Wife stand at attention

Chapter 237 Cambridge's Anger

Chapter 237 Cambridge's Anger (4)
"Boom!" a sound came.

Kang Qiao's fist did not land on Kang Shuo's face, but landed on the wall only one centimeter away from his cheek, such a loud noise.

Blood oozes out.

The scarlet eyes stared at Kang Shuo silently, his right hand was still swinging against the wall, although he was already bleeding, but Kang Qiao didn't feel any pain at all, the pain was only in his heart, he felt heartache for his Yang Xiaoguai, for his innocent Fate's child feels heartache.

"Kang Qiao." Gu Meiyun walked over and pulled away Kang Qiao who was staring at Kang Shuo and Yang Yi who was full of distress for Kang Qiao.

Before anyone could react, Gu Meiyun's slap fell on the shocked and flustered Kang Shuo's face.

"Slap—this slap is for Xiao Yang!"

"Slap—this slap is for Cambridge!"

"Slap—this slap is for the grandson who has no fate!"

"Slap—this slap is for Yong Xin!"

"Slap—this slap is for myself!"

Five consecutive loud and crisp slaps landed on Kang Shuo's face one after another. Gu Meiyun said while slapping her eyes, her eyes were no longer as vexatious as before.This time, there was only coldness and despair in her eyes.

"Kang Shuo, the worst thing I, Gu Meiyun, did in my life was marrying you. You are not a human, you are a beast! You were 30 years ago, and you are still the same now!"

Five slaps, not only Kang Shuo was stunned, but even Kang Jian who was standing aside was shocked by Gu Meiyun at this moment.He had never seen Gu Meiyun like this before. He had always thought that Gu Meiyun was a vexatious, bullying person, so it turned out he was not.

Yang Yi pulled across the Cambridge Bridge, and when she saw his right hand, her heart ached.You can almost see the bones at the fist joints.Yang Yi was a little at a loss, his wound was still covered with white powder from the wall, she wanted to use something to help him wipe off the wall powder and blood on the wound, but she was afraid of hurting him.However, if you don't deal with it, looking at the bleeding and the badly broken wound, you will feel pain in your heart again and again.Finally tears flowed down his cheeks and landed on the wound on the back of his hand.

Kang Qiao stretched out his long arms, hugged her into his arms, and said softly, "I'm sorry, little boy. I let you suffer so much pain alone."

Yang Yi wrapped her hands around his waist, and shed two lines of heart-warming tears. He must know about the miscarriage.Liu Liu must have told him.

Aunt Ju wiped her tears with the corner of her sleeve.The child's suffering is originally a happy thing, but now there are only tears.If the child is still there, the old lady will recover faster.But now, the old lady is still in the emergency room. The doctor means don't hold out too much hope.

The lights went out, the door opened, and the doctor came out.

Kang Qiao let go of his arms around Yang Yi, Gu Meiyun also turned around from the enmity with Kang Shuo, and Kang Jian also took a step forward.At this moment, Fang Ying also rushed over with big strides.

"Let's go in and see the old lady for the last time. We'll do our best." Before he could ask, the doctor spoke up, shook his head and left helplessly.

Everyone was taken aback.The expressions are different, some are sad, some are in pain, some are... finally looking forward to this moment.Of course, this person was Fang Ying who arrived last.

The old lady was lying on the operating table, with an oxygen mask on her mouth, an oxygen tube on her nose, and her eyes were weak.But when he saw Cambridge, a light flashed in his eyes, revealing a gratified smile.God finally treated her kindly, allowing her to see her grandson once before she died, but she was really ashamed to see Xiaoqiao.

Facing Kang Qiao's skinny right hand which he stretched out weakly, he took off the oxygen mask on his mouth with one hand, and called out with some difficulty: "Xiaoqiao, you are back."

"Grandma, I'm back." Kang Qiao held her skinny right hand with both hands.

"Good to be back, good to be back. Grandma said that she will last until you come back. Grandma wants to say sorry to you personally." Looking at Yang Yi who was standing beside him, she showed a gratified smile again: "Grandma raised a Good grandson, and a good granddaughter-in-law, grandma is content. It's just that grandma really has no face to see you. I'm sorry, Meiyun..."

"Hey, Mom, I'm here." Gu Meiyun stepped forward, her eyes moist.

"Get a divorce, mom has ruined your life for most of your life..." Zi Zi didn't say a word, but closed his eyes reluctantly, and finally didn't even look at Kang Shuo.Perhaps in the eyes of the old lady, this son has already broken her heart.



Shouts, low weeping sounds, all in one piece.

Only Fang Ying's lips curled into a sneer, and she looked at the lifeless old lady coldly, without any sadness, only hopeless.

Three days later, the cemetery.

It was snowing heavily.

In front of the old lady's tomb, a group of people dressed in black mourning clothes bowed three times to the old lady's tomb.

On the tombstone, the old lady's smile is amiable.

Kang Qiao knelt down in front of the grave, stretched out his hand to caress the amiable cheek of the old lady, and showed no intention of leaving.

Since then, grandma's voice can no longer be heard.

Gu Meiyun walked to his side: "Go back, grandma will know your heart, and if she can see you before leaving, grandma will be able to leave with peace of mind."

Cambridge didn't intend to get up.

Yang Yi squatted down beside him, accompanying him.

"You don't care about yourself, but you have to take care of Xiao Yang, she's still in confinement, she can't stand being so cold outside..."

Before Gu Meiyun finished speaking, Kang Qiao stood up and took Yang Yi's hand, "Let's go, let's go home."

Yang Yi paused, pulled Cambridge to stop, and said to Gu Meiyun, "Mom, come home with us."

The word family made Gu Meiyun's eyes moist.The daughter-in-law asked her to go home with them, to the home of her and Cambridge instead of the villa of the Kang family.

Kang Qiao didn't answer, but just twitched the corners of his lips at her, as if to say: Let's go.

At this moment, Gu Meiyun felt that she was happy. She had a son and a wife.Although she had never cared about Cambridge all the time, even if she cared about him only recently, they treated her like a family and let her go home together.

good home.

There is a son and a daughter-in-law in the family, and where there is a home, there will be warmth.

She patted Yang Yi's hand, and showed a knowing smile to Kang Qiao: "You take your wife back first, Mom... Take care of some things first, and come back later." Seeing something flashed in Kang Qiao's eyes, Gu Meiyun immediately He added, "Don't worry, the place with you and your wife is our home. Mom used to mess around, but now she is sober and knows exactly what to do. If you miss it once, you won't make a second mistake."

(End of this chapter)

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