Wife stand at attention

251 Chapter 3 - I'll be the one

251 Chapter 3 - I'll be the one ([-])
Ran Xi's eyes stared directly at the computer screen, which was terribly cold.

Playing with his hand, turning it once and for all.

The bell rings.



"Well, I see." Four simple words were enough to explain everything, and he hung up the phone directly.

"Ding Dong." The doorbell rang.

He took the remote controller that was placed aside and pressed it against the door, and the door opened automatically.

Yang Liu hurriedly walked towards him, "Hey, what happened that day? Who is that perverted man? Damn, you dare to do something to me and even drug him. Isn't it too comfortable to live?"

While speaking, he had already walked to Boss Ran's side, staring at the computer screen without blinking.Two seconds later, he slapped the table with his right hand: "It's these two men..." Suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly stopped talking, but stared straight at him with deep, deep eyes. Boss Ran sitting on a chair.

That's right, why didn't she think of that.This is his territory, how could he not know?She was so busy and confused, why did she forget to watch the surveillance?No, after she appeared, she went to the hotel manager. What they told her was that this was the elevator that went straight to the presidential suite on the top floor, and there was no surveillance.

"You... have known these two people for a long time?" Xiao Liutiao glared at the boss angrily, and almost shot him dead with his eyes.

The boss shrugged and said indifferently: "This is my territory, how can I not know?"

Suddenly!Xiao Liutiao got angry and grabbed his collar, "Damn it, you didn't tell me when you knew it! I've been looking for those two bastards everywhere! Stinky man, why are you so stupid! Watching your woman being bullied , don't make a sound and don't shoot!"

Boss Ran flicked the back of Little Willow's hand that was holding onto his collar with his slender fingers, "Little Willow, do you think I don't make a sound or make a move? Men's affairs are handled by men themselves."

"Ah bah!" Little Wicker took a sip from him, "Is this a man's business? It's none of my business, okay?"

The boss cast a sideways glance at Little Willow, "You said that with your fiery personality, how can you make people carry two stars? Little Willow, I think so, you'd better go back to the Military News and be your steady reporter." Come on. What are you talking about, what kind of front line are you working on? The front line, that’s a man’s business, so leave it to that stinky boy from the Mi family.”

"Ah bah!" Little Wicker took another sip of him, "Why do you mean that you look down on women? Besides, my wish since I was a child was to carry a gun, not a camera. I do Okay, why do you want to go back to the military newspaper?"

The boss stretched out his long arms and hugged her waist: "Let's go."

Little Wicker asked dumbly, "Where are you going?"

"go home."

"Go home?" Xiao Liutiao is getting worse. He has always met Boss Ran, and Xiao Liutiao has never had a super sensitive reaction.

The boss put his arms around his chest and looked at her with a half-smile: "Little Liutiao, if you want to be here with me...then...what, I really don't mind at all." A look at the unfeminine breasts under the small wicker camouflage, revealing a very ambiguous look and smile.

Xiao Liutiao subconsciously put her hands on her chest: "You think beautifully, sister is still hungry! I don't have the energy to have sex with you!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Liutiao became depressed and wanted to bite her tongue.What she said meant that she would have strength after eating for a while, and she could have sex with him.

Sure enough, he answered the words in a very good way: "Okay, let's go to eat. I can only start eating when you are full."

"Get out!" Little Willow gave him an elbow directly, but he dodged it skillfully.When Xiao Liutiao came to his senses, he had already embraced him in his arms.

"The majesty has an order, I must go home today." Ran Xi half hugged and half hugged Xiao Liutiao, and walked towards the door.

"Honey, that's your house, not mine, okay! My house is in Xiuhe District, and my house doesn't have a villa, only two bedrooms and one living room." Xiao Liutiao glared at him, and twisted his arm hard.

Oh, what is she, living together?

She, Little Wicker, is from the People's Liberation Army, so she never did anything illegal, okay?

However, it seems that cohabitation is not illegal, right?And living together has nothing to do with the People's Liberation Army, right?

No matter how you say it, it will damage the image, okay?

But it looks like they don't live together now, do they?Yes, yes, no cohabitation.She lived in the army's dormitory, and he lived in his own villa.Well, no cohabitation.At most, they are in a relationship now.

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Liutiao became entangled.Pointing to the two men in the computer video: "Then, what about those two? Is your woman being bullied for nothing like this? Not to mention being beaten for nothing, and you almost lost your virginity to a perverted man."

Boss Ran glanced coldly at the computer, showed a happy smile at Xiao Liutiao, and pinched the tip of Xiao Liutiao's nose with his fingers, "Are you the kind of man who can be bullied?"

Little Wicker shook her head, "No!"

"That's it. Anyway, you don't need to worry about this matter. As you said, the People's Liberation Army is for the people, so this kind of thing is left to the people who don't need to be for the people."

Xiao Liutiao turned sideways slightly, looked him up and down, and asked in a vicious manner: "Say, what are your plans?"

The boss put his hand on his chin, and the hand around the waist of the little wicker raised her chin, imitating her appearance, and said in a ruffian-like tone: "A plan? Don't you always know my plan? Hmm , Little Wicker." After speaking, she showed a red and provocative look at Little Willow.

Xiao Liutiao shivered violently.

"Where's your car?" The boss looked around the parking lot, but he didn't see that very eye-catching and flamboyant car.

Xiao Liutiao opened the door of the passenger seat and got in the car: "When I was on the phone with you, someone accidentally rear-ended someone else's car and is currently in the hospital."

Ran Xi looked her up and down, and asked anxiously, "Are you okay?"

Xiao Liutiao pursed her lips and smiled, and spread her hands towards him: "Do you think I have something to do? But, that is your family's Ran Xiaobai's wife. I ruined his wife, so you have to take care of me."

Ran Xi started the car, "Since when have you been afraid of the third child? Don't talk about one wife, you ruined his ten wives, and he dare not say a word to you, besides, you are still supporting you by Cheng Taijun, I don’t need to make a move yet.”

Little Willow put her chin on her hands and looked sideways at him.

"Why, do you want to tell me that I'm handsome." The boss gave her a sideways glance and said in a very frightened tone.

But Xiao Liutiao said something like this: "I want to say, is Ran Xiaobai really your brother? Why, I think he is just a random pick? It's just that the elder brother doesn't love him, and the prince doesn't love him."

(End of this chapter)

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