Wife stand at attention

Chapter 244 2 You will support me from now on, young master

Chapter 244 Second young master, you will support me from now on (4)
OK, fifty thousand is fifty thousand.

Although it is very cheap for the second young master, but for her, he has already taken half of her property, okay?

Pointing to the watch, he smiled and said to the shopping guide: "I want that one, baby, what do you think? Does this style look good?"

Baby nodded, "It's pretty."

Take out the bank card from the bag and hand it to the shopping guide.

The shopping guide took the card, swiped the card at the POS machine, and said to her, "Miss, please enter the password."

Shi Xiaocao entered the password without hesitation.

Well, it's rare to buy a watch for the second young master, and you have to use your own money.Fortunately, she lived frugally, and the second young master's salary was not low during this period, her personal savings was already close to 50.

The shopping guide girl wrapped her hands and smiled and said, "You have a good eye. This watch is a limited edition. There are only two in Jingshi. This is the last one. Fifty thousand pounds, equivalent to RMB 49."

"What... what?" Shi Xiaocao's legs gave way and he almost fell.

Fifty thousand pounds, equivalent to RMB 49?
All her belongings are less than 50!
Oh, isn't that how you play with her?

Shi Xiaocao wanted to grab the card back, but the shopping guide lady had already handed over the receipt printed out by the POS machine with both hands, still smiling all over her face: "Miss, please sign the receipt."

Shi Xiaocao looked at the receipt with the eight digits printed on the front and back of her bank card, and she felt trembling, trembling, trembling, trembling, trembling, and her legs were limp, limp, limp.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand.

He rubbed his eyes fiercely with his hands, and counted the Arabic numerals over and over again.Finally, after counting five times, she was sure that she had swiped her six digits, and when there were three zeros after 492, she finally determined that the shopping guide lady was not talking to her, but the real 49 on this watch.

In other words, she is already a pauper now.Now, her card is probably not even five thousand left, right?


Heartache, heartache, almost eggache.

As for playing with her like this?
If I had known it earlier, I would have bought the [-] one.

If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be greedy for such a small bargain?

Did she pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon?Her money, her Grandpa Mao, her renminbi, her ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥

At this moment, the expression on Shi Xiaocao's face can be said to be quite rich, which is simply unmatched by anyone.

Can she ask for a refund for the item?

This is what Shi Xiaocao subconsciously thought of at this moment.

So, I raised my eyes to look at the shopping guide, and the blinking eyes were comparable to those of a good woman after being bullied.

"Miss, what's the matter? Is the pen unable to write?" For Shi Xiaocao's rich expression, the shopping guide lady said that she couldn't understand, she couldn't understand, of course she had to ask.Only in this way can we better serve customers.

"No!" Shi Xiaocao shook her head with a bitter face.

It's not that the pen can't write, but that I can't hold the pen.

"Then please sign the receipt, miss. If you have any questions, you can contact us directly." The shopping guide lady was still smiling and full of enthusiasm.

"Okay." The right hand holding the signature pen, shaking and shaking, signed her ugly-looking name crookedly, no different from a caterpillar.

"Mommy, why is your handwriting so ugly today? It's even uglier than Baby's?" Baby looked at Shi Xiaocao's handwriting and asked in confusion.

"Uh, the things Mommy just lifted are too heavy, so I don't have the strength to hold the pen." Shi Xiaocao found a very lame reason, "Baby, help Mommy call the second young master, we bought it. So many things, let him pick them up."

"Oh." Baby nodded, took out the mobile phone from Shi Xiaocao's bag, and skillfully dialed the number of the second young master: "Daddy, Mommy's hands are tired, I want you to take her hands."

Shi Xiaocao: "..."

Baby, what do you call this? What do you mean when your hands are tired, come and take over?
Ten minutes later, the second young master's car appeared at the entrance of the mall.

When Shi Xiaocao saw the second young master, the first thing she said was: "Second young master, you will support me from now on!"

The second young master looked at Shi Xiaocao with a little puzzlement.

Shi Xiaocao directly threw the [-] bags in her hand to the back seat of the car, then took out the men's watch that she spent all her money on from the packing box, pulled the second young master's left hand, and directly Put the watch in his wrist, "Then, my sister has already spent all her belongings to buy this watch for you. I don't even have money for soup. If you don't support me, I won't agree!"

The second young master raised his wrist, looked at the watch on his wrist, the corners of his eyes were raised, and the corners of his lips were raised.Stretching out his long arms, he directly pulled Shi Xiaocao into his arms: "Don't worry, I will take care of you from now on."

Miaomiao little friend raised his right hand and asked in a friendly manner, "What about me?"

The second young master bent down and hugged Miao Miao's little friend: "You?" He looked at Miao Miao with a thoughtful expression on his face, but did not continue to speak.

"Hmm, what about me?" Seeing that the second young master stopped talking for a long time, little friend Miaomiao became anxious, "Mummy said, she will have no money to raise her baby in the future, and she will have to rely on others even herself." I have raised it. What about my baby? Who will raise me?"

The second young master held Miao Miao in one hand, and gently squeezed the baby's chin with the other: "If you have a nice voice, I will consider raising you together."

"Sounds good?" Baby Miaomiao raised her head and thought, scratching the corner of her lips with her fingers, "What is it called a good sound?"

The second young master listened intently, waiting for the sound of the baby.Although Baby has already called him N too many times, no one would dislike too many nice words.

"Oh." Baby Miaomiao realized in a trance, "baji", printed a big kiss on the cheek of the second young master, grinned and shouted: "Daddy!"

"Hey..." The second young master responded with a beaming smile.

Shi Xiaocao snatched Miao Miao from the arms of the second young master, "My darling, can you be more successful, so I bought you off? I haven't agreed yet, don't call me."

Miaomiao wrapped her hands around Xiaocao's neck, "Mum, you've already been raised by others, but you still don't agree. Auntie said it, but you really wish it was in your heart. It's hard to find someone as tall, rich and handsome as Daddy, you If you don't agree again, be careful that after this village, there will be no such shop. Then you can cry in secret, and the baby will not come to comfort you. Because, I am on the same line as Daddy. Daddy, oh ..."

When Xiaocao was speechless, she raised her head and cried.

Liuliu, you have spoiled my baby.Which of your eyes can't wait to see me, in fact, I...

(End of this chapter)

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