Wife stand at attention

Chapter 241 Fate is doomed early

Chapter 241 Fate is doomed early (3)
There was a kind of sweetness in Gu Meiyun's heart.

After the meal, Cambridge went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.Gu Mei went to follow her in. Yang Yi was originally sitting on the sofa in the living room. After seeing Gu Mei follow Cambridge into the kitchen, she tactfully went back to her room by herself.

The mother and son really need to be alone, maybe this time can improve their relationship.Or maybe, the loss of this child can make their mother and child reconcile, so they can be regarded as worthy of this child.

In the kitchen, both Kang Qiao and Gu Meiyun seemed a little unaccustomed and unnatural, and Gu Meiyun was even more reserved.

While pouring out the leftovers, Cambridge casually said to her, "Go and rest, I'll do it."

Gu Meiyun didn't go out, but took the rice cooker, took out the unfinished rice inside, and glanced at Cambridge who was standing by the sink washing the dishes, "I'm sorry."

Cambridge's body froze again, and the hand holding the dishcloth stopped.After two seconds, it returned to normal: "You have already said it last time, so there is no need to say it a second time."

The corner of Gu Meiyun's lips showed a bitter curve: "No matter how much I say I'm sorry, I can't make up for what I owe you and Xiao Yang. Since you were young, I have never fulfilled the responsibility that a mother should do. Give you a little maternal love. I am not a qualified mother, and I am not worthy of being a mother. If you can't forgive me, I can understand. At the same time as my heart hurts about the child, I really don't know except to say sorry and sorry What else can I say."

The word child made Cambridge's heart twitch again, "It's not your fault."

"It's my fault! If I could have stopped Xiao Yang when she was about to move into Kang's house, this wouldn't have happened. If she had moved in, I'd let her sleep in the same room as me, and it wouldn't have happened. Such a thing happened. I could clearly feel that Kang Shuo looked at Xiao Yang differently, and I could even feel that Fang Ying was harboring evil intentions, but I couldn't stop it from happening. I... "

"What did you say? Why did Kang Shuo look at her differently? What's going on?" Kang Qiao seemed to think of something suddenly, following what Gu Meiyun said, all the previous things flashed in his mind one by one.The most obvious one is naturally Kang Shuo's attitude.

Gu Meiyun took a deep breath, "It's already reached this point, and I don't care that his image in your heart is even worse."

Of course, Kang Qiao knew who he was referring to.

"He has never been imaged in my heart."

"I went back to Kang's villa today and handed over the divorce agreement..."

"If you think about it earlier, you'll be fine." Kang Qiao's cold voice rang in her ears.

Gu Meiyun smiled bitterly and shook her head, "Yes, if I had thought about it earlier, nothing would have happened. Everything is my fault."

Kang Qiao brushed his nest heavily, "Let's talk about it now, what's the use?"

Gu Meiyun told the story between her, Kang Shuo and Yang Yongxin again, which was basically the same as what Mrs. Kang said to Yang Yi.Of course, she didn't mention the matter of Mrs. Kang drugging to Cambridge, but just casually brushed it off.No matter what, the person is gone. If she hadn't really loved Cambridge these years, she might not even have a son now.Therefore, even if she missed it, she didn't want Cambridge's heart to discount the old lady.

Anger flashed across Kang Qiao's eyes.

"I believe your grandma must have told Xiao Yang about this, but there are some things that even your grandma doesn't know." Gu Meiyun looked down at the plate in her hand, which was already in her hand It's been a long time, but she didn't have the slightest intention to let go, as if she would lose something if she put down the plate in her hand.

Cambridge half-chaired on the wall beside the pool, his hands tightly wrapped around his chest, his lips were tightly pressed, and his eyes were as cold as a falcon at the moment.

"Ying Xin's departure was indeed arranged by me..."

"Mom, what did you say?" Yang Yi's voice came.

Kang Qiao and Gu Meiyun looked up, only to see Yang Yi standing at the door of the kitchen, looking at Gu Meiyun in the kitchen with disbelief.

Yang Yi pointed to the cup in her hand, "My mouth is dry, and there is no water in the room, so... I want to pour a glass of water in the kitchen."

Gu Meiyun took two steps forward, took the cup in her hand, poured a cup of warm water, stroked her long hair, and said softly, "You are Yong Xin's daughter, and I never thought of hiding it from you." Yes. Then sit down and talk slowly."

Following the two of them, Cambridge walked out of the kitchen.

Back then Kang Shuo had feelings for Yang Yongxin, but Yang Yongxin had no affection for him, only the friendship between brother and sister.

Yang Yongxin is a decisive person who never drags his feet.Since he doesn't like Kang Shuo, he will never give him a chance to misunderstand.So when she found out that Kang Shuo had that kind of meaning for her, she told him clearly that she only regarded him as a friend, and there was no possibility of development between them.Moreover, she never thought about making friends and falling in love during school, the only thing she wanted to do was to finish her studies.

Kang Shuo didn't pay attention to Yang Yongxin's words, and always felt that this was just an excuse for her.Since she said that she would not make friends or fall in love during her studies, then he would only be friends with him and not force her.

Yang Yongxin reduced the number of contacts with him, and she didn't want to make him misunderstand any more.

At that time, Gu Meiyun was dating a boy from the school, and in the end, the love was worth only 100 million yuan.A check of 100 million from Gu's parents made him give up his love with Gu Meiyun.

Gu Meiyun was disheartened and agreed to the marriage between her parents and Kang Shuo.

Kang Shuo's heart has always been on Yang Yongxin. Although he and Gu Meiyun have known each other since childhood, there is no such thing as a man-woman relationship between them, only a brother-sister relationship.

Gu Meiyun found Kang Shuo before marriage, and she said that since the parents of both parties insisted on this, then we will just pretend.If you don't have me in your heart, and I don't have you in my heart, then be a couple in name only.If one day, each finds the other half, then separate.Anyway, the two of us know the basics well, and we are also very good at acting.Besides, you don't lose money, you take care of the company, and I just spend money.

What Kang Shuojue's Gu Meiyun said makes sense, anyway, they have known each other since they were young, and now they are a couple who love each other in front of others and are like brothers and sisters in the future, which is not bad.

So it was like this, the company belonged to Kang Shuo, and Gu Meiyun lived the same life as before marriage.When I have time, I will get together with Yang Yongxin.

Gu Meiyun didn't know about the relationship between Kang Shuo and Yang Yongxin. Yang Yongxin was never a talkative person. Since she had already made it clear with Kang Shuo, she naturally didn't mention it to anyone.Besides, she didn't want anything to affect her studies.

(End of this chapter)

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