Wife stand at attention

Chapter 236 Cambridge's Anger

Chapter 236 Cambridge's Anger (3)
Heart, ambiguous.

Love, deep.

Although it was delivered over the phone, it did not affect Master Kang's tenderness at all.She could even see the tenderness and affection on his face.

The best comfort is Master Kong's tender words.

At this moment, Yang Yi felt that everything she did was worthwhile.

Eye sockets were moist, but there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

I'm back, wait for me.

Yes, she had been waiting for him.

"Well, I'll wait for you, don't drive fast, I'm fine." Rourou's voice reached his ears through the radio waves, no matter how much honey is poured, there is no mutual care between lovers to make people feel more warm With deep affection, "We are waiting for you together."

We, of course, include Gu Meiyun and the old lady.

I meditated in my heart: Grandma, Cambridge is back, and your grandson is back.You're coming here, don't worry about it.If you have an affair, it's a double whammy for him.

Just after hanging up the phone, the figures of Kang Shuo and Kang Jian appeared in the corridor.

Kang Shuo looked a little embarrassed, a little decadent, and a little stooped.

Kang Jian was as indifferent as ever, with a hint of resistance in his expressionless face.The father and son walked towards the emergency room from the elevator, one after the other.

When Kang Shuo saw Yang Yi and Gu Meiyun, his eyes flickered for a moment, and then he scanned around, as if he was looking for something, and finally his eyes fell on Aunt Ju, "What's going on, isn't it Has it gotten better during this time? Why did you go to the hospital again?" There was a slight complaint in his tone, as if he was blaming Aunt Chrysanthemum for not fulfilling her duties, which made the old lady's condition worse and she was admitted to the hospital again.

When Yang Yi saw Kang Shuo, she clenched her fists tightly, and there was a trace of hatred that could not be ignored in her eyes.Gu Meiyun shook her somewhat cold hands, and said to Kang Shuo sarcastically, "I never thought you would come to the hospital."

Looking for the sound, Kang Shuo turned his eyes to her, and when his eyes passed Yang Yi beside her, he paused slightly, opened his mouth to say something, but finally said nothing, just sat down on the chair beside her, took out a Cigarette, lit.

"Sorry, sir, smoking is not allowed here. Please smoke in the smoking area." A nurse happened to pass by and stopped Kang Shuo who had already lit a cigarette.

Kang Shuo glared at the nurse with some annoyance.

"Dad, the smoking area is there." Kang Jian pointed to the smoking area not far away, and said to him, "If you find it annoying, go there and smoke. I'll wait for grandma here."

Kang Shuo glanced at Kang Jian, then at the cigarette he was lighting in his hand, then at the emergency room where the lights were still on, then turned his gaze to Yang Yi and Gu Meiyun, and finally threw the cigarette on the ground, stomping it out fiercely .

Kang Jian walked up to Aunt Ju, "Aunt Ju, what's the matter with grandma?" He glanced at Gu Meiyun and Yang Yi again, and called out out of courtesy, "Aunt,... sister-in-law."

"old lady……"

"Where's Fang Ying?" Gu Meiyun interrupted Aunt Ju and looked at Kang Jian coldly.

"My mother... is on the way and will be there in a while."

"It's quite busy, I can't see anyone."

Kang Jian pursed his lips, did not speak any more, and stared at the lit lamp with his eyes.

For a while, the corridor of the emergency room was quiet.

"Ding." The elevator stopped and opened the door, and then saw a figure walking towards this side in a hurry, wearing a camouflage military uniform.

"Master Kang." Yang Yi saw Cambridge at a glance. The moment she saw Cambridge, it was as if she saw the sky and hope.

Following Yang Yi's voice, the others also saw Cambridge approaching quickly.The tightly pursed eyes, the cold and serious face, the blood red eyes...

I thought he would walk towards me, but I didn't see that the moment he saw Kang Shuo, his red eyes became even more blood red, as if he saw the killing of his father and enemy, and he wanted to kill him. Torn into pieces.

"Kang, Shuo!" Kang Qiao gritted his teeth and squeezed out his teeth. He clenched his fists and walked towards Kang Shuo with a big stride, while the clenched right hand was directly towards Kang Shuo's. Head waved.

Kang Shuo's originally stooped and somewhat vicissitudes of life trembled violently when he saw Kang Qiaona swinging his fist and the bloodthirsty redness in his eyes.He staggered and took two steps back, only to realize that there was already a wall behind him, and when there was no way to retreat, his body was tightly attached to the wall.

Before everyone could react, Cambridge had already arrived at Kang Shuo's side, his left hand was grabbing his collar, and his right hand was about to swing at him.

Kang Shuo closed his eyes guilty, waiting for Kang Qiao's fist to fall on him.

"No, Master Kang." Just when Kang Qiao's fist was only one centimeter away from Kang Shuo's cheek, Yang Yi, who was stunned, grabbed his right hand swinging the fist.There was a faint ripple in his eyes, and he held her right hand tightly with both hands, shaking his head at him, expressing no.

Hearing Yang Yi's voice, Kang Shuo, whose eyes were closed, opened them.

Yang Yi was standing beside him, and because Kang Qiao grabbed his collar with one hand and punched him with the other, Yang Yi held his right hand with both hands.So at this moment, Yang Yi's hands could almost be said to be touching his cheeks.Her body was almost close to his. Although she was wearing thick clothes, Kang Shuo felt so close to her.

The opened eyes turned to look at her, showing a touch of unbelievable joy, and a trembling voice sounded: "You... care about me? Don't you hate me?"

Hearing the sound, a chill rose from the soles of Yang Yi's feet and rushed straight to the top of her head.At this moment, she really wanted to slap him.

Taking a deep breath, he said to Kang Qiao, "No matter how scumbag he is, it will never change the fact that he is your father. Master Kong, I hate him more than you, and I want to slap him twice, but ,Can't."

Yes, no!

A son should not do anything to his father, since ancient times it has been disrespectful.What's more, he is still wearing a military uniform, and he represents the image of the People's Liberation Army.If people knew that he did something to his father, no matter how scumbag the father was, people would only say that he was not filial.

Tears swirled in her eyes, and there was a wry smile on the corner of her lips, looking at his eyes to convey her feelings.

The left hand holding Kang Shuo's collar loosened and clenched into a fist again.The right hand, which was already clenched into a fist, was clenched even tighter at this moment, and the "click" sound of the joints could even be heard.Yang Yi held his hand, and could feel the angrily beating of the veins on the back of his hand.

The left hand took Yang Yi's right hand, gritted his teeth, and punched...

The moment Kang Shuo closed his eyes, Yang Yi also closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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