Wife stand at attention

Chapter 246 Your whole family is a pig

Chapter 246 Your whole family is a pig (2)
"Mommy, why does Miao Miao have a feeling that he is the peacock in the zoo for people to watch? Why do they look at the baby with the eyes of peacocks?" Miao Miao's pink and tender voice sounded, interrupting everyone. That red fruit, naked eyes.


When Xiaocao just took a sip of champagne, she choked on hearing Miaomiao's words.

Baby, you...you...what do you want Mommy to say about you?Do you have a metaphor like this?
However, Xiaocao has to admit that Miaomiao's metaphor is really appropriate, isn't that group of people looking at the baby with the eyes of a tiger watching a peacock?

He swallowed a sip of champagne indecently, and when he was about to say something, he heard the words of the second young master: "You all know my young master's woman. This is my young master's daughter, that baby, I introduce."

"Uncle and aunt, hello Uncle and Sister. My name is Shi Miao, Shi Xiaocao's Shi, Shi Miao's Miao." Baby's introduction was not normal, and after the introduction, he showed a Miao Miao signature smile to everyone, showing Two small canine teeth, a pair of small dimples.

"Oh, Xiaocao, your daughter is so cute, I like it." The second female number said as she snatched Miao Miao from the arms of the second young master.

"Baji..." Miao Miao printed a Miao Miao kiss on her face: "Hi sister, Miao Miao likes you too. Miao Miao will pour you wine." Fill the glass with a small half glass of champagne.

So add a small half cup to a small half cup, and it becomes a big half cup.

The female number two Le couldn't close her mouth.

Following Miao Miao's example, with a "baji", a big kiss was imprinted on Miao Miao's pink face.Then another person tore a big chicken leg and handed it to Baby.

Then, the baby reached out to pick it up.

and then...

"Ah." An exclamation drew everyone's attention away from Miao Miao's voice.

I saw Tong Mushi, who was sitting next to the female No. [-], protecting her proud C with both hands.And at this moment, there are still one or two unfinished drops of champagne dripping from the tip of her chin into C.

Miao Miao was holding a goblet in his right hand, but the big chicken leg that he had just received in his left hand was gone, while Miao Miao's left hand was only a large piece of oily.

"I'm sorry, Auntie, Miao Miao didn't do it on purpose." Miao Miao apologized to Tong Mushi with an apologetic face. Go, I want to take out the big chicken leg that someone else tore for her from her "Mariana Trench".Disappointment and pity were written all over her pink face.Big chicken drumsticks, I just flew into the big trench before I even ate them, woo woo...

The milky white trench, the joint stomach used by the chicken legs just emerges from the big trench with a sharp point.Tong Mushi felt very embarrassed, and her face turned red and red.The others looked at Tong Mushi in surprise with their mouths open in unison.

This... this... is too creative, right?

Tong Mushi really wanted to slap Miaomiao's hands off her body, but because of so many people, her image and Ran Xu's presence, she forcibly suppressed her anger.He said with a full smile to Miaomiao: "It's okay." Standing up from his seat, he smiled again at everyone present: "I'm sorry, please take it easy." Step by step, he left his position and walked towards the bathroom outside.The moment he turned around, the smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a gloomy face.

"Daddy, Mommy." Miaomiao raised a very innocent and pitiful expression, and looked at the second young master and Shi Xiaocao eagerly, "Baby got into trouble."

Shi Xiaocao's mother's love overflowed with a touch of baby's head: "Baby, what's the big deal? Hmmmm."

The second young master also pursed his lips and smiled: "Baby, it's okay, Daddy is here."

Miao Miao climbed down from the legs of female number two, "Okay then, Miao Miao will face the wall and think for 10 minutes."


Shi Xiaocao grabbed the second young master, "Let her go."

Everyone else looked at Miao Miao unanimously, how sensible this child is.Obviously it's none of her business, she still has to think about it by herself.

In the bathroom, Tong Mushi angrily took out the chicken legs and threw them into the trash can.She took a few sheets of tissue paper from the box beside her, and wiped off the oily stains that disgusted her.She was sure that the brat must have deliberately stuffed the chicken leg into her chest.

She can't get angry, she has to maintain her image, and she can't let a kid ruin her image in front of others.

The door was pushed open, and Miao Miao's small body squeezed in, and walked to Tong Mushi with very shy steps, "Auntie, I'm sorry, Miao Miao really didn't mean it, please don't get angry, okay? With her hands behind her back, she looked at Tong Mushi cautiously and timidly.

Tong Mushi gave Miao Miao a hard look, and pointed her finger at Miao Miao's forehead: "You little bastard with a life and no one to support you!"

Miao Miao raised her eyes, "Auntie, Miao Miao was born and raised by Mommy, so she is not a little bitch. I have already apologized to you, why are you still angry? At worst, you will also Stuff a chicken leg into my chest. The teacher said that a good boy who knows his mistakes and can correct them is not a good man who scolds others."

Tong Mushi glared at Miaomiao again: "Little bitch, I'm lazy to tell you." After speaking, she turned around and opened the door.

Miao Miao followed behind her, taking advantage of the moment when she opened the door, quickly pasted a large piece of paper with ketchup on Tong Mushi's buttocks.

Tong Mushi is wearing a white tiered chiffon skirt that doesn't reach the knees today. Because the hem has more layers, Miaomiao didn't feel it at all when she pasted the paper on it.Twisting around on his own, he walked out of the bathroom.

Seeing that she didn't feel anything at all, Miaomiao's lips curled into a wicked smile.

Hmph, let you bully me, let you bully my mommy, let you seduce my daddy, bad guy!

A dinner party is nothing more than a wild chatter, and then talk about the plan for the next play.The second young master has no plans for the next play for the time being, so he just laughed it off.

Tong Mushi wore the white dress that was dyed red, and continued to leave with the crowd in her very elegant and noble walking posture.

Tong Mushi has always disliked wearing windbreakers outside her skirts. It can be said that she never wears trousers throughout the year. Even in dramas, most of them are skirts.

Now it's all right, everyone looked at her with extraordinary eyes, it's beyond human's ability for this great aunt to dye such a large area of ​​red.

As a result, the people who talked softly were not only the colleagues, but even other staff members in the hotel began to talk softly.

(End of this chapter)

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