost crashed into the car.Fortunately, Yang Liu was well-trained and agile, so he didn't get dizzy when he braked suddenly.

Kang Qiao's eyes were fixed on the front, he held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and stepped on the gas pedal a little more.The car galloped forward like flying.

"How long has it been?" There was a chill in his eyes, and a strong outburst in his tone.

"Half a month."

"Who's taking care of her?"

"Your mother."

Kang Qiao stopped talking, but he could clearly see his anger, and the hand holding the steering wheel was already bruised.

At this moment, Yang Liu felt a little regretful, regretting that she should not have told him at this time.However, she couldn't control herself, she felt wronged for her sister.

"Squeak—" the car stopped at the Kang Family Courtyard.

Kang Qiao stepped down hurriedly, slammed the car door hard with a "bang", and strode towards the door, "Kang Shuo—"

At this moment, Kang Qiao was calling Kang Shuo's name consecutively.Although he never called Kang Shuo "Dad", since he became a soldier, he never called Kang Shuo like this again.However, now, he didn't think about his identity at all, what Yang Liu said constantly echoed in his mind, "Your father killed your son with your own hands!"

No wonder when Yang Xiaoguai called him that day, his voice sounded so abnormal.It turned out that at that time, she had already had a miscarriage, and when she was saddest, he couldn't be by her side.

She is definitely a good wife, but he is not a good man, a good husband.Grandma had a stroke, he didn't know, she took care of grandma silently, didn't tell him because she didn't want him to worry, and didn't want him to be distracted in the task.She lost her child, and she couldn't tell him, so she could only bear the tears silently.And this child was killed by Kang Shuo, his father himself.

"Brother-in-law!" Yang Liu quickly followed, at this moment, she really regretted it.Seeing Kang Qiao's murderous eyes and expression, she was really afraid that he would do something irrational.

"Kang Shuo!" Kang Qiao yelled, and he had already walked from the yard to the house, but there was no sign of Kang Shuo.Instead, she saw Li Qingxue sitting alone in the living room, wearing a very wide sweater that was below her hips, flesh-colored silk stockings, and a pair of knee-length boots.When he heard Kang Qiao's voice, he stood up from the sofa, pursed his lips and smiled at him, "Sorry, Uncle is not at home, I should be the only one in the house now."

Kang Qiao strode forward, grabbed her collar with one hand, his blood red eyes were full of passion: "Where's Kang Shuo?"

Li Qingxue's slender hand touched the big palm holding her collar, and she showed a charming smile to Cambridge: "Kang Qiao, if you ask me, who should I ask? Isn't he your old man? What, you Ask me where he went?" Slanting a glance at Yang Liu standing behind Kang Qiao, a cold, disdainful snort came out of her nostrils again: "Why, this time it's a different taste? Kang Qiao, it's not me talking about you, your taste It's getting worse and worse, it's just this kind of stuff... ah..." Before she could finish speaking, Li Qingxue let out a scream, and then saw her flipping over in the air, flipping twice from the sofa, He fell heavily to the ground, in an extraordinary embarrassment.

Pointing at her with one finger, Kang Qiao said angrily, "As I said, I won't be polite if you dare to speak rudely."

Yang Liu looked at Cambridge in disbelief. At this moment, the anger bursting out from him was already visible.If this will really make him meet Kang Shuo, I don't know what he will do.

"Brother-in-law." Yang Liu went to pull him, but he threw him away, striding towards the stairs.

Yang Liu quickly took out her mobile phone, dialed Yang Yi's number, and Yang Yi picked up the number after two rings, "Liu Liu, what's wrong?"

"Brother-in-law, my sister is looking for you." Shouted to Cambridge who was already on the second floor, and then strode towards the second floor.

Kang Qiao stopped, turned around, went downstairs, grabbed the mobile phone from Yang Liu's hand, and Yang Yi's voice came from over there: "Liu Liu, what are you talking about? Why is Master Kong with you?" Believe what Yang Liu said.

Hearing her voice, Cambridge's face showed a touch of tenderness, but also a sense of depression, "Where are you?"

The moment Yang Yi heard his voice, a very complicated emotion surged into her heart. There were surprises and joys, surprises and surprises, but more of it was unbelievable but mixed with a longing, "You... are back ? With Liu Liu?"

"Yeah." Cambridge nodded, "Are you at home?"

Yang Yi's eyes were a little wet, and she was waiting outside the emergency room with Gu Meiyun and Aunt Ju, where the old lady Kang was still being rescued, and she was hesitating whether to call Kang Qiao.What the doctor said was to tell them not to have too much hope. If the old lady just went away and lost her great-grandson, and she couldn't see her most beloved grandson before leaving, that would be a big deal for the old man. cruel thing.And if the old man really left with such regret, the living will definitely feel very uncomfortable.However, Master Kang was on a mission again. If he found out, but he couldn't rush back, then he would feel sad again.

Yang Yi was hesitant, and when she couldn't make up her mind, Yang Liu's call came, and Master Kong also came back.

"I am at the hospital……"

"What's wrong?" Cambridge became anxious when he heard the word "hospital".Can you not be in a hurry, I just found out that she had a miscarriage not long ago, and now she said that she was in the hospital, subconsciously thought that she must be ill after the miscarriage, "I'll be right over, which hospital is it?" As she said, she walked out quickly go.

"No, I'm fine." Yang Yi hurriedly explained, "But you really have to come, Shiyi..."

"You wait, I'll be there right away." Before Yang Yi finished speaking, he was interrupted again, opened the car door, and got in the car. Driving, while comforting Yang Yi: "Little boy, it will be fine, I'm back. You will be fine, you wait for me. I'm sorry, I made you suffer so much..." Thinking of her losing her child, and But he couldn't be with her by his side, and he didn't know until after waiting for so long that his heart felt as painful as a needle prick.His heart tightened, he was almost out of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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