Wife stand at attention

Chapter 256 The Wife's Chapter Must Be Heard

256 Chapter 4 You have to listen to what your wife says ([-])
Kang Shuo glanced at her and said, "For Xiao Yang, I will also hand over the company to Cambridge." He said very generously.

"Heh!" Gu Meiyun sneered, looking at him with contempt again, "I will return this sentence to you intact, not for myself, even for Xiao Yang, I must divorce you. Kang Shuo , I’ve seen a lot of cheap people, but you really opened my eyes.”

"You - you don't know what to do! Then leave!" Kang Shuo shook his sleeves and left.

Gu Meiyun and Kang Shuo sat side by side in front of the divorce staff.

The staff member was a middle-aged woman who was over fifty years old, seeing that the two of them looked about the same age as her.So out of the original intention of persuasion and not persuasion, he said very kindly: "I said, you two, we are not too young, can we not follow this trend? We are almost grandparents, and we can understand each other Let's understand each other, why do you have to go on this road of divorce? Both of you think about it carefully, think about your children if you don't think about yourself. "

Kang Shuo turned his eyes and stared at Gu Meiyun who was sitting on his left.

Seeing this, the staff already felt a trace of detention in his eyes.Maybe the man doesn't want to leave, but the woman wants to leave.So, he put the ideological work on Gu Meiyun, "Old sister, let me say..."

Gu Meiyun waved at her, signaling her to stop persuading her, "Old sister, I thank you for your kindness in advance. But please help us with the formalities, I didn't realize there was still room for turning back. I If you don't leave, it will hurt the children, I'm sorry for them."

"This..." The staff looked at Gu Meiyun in puzzlement, and then at Kang Shuo who looked like a victim, and consciously understood.It seems that she is another hard-hearted woman, hey, she shook her head speechlessly.

So, he changed his well-meaning attitude just now, and asked in a very professional tone: "Marriage certificate, household registration book, two-inch color photo, divorce agreement."

Since I'm here for a divorce, naturally all the materials are brought together.

Half an hour later, the stamped divorce certificate was handed over to the two of them.

Gu Meiyun took the divorce certificate, turned around and walked out, and said to Kang Shuo who was behind him: "Don't be in a hurry, let's go to the lawyer's office to go through the formalities together."

"Procedure? What procedure?" Kang Shuo hurried to catch up, and asked in confusion, "Why do you still have to go to the lawyer's office? You filed for divorce, so naturally everything about the Kang family has nothing to do with you!"

Gu Meiyun sneered: "I think you made a mistake, it's not that I have nothing, but you have nothing!"

"What did you say?" Kang Shuo looked at Gu Meiyun in disbelief.

Zhongbang Law Firm is a small but well-known and experienced law firm.The cases that the lawyers here take are basically just ones, and they never take cases that violate professional ethics and social morality.

It has been nearly 40 years since the establishment of the law firm. Qi Zhongbang, the founder of the firm, is the legal advisor of the Kang family and the Gu family.Although the case is no longer taken over now, and the law firm has been handed over to the children and grandchildren, but 30 years ago, he was the witness lawyer for the Gu family to invest in the Kang family. The contract signed by the four elderly people of the two families 30 years ago has always been kept by him.So today, Gu Meiyun and Kang Shuo's divorce naturally has to go to Zhongbang Lawyer's Office to handle all matters.

The law firm is not very big, and there are not many lawyers, only five or six.The entire lawyer's office only has a space of a few hundred square meters, but it is enough for them to work, and it does not affect the lawyer's acceptance and handling of cases in the slightest.

Qi Zhongbang is over seventy years old this year, and he is sitting in the office where he has been working and handling cases before.Although he has not accepted a case for many years, his office has been kept, and other lawyers have not used his office.Qi Zhongbang has always been a very respectable person, whether he was young or he is now old.He has a certain pivotal position in the legal field and has many honors and medals.Occasionally, when he has nothing to do or when he is on a whim, he sits in this office, or chats with the juniors in the lawyer's office and talks about interesting things.But he rarely talked about the case with them, because he felt that since he let them go, he had to trust their abilities.As the saying goes, there is no doubt about employing people, and there is no need for doubting people. Although this may sound like tricks, it is also the principle of Qi Zhongbang's conduct in dealing with people.

The office is not very big, less than twenty square meters, and the decoration is also old-fashioned.There is an old-fashioned desktop computer on the desk. Next to the computer is a small pot of prickly pears, a telephone, and a file basket.In the document basket are neatly placed some documents packed with documents. There is a pen holder on the side of the document basket, and a few fountain pens are inserted in the pen holder.There are two filing cabinets side by side in front of the desk, and the cabinets are full of documents.

At this moment, Qi Zhongbang was sitting on the wooden chair behind his desk, with three documents on the table.His hair is already gray, but he is full of energy, and his eyes are bright.

When Kang Qiao arrived at the lawyer's office, he didn't see Gu Meiyun and Kang Shuo, and inadvertently frowned. Kang Qiao was a little puzzled that he didn't see Gu Meiyun.

Standing in the reception room, Kang Qiao looked around at the decoration in the reception room, which was simple but not luxurious but solemn.

"Mr. Kang, please drink tea." Qi Sa, who was wearing a dark black OL suit, was holding a blue and white porcelain teacup, walked to Cambridge with a smile on his face, and handed the hot tea to Cambridge with both hands.

Kang Qiao took the teacup and held it in his hand, "Thank you."

Qi Sa shook his head and smiled: "No need. You sit down first, grandpa will come in a while." After speaking, he turned to leave.

"Miss Qi." Cambridge said.

Qi Sa stopped, turned around and looked at him with a smile, "What does Mr. Kang want to ask? Also, you can call me Xiao Qi, or just call me Qi Sa, instead of Miss Qi."

Qi Sa is Qi Zhongbang's granddaughter and is now one of the lawyers of Zhongbang Law Firm. Qi Er has a student hairstyle and wears a pair of half-rimmed glasses.Whether it's clothing or hairstyle, people feel that he is a very capable person at first sight.

Kang Qiao looked at Qi Sa flatly, and showed a slight smile: "I..." He paused, as if he was thinking about something, and finally said to Qi Sa, "My mother, haven't you come yet?"

Qi Sa showed him a professional smile again: "No, but I think it's time to arrive in a while. I have other cases to work on. You can have a cup of tea and wait for a while. Grandpa will come after finishing the materials." Welcome to you."

Kang Qiao nodded to her: "Excuse me, please." As he spoke, he turned to Qi Sa to show her to leave.

Qi Sa smiled again, "You're welcome."

As soon as Qi Sa walked out of the reception room, Fang Ying, Kang Jian, Kang Mei and Ke Lei walked into the reception room led by another person.

(End of this chapter)

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