Wife stand at attention

Chapter 243 2 You will support me from now on, young master

Chapter 243 Second young master, you will support me from now on (3)
"Don't!" Shi Xiaocao refused without hesitation, "Don't say I don't have the ability, even if I really have the ability, I don't have the guts! If you think I'm big, then your man can't treat me and my man. Is it unloaded? I don't want to be widowed at a young age... Ah, bah, bah, bastards and sluts are widows. How could Xiaocao be widowed when I was young. Liu Liu, today is a holiday, don't tell me, you Nesting in your military area again? If you continue to act like this, you will always regard the military area as your home, and my boss will become a resentful woman, er, no, a resentful man. Liu Liu, I didn’t mean you, you have to balance the two sides. Men are for pain, women are for nourishment, you..."

"Why didn't I see you hurt the second young master?" Yang Liu's faint voice drifted into Shi Xiaocao's ears.

"Well," Shi Xiaocao moistened her throat, "Aren't we special?"

"Could it be, are you telling me very implicitly that the second young master is not a man?"

"Wow! Liuliu, I sue you, you can accuse me, but you can't accuse me of being a man." Shi Xiaocao protected the second young master like a hen protecting its chicks.

"Mommy, what's the difference between talking about you and talking about Uncle Ran?" Miao Miao's baby's pink and tender voice rang in Shi Xiaocao's ear.

When Xiaocao lowered her eyes, she saw Baby with one hand on her hips and one hand resting her chin, looking up at her with pure eyes like a little white rabbit.


Shi Xiaocao was speechless again.

"Ha...haha..." Yang Liu's laughter came from the phone to Shi Xiaocao's ears, "Shi Xiaocao, you bastard, there is really no way out! Why did the second young master fall in love with you? You said, do you have any other advantages besides the second? How do you look at it, you and the second young master are both a flower stuck on cow dung! Of course, that flower must be the second young master, and the pile of cow dung is the same. It must be you, Shi Xiaocao!" Yang Liu dug Shi Xiaocao as usual.

Shi Xiaocao pursed her lips and smiled: "Liu Liu, don't you think that flowers need cow dung to nourish them? Only cow dung can make flowers more beautiful and dazzling. It's like you and Boss Luo. If there is no boss, you can be so brilliant?"

"Oh, Shi Xiaocao, you are finished, you dare to say that Boss Ran is cow dung, you are finished." Yang Liu added insult to injury.

"Liu Liu, your auditory hallucinations are still deaf. How did you hear me say those two words? Obviously you said it yourself, right?" One said, "Well, don't talk to you, I want to buy clothes for the baby, come here if you are free, and continue to be a public servant in your military region if you are not free." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly.


"What's the matter?" After hanging up the phone, I realized that Baby pouted with displeasure.

"Baby hasn't talked to Auntie yet! Mommy, why did you hang up so fast? I haven't talked to Auntie for a long time." Baby twisted her body, stomped her feet, and snorted angrily Facing Shi Xiaocao, he said angrily.

It seems, it seems, it's been a long time since my darling has spoken to Liu Liu on the phone.

Well, well, it was all her fault.

"Okay, okay, Mommy is wrong, let's do it. At worst, Mommy will buy you some more beautiful clothes, and then go to Aunt Yi's house later." Xiaocao Zhizi always admits his mistakes good boy.

So Baby pointed at the children's clothing store: "Baby wants this one, this one, and this one, this one, this one, all of them."

"Ah?" Shi Xiaocao's face turned green.Looking at the hang tag of the clothes again, his green face turned pale in an instant.

Baby, do you need to kill your mommy and me so hard?
Your mommy, it's not easy to make some money, especially it's not easy to make money under the hands of the second young master, it's no different from prostitution.You just pointed your fingers like this, how much blood and sweat I have to work hard on this one, Mommy.

Well, well, baby the biggest.

Ever since, Shi Xiaocao gritted her teeth and became ruthless, and bought the clothes that the baby pointed at one by one.Of course, the happiest thing is the salesperson, such a mommy is really a good mommy, she just bought them all with just a casual finger from her daughter, without even batting an eyelid.Oh, this month's income will not be less.

As a result, the smile on the salesperson's face became bigger, and the service was more in place. One by one, a set of ones helped to stack them neatly, and even sent two pairs of children's socks with a few more Nice shopping bag.

Fifth floor, jewelry area.

Shi Xiaocao, with five, six, seven or eight bags in his hand, pulled Miao Miao and stood in front of a counter.He stared blankly at the counter of men's watches in a daze.

Well, do you want to buy a watch for the second young master?

By the way, isn't that how it's done in dog-blood dramas?The brain-dead heroine wants to buy a gift for the heroine, so they usually buy a watch as a gift, right?If she also bought a watch for the second young master, wouldn't it mean that she is also stupid?
How could Xiaocao do such a stupid thing when she was young?

Not buying!

But why can't the eyes move away, and the feet can't move?Why, her eyes and her feet told her, to buy?
Well, let's be stupid, let's be stupid, let's be bloody.It's better than no gift at all.

"Miss, which one do you like? Is it for your boyfriend?" The shopping guide greeted Shi Xiaocao with a professional smile.

"Mommy, baby, I can't see it." Miaomiao's voice sounded, she raised her head and stood on tiptoe, but she still couldn't see it.

So, Shi Xiaocao picked up Miao Miao and let her sit on the high chair, "Baby, which one do you think we should buy for the second young master?" It's very democratic. If you have any questions that you can't figure out, you will directly ask the baby what it means.

The shopping guide glanced at Shi Xiaocao, then at Miaomiao Baby, opened the cabinet and took out one of the men's watches, "Miss, take a look at this one, it's the best in our store."

Shi Xiaocao casually glanced at the tag on the watch.

Damn!One hundred thousand!Go grab it!Girl, my annual salary is only 20 yuan, and you have a watch of [-] yuan, which makes me unable to live!

Shaking his head, "The best one I bought, that is to say, I may bump into the same one anytime I wear it out. Not good, not good."

His eyes fell on another men's watch in the cabinet, which was generous and stable, silver-gray.It matches the second young master's temperament very well.Of course, the most important thing is that it's cheap, it's only [-].

Although [-] is already the limit for her, if it was her own watch, she would not spend this money.But the one bought for the second young master is different. What is the status of the second young master, so you must buy one that matches his status.

(End of this chapter)

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