Wife stand at attention

Chapter 257: Bamboo Basket Beating Water and Empty 1 Game

Chapter 257
After Qi Sa nodded and smiled at the four of them, she left the reception room sideways.

For the appearance of the four of them, Cambridge was somewhat surprised, but it was also expected.Divide the family property, how could you not come?If you don't come, it's not Fang Ying's style.I've been waiting for this day for so many years.

Although he is not interested in everything about the Kang family.But that doesn't mean others aren't interested either.

The moment Fang Ying saw Cambridge, a sneer of disdain flashed across her eyes.Immediately afterwards, a cynical voice came out of her mouth: "Yo, who am I? Isn't this the young master of our Kang family, Captain Kang? Didn't he keep saying that he was not interested in the money of the Kang family?" I'm not interested in what you are doing in this lawyer's office today? It's nice to say, aren't you coveting the Kang family's money? Hmph!"

What Fang Ying said was as if everything in the Kang family belonged to her, and Kang Qiao was just a parasite of the Kang family, thinking about the money of the Kang family all the time.

Kang Qiao squinted at her with piercing eyes, without any expression on his face.Holding the cup, she sat down on the chair beside her, tilted her left leg over her right leg, leaned back on the chair, and stared at Fang Ying like a cold iceberg.While looking directly at her, he did not forget to take a sip of the hot tea in the cup in his hand.Even at the moment when he pursed his eyes, Kang Qiao's cold eyes never left Fang Ying, and the soldier's temperament was unreservedly glowing at this moment.Even when he was sitting, he exuded a condescending arrogance, and even when he was silent, he always summoned his irresistible majesty.

Fang Ying was overwhelmed by Cambridge's coldness and majesty emanating from the inside out. At this moment, she felt cowardly and panicked for a moment.However, although Kang Qiao looked at her furiously in her heart, and there was a little bit of expression on her face, but out of instinct, she wanted to show her fearlessness and success to the fullest.

So, straightening her back and straightening her back, she looked at Cambridge without blinking.It seemed that she wanted to use this moment of looking at each other to express her intention of coming today, that is, Fang Ying would never let anyone take away everything that belonged to her.

Kang Qiao's face still maintained a difficult expressionless expression, but there was a hint of aloof mockery on the corner of his lips.

The moment Kang Jian saw Cambridge, a gloomy look flashed across his eyes.It was his accident that Kang Qiao appeared in the lawyer's office. If he appeared today to get back the company, then he was wrong, and it was impossible.Since he took over the company five years ago, he never thought of letting anyone else go, Kang Corporation, he spent a lot of effort into it.Now he wants to take it away without any effort, it's impossible!

Looking at Kang Qiao's eyes, unconsciously, there was more hostility.He had never had any affection for Cambridge. Although they had the same blood, he had never treated Cambridge as a big brother.He believed that Cambridge was the same, and he never treated him as a brother.

Cambridge continued to sit, leaning on the back of the chair, drinking the hot tea in his cup as if nothing had happened, scanning them one by one with his falcon-like eyes.

Kang Mei also stared at Cambridge with hostility.

For a moment, the entire reception room was silent, with a strange atmosphere.

"Brother is here too." In the end, it was Ke Lei who broke the silence and weirdness, and said politely to Cambridge who was leaning on the back of the chair.It's just politeness, it doesn't sound like that.

What do you mean by "Brother is here too", it seems that Cambridge is here, and he is here to rob them.

But, for these few people, Cambridge's appearance was just to steal their things.

Fang Ying stared at Cambridge coldly with hostile eyes, and put the bag in her hand on the table beside her, "Talk like a fart, mouth like a butt. Don't even try to get your hands on everything in the Kang family. You don't matter!"

After enjoying a cup of hot tea, Kang Qiao put down his left leg resting on the knee of his right leg, straightened his body from the back of the chair, and a voice as cold as a cold pool floated out from his thin lips, without a trace The temperature: "Is everything about the Kang family related to you? If I remember correctly, you entered the Kang family empty-handed."

The words "empty-handed" pierced Fang Ying's sore spot.

That's right, she entered Kang's family empty-handed, and what she set her sights on was the Kang family's money. If she had money, would she still need to follow Kang Shuo for 30 years without a title?

"Kang Qiao, what do you mean empty-handed? My mother gave birth to me and my brother! The whole company is supported by my brother. What have you and Gu Meiyun done? You two are the two moths of the Kang family!" Kang Mei resented He stared at Cambridge.

See, that's the way people are.

When Gu Meiyun did not divorce Kang Shuo before, it was still "aunt" and "big brother", but now it is "Gu Meiyun" and Kang Qiao.

People are so realistic, especially mothers and daughters like Fang Ying and Kang Mei, who only recognize money but not people.Now, Gu Meiyun asked for a divorce first, so they decided that Gu Meiyun would not get a penny from the Kang family if she wanted to leave the house.As for Kang Qiao, he has a more practical father-son relationship with Kang Shuo, and it is even more impossible for him to get everything from the Kang family.Therefore, there is no need to continue acting for a while.

"Borth?" Kang Qiao read these two words lightly, staring blankly at Kang Mei, who looked like a green peacock, with a hint of coldness from the corner of his lips, holding a porcelain cup in his left hand, and twitched his fingers in his right hand. He tapped on his knee all at once, stopped talking and just looked at Kang Mei so gloomyly.

Ke Lei, who was standing beside Kang Mei, tore off the corner of her clothes, motioning her to stop talking.In Cambridge's current state, it looks like he has a chance to win.

Fang Ying even stared at Cambridge with haughty and invincible eyes. Four enemies to one, even if Ke Lei was not added, they were three enemies to Cambridge and one person. No matter what, they had the chance to win.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting." Qi Zhongbang's voice interrupted the confrontation in the reception room.In fact, it wasn't a confrontation, because Cambridge didn't take them seriously at all.

Hearing the sound, Fang Ying turned around, and showed an elegant and noble smile at Qi Zhongbang, which was completely opposite to the cold look at Cambridge just now.

"Lawyer Qi, you called us to come. Do you want to announce the division of property? The Kang family has regulations. Whoever files for divorce first will lose everything. Now that Gu Meiyun files for divorce first, then everything in the Kang family will be taken care of." It has nothing to do with their mother and child." Fang Ying hurriedly expressed her opinion.

Following Fang Ying's words, Kang Mei also showed a look of impatience on her face.

Although Ke Lei didn't say anything and acted very calmly, the faint desire on his face was also visible.

(End of this chapter)

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