Wife stand at attention

Chapter 255 The Wife's Chapter Must Be Heard

255 Chapter 3 You have to listen to what your wife says ([-])
Turn on your phone and open your mailbox.

So many emails.

I didn't have too much time to think about resignation, and read the emails one by one.Every time I read one, I found that basically all the emails have been answered, and all of them have been answered with a high level of skill.

That's right, she asked for leave for a month, how could she not take over her job?
The landline rings.

While looking at the email, he took the microphone: "Hello, Finance Department."

"I'm Ye Shanming, come to my office." Ye Shanming's voice came from the microphone.

"Ah?" Yang Yi hesitated a little and asked her to go to his office?
what's the situation?
As soon as she got to work, she asked him to go to his office?She is not his direct report and has no business connection.All her work is directly responsible to Ye Shanqing, so why is he looking for her?
"Oh, okay, come up right away." Hanging up the phone, she got up and walked towards Ye Shanqing's office, knocking on the door.

"Come in!" Ye Shanqing didn't look up.

Yang Yi stood in front of her desk, smiling: "Manager Ye, the general manager asked me to go to his office, I..."

"You are so capable!" Ye Shanqing, who was buried in the document, raised her head, showed her a cold ironic smile, interrupted Yang Yi's words, and said in a very unfriendly tone: "Maybe someday, You can climb on top of me now. I should call you Manager Yang. Yang Yi, I beg you, you know who you are, don’t make things up for me, or you’ll just get out of here !" After Ye Shanqing finished speaking, she glared at Yang Yi bitterly, and continued to bury her head in her documents.

Yang Yi was stunned for a while, but she didn't understand at all, why did Ye Shanqing treat her differently when she came back from a month's leave?What exactly happened?
"Manager Ye, can you speak clearly? What is it called? What is my identity? What do I want to do?" Yang Yi has never been a person who can be insulted casually. Don't try to buckle on her head.You are a manager, so what if you are a superior or a leader?Is it the superiors who can swear at others?

"Crack!" Ye Shanqing slapped the smile on the table heavily, and stared at Yang Yi angrily: "Don't you know what you did?"

"Manager Ye, you have made your words clear. What have I done? I asked for leave twice with a doctor's certificate. I neither violated the company's regulations nor did I fail to complete my duties. You are the leader. You are the boss's younger sister, but that doesn't mean you can slap or even insult the employees at will!" Yang Yi glared at Ye Shanqing angrily.

Yang Yi's voice was quite loud.For a while, outside the office, other employees of the company looked in the direction of Ye Shanqing's office with curious and surprised eyes.

Wow, this Yang Yi asked for leave for a month, so she's getting more courageous?How dare you challenge the manager in the manager's office like this?Not to mention that she is a department manager, she is still the sister of the big boss, and this company belongs to them.She's a princess, so that's a big deal?And look at Yang Yi's appearance, it seems that she is not afraid to say it.what's the situation?
Everyone was curious and surprised.So he paused what he was doing, and looked straight at the two people who were sitting and standing, raising their heads and lowering their heads, with unanimous eyes.

All of a sudden, Ye Shanqing pursed her lips, her eyes with thin lenses showed an unknown dimness, she waved her hand at Yang Yi, and a cold voice came out from her slightly plump lips: "Yang Yi, some Don’t say it so clearly. I said it, you lose face, and I’m rude. I hope you can do what you can.” Yang Yi squinted meaningfully at the ring on Yang Yi’s left ring finger: “The ring is very beautiful and suitable for you. I heard that you Sir is a soldier, I hope you don't take the position of military wife!"

Having said that, if you don't understand what it means, wouldn't you have lived for 23 years in vain?

Yang Yi bent down slightly, put her hands on Ye Shanqing's desk, and showed her a meaningful smile, the corners of her eyes were slightly raised, and the corners of her lips were curved upwards: "Manager Ye, Whether the ring is suitable or not, I know better than anyone else, and I don’t need your reminder. However, I have a sentence to give to you, and it’s better to make it clear. Don’t worry, I won’t lose face, but you That's rude. Of course I know who I am, I'm married, and I'm in the military! Before I get off work, I'll hand you my resignation letter." After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ye Shanqing to say anything else, she turned around and walked out of her office .

Not to mention the fact that Ye Shanming and Master Kang had a holiday, even if there was no such thing, just because of what Ye Shanqing said just now, she would never stay in such a company again.

Outside the office, when everyone saw Yang Yi walking out, they all pretended to be nonchalant and went about their work at hand.Well, busy, really busy.A lot of things, really a lot.They didn't hear or see the confrontation between Manager Ye and Yang Yi, let alone their conversation.

In the elevator, Yang Yi recalled Ye Shanqing's words.

Suddenly, everything brightened up.Finally, he understood why Ye Yanming asked her to accompany her on a business trip to City H. It turned out that the person who had the plan was not her, but him.

No matter what grievances there were between him and Master Kong, she unconditionally believed that the person who was at fault would definitely not be her family, Master Kong.

Civil Affairs Bureau.

When Gu Meiyun arrived, Kang Shuo's car stopped at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The moment he saw Gu Meiyun, a gloom flashed in Kang Shuo's eyes.

Gu Meiyun ignored the gloom in his eyes, gave him a cold sideways glance, and walked towards the divorce window of the Civil Affairs Bureau on her own.

"You have thought about it clearly. This is the divorce you proposed. As long as you get the certificate today, it means that you have given up everything. The company will no longer have your share." Kang Shuo strode to keep up with Gu Meiyun's footsteps, using Said to Gu Meiyun who was walking in front of him with a pity-like tone.

Gu Meiyun stopped and turned around, looked at him with half-smile eyes, without saying a word, but her eyes were enough to express her sarcasm towards Kang Shuo.

Seeing that she was silent, Kang Shuo continued: "You should know that you have been used to living a life of rich clothes and good food all these years. Just imagine yourself, you have no money, no card, and no car to travel around." , can you adapt to such a life. If you regret it, I can consider it as if nothing happened. We can continue with the previous life. I will still hand over the company to Cambridge, even if it is not for yourself, for... ..." Kang Shuo paused slightly, something flashed in his eyes.

Gu Meiqu still sneered, squinting at him, already able to guess what he was going to say next.

(End of this chapter)

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