Wife stand at attention

250 Chapter 2 - I'll be the one

250 Chapter 2 - I'll be the one ([-])
Kang family.

Kang Shuo sat alone on the sofa with his head leaning against the back of the sofa.

After the old lady passed away, Aunt Ju left the Kang family and went back to her hometown.Mrs. Kang passed away, and Gu Meiyun proposed to divorce Kang Shuo. It is even more impossible for Kang Qiao to come back here again.It's meaningless for her to stay in Kang's house anymore, and she can't go back early. If Kang Shuo or Fang Ying asked her to leave, she would lose face.

If the big Kang family is deserted.Kang Jian has been busier since the old lady passed away, and hasn't been back for several days.Kang Mei came back several times, but asked him for money.It is said that the company she and Ke Lei opened has encountered some troubles recently, and the turnover of funds is not working well. I hope he can pay some money and let them transfer it back.

Fang Ying has been asking for the past few days, when will he divorce Gu Meiyun, and it's time to make up for the procedures that were missing between them.She had been with him for 30 years without a name, and finally she had something to look forward to.From now on, this family will be peaceful, and there will be no more peaceful days at home.

No peace at home?

Yes, there has been no peace at home before.

This family's troubled days were caused by him alone.Now it's finally quiet, finally, Gu Meiyun filed for divorce, and she can't take away any money from the Kang family.But why, he felt that he became a loner at this moment?
People seem to be ten years old all of a sudden, and the hair that used to be black turns out to be half white at this moment.

"Uncle." Li Qingxue's gentle voice came from beside her ear.

Kang Shuo opened his eyes, and saw Li Qingxue standing behind him with a smile on his face, wearing a light white V-neck dress, and a lavender silk scarf tied around his slender neck.A pair of crystal drop earrings dangled from her earlobe, side to side.Her body exudes a faint indistinct fragrance.

Because he was leaning on the back of the sofa, and Li Qingxue was standing behind him, at this moment, what caught his eyes was Li Qingxue's faintly visible and charming snow-white.

Kang Shuo was slightly distracted, always felt that Li Qingxue looked a little different this time, but he couldn't tell what was different.There seemed to be a subconscious smell that he was familiar with, and that smell was so familiar that he would never forget it.


Kang Shuo sat upright, but what flashed through his mind was Yang Yongxin's, Yang Yi's, and Yang Liu's replacement cheeks.

"Xue'er is here." Kang Shuo smiled unnaturally at Li Qingxue, "You can take care of yourself. Uncle is a little tired, so he went back to his room to rest. Your aunt doesn't know where she went." Sitting on the sofa and standing up, his slightly tired eyes glanced at Li Qingxue indiscriminately, then turned and walked towards the stairs.

The corners of Li Qingxue's lips curled up, and she sat down on the seat where Kang Shuo had been sitting just now, watching Kang Shuo's somewhat hunched body walking towards the stairs and disappearing in front of her eyes.

There was a box of cigars and a lighter on the coffee table in front of the sofa.Li Qingxue leaned over and took out a cigar, lit it, and crossed her legs.She was smoking a cigar in complete obsession, but her eyes were full of sternness.

After smoking a cigar, Li Qingxue got up, threw the cigar in her hand on the ground, and stomped hard with the sole of her shoe.With a vengeful smile, he walked towards the stairs.

Fang Ying, you owe me this!
Both are your daughters, but I live like a dog, but Kang Jian and Kang Mei live a life of luxury.I have been bullied and looked down upon since I was a child.Ah!It turns out that all of this is given by you.

I just want everything back that is mine.Either you don't give birth to me, since you gave birth to me, you should be responsible for me.You not only deprived me of everything, but also made me feel like I owe you so much.It turns out that the person who owes you is not me but you!
From today on, everything in the Kang family is mine!

Kang Shuo fell on the bed, feeling that someone was rubbing his temple lightly in a daze.The neither light nor heavy force made him feel comfortable and enjoy it very much.With a faint fragrance, it diffused around the tip of his nose.

Slightly opening his eyes, he saw Li Qingxue sitting on the head of his bed, gently rubbing his temples with both hands.Because of the slight attachment to her body, her faintly visible beauty is now gently touching the tip of his nose and cheek.

"Xue'er, you..." Kang Shuo wanted to push her away and sat up.However, Li Qingxue did not intend to let go. Instead, she moved closer to him, and a soft voice rang in his ears: "Uncle, I just want you to sleep more comfortably. I know you You must not be able to sleep well due to the pressure for a period of time. When I first came in, I saw you frowning all the time. I will help you press down and you will feel better. Uncle, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, no? Your fault. Aunt Yun and Aunt Yun must have made you very tired all these years. Uncle has loved Qingxue since she was a child. I don’t know what I can do for you. Uncle, seeing you getting thinner and thinner these days, I I really feel distressed." Li Qingxue tried her best to bring out the sad and angry look on her face, but inadvertently, she moved a little closer to Kang Shuo's body.

Her delicate beauty was right in front of his eyes, and it could even be said that she was already touching his nose lightly.He could even feel that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath.

At some point, a man thinks with his lower body.Even if his brain makes different decisions than his lower body, it is always the lower body that dominates the upper body.Especially for people like Kang Shuo, the lower body dominates everything.

"Xue'er, I..."

"Uncle, Qingxue's existence is all given by her uncle. Qingxue really wants to repay her great kindness, but she doesn't know how to repay her. Uncle..." Li Qingxue looked at Kang Shuo shyly.

Yang Liu's face flashed through Kang Shuo's mind, followed by Yang Yongxin's, and then the faces of the two were superimposed together, and in the end it was Li Qingxue's face.

Finally, Kang Shuo, whose brain was congested, could no longer control himself.Pulling Li Qingxue, Li Qingxue fell into his arms, thus achieving adultery.

The Presidential Suite on the top floor of the Hyatt Hotel.

Ran Xi was sitting in front of the computer, and a video was playing on the computer at the moment. The video showed two men in the elevator carrying a comatose willow, and the number of floors pressed by the elevator button was the top floor.

Of course, he has watched this video many times, but he only found the two men in the elevator today.

Dare to play tricks on his territory, isn't that plucking the tiger's hair?
Of course, if Little Wicker hadn't broken into his suite that day and had nothing to do with him, he wouldn't have cared about these things at all.However, many things are predestined in the dark.

His woman dared to move, so naturally he would not let that person go.

(End of this chapter)

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