Wife stand at attention

Chapter 247 Your whole family is a pig

Chapter 247 Your whole family is a pig (3)
Of course, Tong Mushi didn't feel anything strange on her buttocks.It wasn't until I returned to my home and changed my clothes that I realized it.As a result, his face suddenly turned pale.She just... swaggered around all day?

Feeling ashamed, and then distorted, it must be the ghost of that little bastard.His eyes were gloomy.

military region.

At 03:30, after Yang Liu handed over her shift, she drove out of the gate of the military area in the big red sports car she had stolen from the third young master.

I haven't seen Comrade Yang Yi for several days, and it's time to go home to see my sister after the holiday.

The red sports car was driving on the spacious road, and the phone rang.

"Hello." Bluetooth picked up.

"Little Liutiao, where is it?" Boss Ran's voice came from next to his ear.

Xiao Liutiao was in a good mood: "I just left the gate of the military area and was about to go home."

"Don't go home now, come to the suite on the top floor of Hyatt International."

"Hey, Boss, I haven't seen my Comrade Yang Yi for several days. My Comrade Yang Yi needs my love very much now. If you have anything to do, put it aside and talk about it when I am free." The principle of putting relatives first and love standing aside, is no exception at this moment.

"Are you sure?" Boss Ran's fluttering voice reached Little Liu Tiao's ears, making Little Liu Tiao feel chills all over his body.

Boss, do you need such a ghostly voice?
Therefore, the corner of Xiao Liutiao's lips raised, "Boss, I can tell you with certainty and certainty that I am sure to go home to accompany Comrade Yang Yi."

Boss Ran's casual voice came from over there: "Oh, so, I thought you would be interested in knowing what happened before you raped me. Since you are not interested, just pretend I didn't say anything." After finishing speaking , want to hang up the phone.

"Wait...wait!" Xiao Liutiao slammed on the brakes reflexively, "What did you say? What do you mean that I raped you before... 呯..." Before she finished speaking, it seemed that she should rear end, " You wait, I'll be right there." Hastily, hung up the phone and got out of the car.

At this moment, the rear of her car was closely touching the front of the car behind her.And the terrible thing is that not only her car is a good car, but also the car behind her is also a good car.Well, compared to the other one, she is a good car among good cars.If Ran Xiaobai knew that she bit his wife's ass, he would definitely have red eyes with her.

The owner of the other car also came out of the car at this moment.A middle-aged woman dressed very noble and elegant, glanced at Yangliu, then at the two cars that were close to each other, and smiled at the corner of her lips: "Sorry, I am used to driving with the right-hand steering wheel, but I couldn't get used to the left-hand steering wheel in China for a while." You... this car must cost a lot of money to repair, I will leave a phone number for you, and you can call me when the time comes..."

Yang Liu shook his hand, "It's my fault, I stepped on the brakes all of a sudden. It's none of your business, but I should be the one to accompany you to repair the car." Pointing to the two cars that collided with each other, he shrugged, "It's all like this anyway. , why not send them to the 4S shop together."

4S shop.

Both cars need to be checked in for maintenance at the same time.

Yang Liu looked at the middle-aged woman apologetically, and stretched out her right hand: "My name is Yang Liu."

"Yangliu?" When the middle-aged woman heard these two words, she frowned slightly, and something flashed quickly in her beautiful eyes, which was fleeting.Stretching out her right hand to Yang Liu, she showed a friendly smile: "My name is Li Ran, you can call me Aunt Li if you don't mind. I think I can be your aunt, right?" Li Ran looked Yang Liu over Turn over, you can smile.

Yang Liu shrugged, and said indifferently, "I don't mind if I call your aunt and call you old without you realizing it."

Li Ran smiled slightly: "How could it be. Your surname is Yang, and I have a friend whose surname is also Yang. At first glance, you really look alike."

Yang Liu laughed: "Aunt Li, your almost old-fashioned excuses."

"Ah?" Li Ran looked at Yang Liu with a little puzzlement, and suddenly smiled, "No, no. I definitely didn't mean to be close. But it's true, my friend's surname is Yang, and her husband's surname is not Yang. There should be no such possibility. Thinking about it, I haven’t seen her for more than [-] years, and I don’t know how she is doing now. OK, OK, I’m really not trying to get close, I really feel a bit similar. But , your clothes are really unique, if you don't talk, I thought you were a man."

Yang Liu was amused by her words, "Aunt Li, you have been abroad for so long that you can't even recognize the uniform of the People's Liberation Army?"

"Ah? The People's Liberation Army?" Li Ran was shocked again, looking at Yang Liu with unbelievable eyes, and then patted her forehead in embarrassment: "It seems that I have really stayed abroad for a long time, don't you Excuse me. Liuliu...uh, you don't mind me calling you that, do you?"

Yang Liu shook her head, "I don't mind, my mom and my mom and friends all call me that." Except for that bastard who always likes to call her "Little Wicker" and Ran Xiaobai who calls her "Boy", everyone else That's what she's called.

Mix with men?
Suddenly, Yang Liu seemed to think of what.

Oh, yes, Ran Xi is still waiting for her at the Hyatt Hotel, saying that she wants to tell her about the shitty things she did before he raped him.Did he mean that he knew who knocked her out, who drugged her, who brought her to the Hyatt Hotel, and who the perverted man in the mask was.

A series of questions brought her back to her senses immediately, and she wanted to rush to the Hyatt Hotel as quickly as possible.

"Why, do you have something to do?" Li Ran is also a person who has seen the world, seeing the sudden change of expression on Yang Liu's face, she naturally thought of something.

"Aunt Li, I have something urgent to do. I have to go first." After taking two steps, he turned back, "By the way, I will leave you a cell phone number, and tell me how much your car has been repaired by then. I will I should be responsible for my mistakes."

Li Ran smiled: "It's not your fault alone, I'm also at fault. Then each will take care of the car repair fee, leave your mobile phone number, I like it. Then, tell me, I'll write it down." While talking, he took out his mobile phone.

Yang Liu reported her mobile phone number, and two seconds later, her mobile phone rang.

Li Ran smiled and said that this is her cell phone number.

After Yang Liu smiled back at her, he left quickly.

Li Ran watched Yang Liu stop the taxi, opened and closed the door, and the taxi left.She stared closely at the taxi that Yang Liu got into, her bright eyes were covered with a layer of dim indifference, the enthusiasm just now no longer existed, and the corners of her lips curled into a sinister arc.

Yang Liu, surnamed Yang!
very good!

(End of this chapter)

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