Wife stand at attention

Chapter 240 Fate is doomed early

Chapter 240 Fate is doomed early (2)
Master Kang turned and went into the kitchen.

Blood, red blood.

face, hideous face.

She desperately ran towards the birth, but he desperately chased after her.Blood flowed down between her legs. She wanted to yell for help, but her throat seemed to be choked, and she couldn't yell out.

It was pitch black all around, only the strong smell of blood, the sound of rapid footsteps and the heavy panting of the man behind him.

The man was getting closer and closer to her, and when she turned her head, she could already see that his magic hand stretched out to her was about to reach her clothes.She could even clearly see the hideous and twisted look on the man's face and the bloodthirsty look in his eyes.

All of a sudden, the darkness disappeared, replaced by a vast blue sea, with a few seagulls flying on the sea surface, and the faint afterglow shone obliquely on the sea surface as the sunset slanted.The intersection of red and blue, the fusion of sky and sea, the scenery is picturesque and beautiful.

On the beach, she walked alone, leaving two lines of footprints in different shades.The sea breeze blew past, brushing her long hair and fluttering her long skirt, making her feel at ease and intoxicated.

In the distance, a man was waving at her. She couldn't see his appearance clearly, but she could vaguely feel his tenderness and the smile on his face.

Uncontrollably, she strode towards him.

In his hand, there seemed to be something more.Spread it out, only to find that it is a button.It seemed that this button was very important to her, but she didn't know when it came into her hands.

The button looked familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere, but I couldn't remember where I saw it for a while.

The sea breeze blew, and the shallow sea water rushed into the stall, covering the soles of her feet, and the coolness gave people a very comfortable and comfortable feeling.A seagull landed on her shoulder, its wings brushing her cheek.She reached out to caress, and the seagull spread its wings and flew away.Fly in the direction of the man in the distance.

Feet, can't help but follow.

Hand, still holding the button.

The face became clearer and clearer.The smile flickered away, replaced by a bloodthirsty ferocity, he opened his bloody mouth and came straight towards her, the button in his hand was gone.The man's smile became even more ferocious, it could even be said to be distorted.

And she rushed towards him recklessly, beating and shouting: "Give it back to me, you give it back to me! It's mine!" With both hands, she slapped the man who swallowed her fiercely. The man with the button, oh no, it should be said to be a monster.

"Little boy, it's okay, it's okay. You're having a nightmare, and I'm here, it's okay." Kang Qiao hugged her, coaxed her softly, and patted her on the back with one hand.

Yang Yi opened her eyes and saw Kang Qiao's worried eyes.

The moment she saw Cambridge, she seemed to see a life-saving driftwood, and threw herself into his arms, "Wow—" and cried.

Sweat and tears soaked his clothes.

He hugged her tightly with one hand, and patted the back of her hand with the other, "Cry, cry as much as you want." She needed to cry hard, and his eyes were also wet.


Yang Yi, who was crying bitterly, pushed Cambridge who was holding her away, lifted the quilt, and got off the bed.Opening the drawer of the bedside table, I found something without a clue, and kept chanting: "Why isn't there? Could it be that it was swallowed?"

"What are you looking for?" Kang Qiao took a down jacket and put it on her body.

Suddenly, Yang Yi stood up.Because she didn't notice that she would stand up suddenly, and Kang Qiao was standing right behind her, Yang Yi's head hit his chin so hard.

"Hiss!" Yang Yi whispered, stroking the top of her head with one hand.

"Little boy, what are you looking for?" Kang Qiao asked her anxiously, not feeling the pain in his jaw at all.

"Button." Yang Yi replied, standing in the room and looking around for a while, finally realized that this room was not her original room.This is the house that Master Kang bought later, no wonder, I can't get it.

So, he tightened his down jacket, stepped on his slippers, and walked towards the outside quickly.

Cambridge hurriedly followed.

Yang Yi opened the door on the second floor, entered the room, and went straight to her room.

On the bedside table, open the drawer, and there is a small box lying quietly in the drawer.Taking out the box and opening it, Yang Yi let out a long sigh of relief when she saw the button, as if she had finally found her very precious thing.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, without speaking, just holding the button quietly.

Kang Qiao knelt down in front of her, "The reason why you ran down in such a hurry was to find this button?" Kang Qiao was puzzled by her actions, but when he saw the button in her palm, he was slightly taken aback .

Fate has already been doomed.

Suddenly, I felt a little regretful, why didn't I recognize her until now?As she said, if he had started earlier, wouldn't it be like this now?

"Yang Xiaoguai!" Rough palms held her little hand.

Yang Xiaoguai raised her eyes, looked at him, and said, "So you accepted my token of love so early."

"Ah?" Yang Yi was puzzled, and after three seconds, he completely digested his words.

Yes, it turned out that he had accepted his token of love so early.But, Master Kong, it would be great if you acted earlier.

"Okay, let's go upstairs for dinner." With a stretch of his arm, he hugged her and went out to the fifth floor.

The two had just entered the door, and Master Kang had just brought out the food from the kitchen when Gu Meiyun opened the door and entered.

When Kang Qiao saw Gu Meiyun open the door with the key, he was slightly taken aback, the hand holding the plate and the whole person froze, it seemed a little unaccustomed and unnatural.

Gu Meiyun naturally saw his little reaction in her eyes, and Yang Yi, who was sitting on the chair, also took his slightly stiff body into her eyes.

"I...for the convenience of taking care of Xiao Yang, so..." Gu Meiyun said to Cambridge somewhat unnaturally, and put the key in her hand on the side cabinet.

"Mom, it's time to eat." Yang Yi was very natural, and this "Mom" yell was not at all uncomfortable, and she lightly bumped into the slightly dazed Cambridge.

Kang Qiao came back to his senses, and showed a slightly stiff arc to Gu Meiyun: "Let's eat."

Gu Meiyun's eye sockets were a little moist, although Kang Qiao's smile was stiff, but his attitude towards her had changed a lot.She also believed that the relationship between their mother and son would definitely improve, and she never expected that Cambridge's attitude towards her would be very warm all of a sudden.Not only him, she also needs to adapt well.

This was the first time in so many years that the mother and son sat at the same table calmly and had a meal together with their daughter-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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