Wife stand at attention

Chapter 239 Fate is doomed early

Chapter 239 Fate is doomed early (1)
Gu Meiyun didn't say anything, she gave him a cold sideways glance, turned and walked out of the study.

Outside the door, Fang Ying was leaning her ear against the door, listening to the conversation between the two in the study.

Gu Meiyun opened the door unprepared, and Fang Ying, who was unprepared, lost her balance and fell a few steps in.

Fang Ying looked at Gu Meiyun and Kang Shuo with some embarrassment.

The corners of Gu Meiyun's lips raised slightly, and she sent her four words: "Good luck!" Then, she walked away.

Fang Ying couldn't figure out what her words meant, so she walked towards Kang Shuo, "Shuo, since she has to get a divorce, let's leave. Maybe our life will be peaceful without her in this family." Yes. The company has Kang Jian, I will accompany you out for a walk, let's relax."

Kang Shuo didn't answer her, sat on the chair with his chin resting on one hand, with a thoughtful look on his face.

The phone rings.

When Fang Ying saw the caller ID, panic flashed in Fang Ying's eyes, she quickly walked out of the study with her mobile phone, and picked it up carefully: "Hello."

A gloomy and hollow man's voice came from the phone: "Three days, where's the money?"

Fang Ying gritted her teeth, but she had to keep her voice to the softest: "You are crazy, 500 million, how can I have so much?"

"No? That's fine. I'll ask Kang Shuo for it. I believe he will give more than 500 million."

"Don't go too far! You know, it pissed me off. I can do anything." Fang Ying's threatening voice, half hated and half angry, reached the man's ears.

"Hehe!" The man sneered: "What do you think, just like me now, am I still afraid of what you will do? I am really afraid that you will not do something. Before sunset today, I didn't see the money I asked for." , you can figure it out for yourself. I don’t know if I will show up at your house to look for Kang Shuo, or the Kang family will look for your son..."

"You!" Fang Ying's face turned pale. "I've been busy with the old woman's funeral these days. I don't have the time to raise the money you want. Give me some more time."

"Okay! I'll give you another three days. If after three days, you still don't see the money I asked for, you can do it yourself!" The man hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

Fang Ying took a deep breath, turned around and wanted to go back to the study.But when he turned around, he froze.

"Shuo...you...when..." When did he stand behind her?How much did you hear?
Kang Shuo looked at her coldly, without the slightest affection, "500 million? Hmm!" Suddenly, someone caught her by surprise, grabbed her by the neck fiercely, and slammed her against the wall, "What's going on? Who asked you for 500 million? Say it!" His eyes were bloodshot.

"Cough—" Fang Ying patted the hand pinching her neck, "let go."


"I lost in stock speculation."

The hand pinching her was released, Kang Shuo didn't say anything, turned around and went back to the study dejectedly.

Fang Ying slipped along the wall and fell to the ground, panting heavily.

Yang family.

It was almost noon when Kang Qiao and Yang Yi returned to their house on the fifth floor.

As soon as he entered the room, Cambridge poured a cup of hot water and handed it to Yang Yi, "Warm your hands, then warm your stomach. I'll make whatever you want for lunch."

Yang Yi took the cup, held it in her hand, lowered her head, looked at her toes, and said nothing.

Seeing her bowing her head in silence, Kang Qiao's heart twisted slightly.He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her into his arms, "Don't think about it, I'm here for everything."

"When are you going back?" She raised her head and met his eyes.

"I made a report before I came back and took a one-month vacation." In the past 12 years in the army, 360 five days a year, all in the army.This time, it was the first time he submitted a report to ask for leave. He wanted to accompany her and the child, but he didn't expect that the child was gone, and the grandma was gone.

"One month?" Yang Yi looked at him incredulously, "Why did you take such a long leave?"

Kang Qiao pursed his lips and smiled, stretched out his hand to pinch the tip of her nose pamperingly: "Work is important, wife is also very important." Suddenly his face straightened, and he looked at her seriously and seriously: "Little boy."


"I'm sorry, but I couldn't be by your side when you needed me the most." Apart from sorry, he really didn't seem to be able to find other words.

Sniffing, "You don't want to, and I don't blame you. It's just that the child is gone, and I..."

Rubbing the top of her head, "It's all my fault."

Wrestled out of his arms, "Say, what is Mom going to do?"

Kang Qiao froze for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know, you go back to your room and sleep for a while, I'll make lunch, and I'll call you when it's ready, what do you want to eat?"

She was still in her confinement period, and she didn't take much rest these days because of her grandma's affairs.

"Whatever." Holding the cup, he walked into the room in a daze.

Seeing her dazed look, Cambridge's heart throbbed a little.followed her into the room.

When Cambridge entered the room, Yang Yi was already under the quilt, curled up.Kang Qiao approached, lifted the quilt, got into the quilt, and held her in his arms.Her hands were very cold, not only her hands, but her whole body was like ice, without any warmth.

Put her hands into his arms, and put her feet between his legs.

The warm temperature spread from his chest to her palm, and then spread from the palm to the whole body.The whole person shrank into his embrace, as if he was a source of heat, and she was a block of ice, constantly burrowing into his embrace.Only in this way can she slowly melt and warm under his temperature.

She nestled in his arms, sleeping soundly, and fell asleep after a while.

Her hands and feet were also cold from the beginning, and gradually became warm.

There was a row of thin mist on her eyelashes, she was thinner, and there were dark shadows around her eyes.The even breath sprayed gently on his chest.Reaching out his hand, he gently stroked her slightly thinned cheeks, his eyes ached with pain.

Little boy, I promise you that I will never let you suffer any more harm in the future.

Gently took her hand out of his chest, and let go of her foot that was sandwiched between his legs.He wanted to just hug her to sleep, but he was afraid that she would be hungry, so he had to go out and make lunch so that she could eat as soon as she woke up.

Tucking the corner of the quilt to make her warmer, and then turning up the temperature of the air conditioner by one degree, Kang Qiao walked out of the room lightly, and then closed the door gently.

On the bed, Yang Yi, who was sleeping soundly, frowned, as if she was not used to it, she shrank back in the familiar direction, but she couldn't find the familiar heat source.The hands under the quilt tightened and then loosened without a daze, and when they loosened, they clenched into fists.

Of course, Master Kang who had already walked out of the room did not see all this.

(End of this chapter)

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