Wife stand at attention

Chapter 238 Cambridge's Anger

Chapter 238 Cambridge's Anger (5)
Yang Yi took a hand out of Gu Meiyun's, and pulled over Kang Qiao's big palm, and the three of them held each other tightly.Glancing at Gu Meiyun, then at Cambridge, she said, "Mom, Kang Qiao and I are waiting for you to go home."

"Okay. I will definitely go home." Gu Meiyun looked at Cambridge and said.

Kang Qiao glanced at her, "Then be careful yourself, call my cell phone if you have something to do, I'll take her there first." After speaking, he turned around and left with Yang Yi in his arms.

Gu Meiyun's heart is sweet and warm.

Kang family.

Kang Shuo leaned weakly on the sofa, staring at the ceiling with unfocused eyes. After returning from the cemetery, he has been sitting like this, neither speaking nor moving.

Fang Ying sat beside him, accompanying him.

"Shuo, don't be like this. Mom won't be happy seeing you like this. This family still has me, son and daughter. We will all be by your side and will never leave." Fang Ying said very It is extremely tender and affectionate.

Kang Shuo twitched a bit, then turned his head to look at Fang Ying, without blinking.

Fang Ying thought that what she said had moved him, but when she was about to say something more sensational, she found that Kang Shuo's eyes were not on her at all, but looked past her to the door on her right.Fang Ying turned her head and saw Gu Meiyun walking from the door, Fang Ying frowned.

"This is the divorce agreement, please sign it." Gu Meiyun didn't want to waste her words, and directly handed the divorce agreement to Kang Shuo.

Kang Shuo didn't reach out to accept the divorce agreement handed over by Gu Meiyun, but just stared at Gu Meiyun standing behind him with an extraordinary look, making it hard to figure out what his look meant.

When Fang Ying heard Gu Meiyun say the word divorce, a gleam of light flashed across her eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up with an undisguised triumphant curvature.Standing up from Kang Shuo's side, he took the agreement from Gu Meiyun for him, and showed a meaningful smile to Gu Meiyun: "Sister Yun, are you being too unfeeling for doing this? The old man just passed away and entered the earth, and you filed for divorce ? Don’t you think you’ve done too much? This family didn’t…”

"Shut up!" Before Fang Ying finished speaking, Gu Meiyun interrupted her directly, staring at her fiercely, "You have no place to speak here!"

Fang Ying pursed her lips coldly, she lost her usual submissiveness, and looked directly into Gu Meiyun's eyes, "Sister Yun, I don't like to hear what you said, what do you mean I don't have a place to speak here? No matter what I say As a member of this family, why don't I have the right to speak? I'm just telling the truth now, am I wrong? The old lady has just entered the earth, and you are in a hurry to get a divorce. How do you let others think of us? The Kang family? How can our Kang family have a reputation in Jingshi? How do you let others see you? You always only care about yourself when you do things, and you don't care about other people's feelings. "

"Heh, heh!" Gu Meiyun sneered, looking straight at Fang Ying with her eyes unblinking, with a hint of sarcasm on her lips, "So you, Fang Ying, know the face? I thought you didn't even know what the face was. How did you write it?"

"Gu, Mei, Yun!" Fang Ying gritted her teeth and stared at her angrily, "Don't go too far! Over the years, I have tolerated you everywhere, but you always make progress! Sister Yun, People's endurance is limited, and Shuo has endured you for so many years, why do you bully others so much?"

"Too much?" Gu Meiyun glanced at her coldly, "Haven't you been taught how to go too far? What are you doing? Pretending to be? Isn't this the day you've been waiting for? Why, I'm going to let you be justified now You pretended to be upside down instead?" He took the agreement in Fang Ying's hand and threw it directly in front of Kang Shuo, "Let me know when you sign it."

Turning around to leave, Kang Shuo's voice came from behind: "I will not sign this letter, and I will not leave this marriage. Don't say that my mother just left, even if she is still here, she will not agree. The Kang family Even if there is no relationship between us, I will not divorce this marriage. Let's procrastinate like this!"

A look of disbelief flashed in Fang Ying's eyes.

He is not divorced?

Gu Meiyun offered to divorce, but he didn't leave?
Gu Meiyun turned around, looked at Kang Shuo with a half-smile, then squinted at Fang Ying, "Then wait for the lawyer's letter." After finishing speaking, she raised her foot to leave, but Kang Shuo caught her by surprise. right hand.

"What are you doing?" Gu Meiyun looked coldly at Kang Shuo who was holding her right hand.

"Come in with me!" Kang Shuo half dragged Gu Meiyun towards the stairs.

Man, when he erupts, his strength is really extraordinary.

Fang Ying looked at Kang Shuo dragging Gu Meiyun up the stairs with some confusion, not knowing what was going on and what he was doing.

It was Gu Meiyun who proposed the divorce first, so she was the one who left the house, and she couldn't get a penny from the Kang family.As long as he signs this, everything in the Kang family belongs to her and her son.From now on, she is no longer famous, she is no longer the concubine in others' mouths, she can be a veritable Mrs. Kang in an open and honest manner.However, he actually said that he would not sign the contract and not divorce!
Kang Shuo, where did you put me?
I have been with you for 30 years with no title, and today I finally made it through. Finally, it was Gu Meiyun who gave up everything by herself. Why don't you leave!Why not give me back what I owed me 30 years!

I should have deserved all of this. I have followed you for 30 years without any title. I have sacrificed so much. Is it just to follow you as a little wife for the rest of my life?
Kang Shuo, you are too much!

Fang Ying fixed her eyes on the two who had disappeared on the stairs on the second floor, filled with anger, and clenched her hands tightly.


As soon as Kang Shuo entered the study, he ruthlessly shook off Gu Meiyun's hand, "Gu Meiyun, don't go too far! My mother is just now, and you filed for divorce? What do you want other people to think of me? That's right. , There is no relationship between us, but you should ask yourself, how has my mother treated you all these years? Have you fulfilled your role as a daughter-in-law? No! You are not a wife, and a wife, Three endless mothers! Do you still have the face to propose a divorce with me now? Let me tell you, divorce, you don't want to take away a son of the Kang family!"

Gu Meiyun looked at him coldly, "You two are a perfect match! If you don't get together, it's a waste of resources. Wife? Daughter-in-law? Mother? Anyone is qualified to say this, but you don't have it Qualifications! As for face or face, this is your problem, it's out of my consideration, what do you like! This marriage is divorced."

Kang Shuo slammed his fist heavily on the table, "Gu Meiyun, remember, you are the one who proposed to divorce this marriage."

(End of this chapter)

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