Wife stand at attention

Chapter 259: Bamboo Basket Beating Water and Empty 1 Game

Chapter 259
Kang Shuo nodded, "Yes! So, these years, I have never mentioned the word divorce. This time the divorce was proposed by her, so according to this will, she will give up everything and leave the house." Kang Shuo pointed Pointing at Gu Meiyun who was sitting opposite him.

Fang Ying pursed her lips and smiled slightly after listening.It was like seeing hope in hand.From now on, everything in the Kang family will belong to her.Then, suddenly, Li Qingxue's face flashed before her eyes.

Li Qingxue!

Yes, why did she forget about this little white-eyed wolf?Raising her since she was a child, but in turn bit her hard!
She really hates it!

If I knew this earlier, I might as well have done her together!Then there would be no such thing as today.She is so shameless that she is so shameless as to have an affair with Kang Shuo!
Li Qingxue!Even if you were born to me and my daughter, so what?I will not let you take away everything that belongs to me!I have waited for all this for 30 years, and no one can take it away from me, including you!You wait!When the will is over today, I will personally abolish you, you little white-eyed wolf!
"Lawyer Qi, what about the second will? What is the second will?" Fang Ying asked Qi Zhongbang anxiously.

Qi Zhongbang glanced at her, did not go to get the second will, but first took out the third will from the third document bag, "Before reading the second will, I will read the third will first. This is Mrs. Kang made a will 20 days ago. The content of the will is to change the will made by the Kang family and the Gu family 30 years ago. The content is very simple, that is, everything in the Kang family will be inherited by Cambridge, and Kang Jian 15 will be cancelled. Kangmei 5, the inheritance right. If Kang Qiao has no intention of managing the company, his mother Gu Meiyun and his wife Yang Yi will manage it on his behalf. Kang Shuo and Kang Jian are not allowed to intervene in the company's affairs from now on. Within one month from the date of making the will, Kang Jian must hand over all rights to the company."

"What!" Fang Ying yelled and stood up from the chair, staring at Qi Zhongbang with wide eyes and disbelief, "Impossible! The old woman must have changed her will in a state of unconsciousness! How could that happen?" That’s right! Yes, yes! The old woman had a stroke some time ago, she couldn’t even speak, how could she change her will! Attorney Qi, as a senior lawyer, it’s impossible for you to understand this Right? A will made in a state of insanity is invalid!" Fang Ying, furious, blurted out the words "old woman", and she didn't even call her "mother".

Qi Zhongbang frowned, displeased with Fang Ying's words.

Kang Shuo was in shock, completely ignoring what Fang Ying was calling.

Shocked, besides Kang Shuo, there were naturally Kang Jian, Kang Mei and Ke Lei.

How could this be?How can this be?Not only did he not get more inheritance rights, but even the original ones were cancelled?
"Impossible! My mother is right! The old woman must have changed it in a state of insanity! This will is invalid! You have to follow the first will!" Kang Mei stood up, slapped the table and shouted , like Fang Ying, directly called Mrs. Kang "old woman" instead of "grandma".

Qi Zhongbang frowned even tighter. After glancing at Kang Mei, he looked at Kang Shuo without blinking.However, Kang Shuo didn't react at all, his hands were hanging down weakly.It took a long time before he came back to his senses, and asked Qi Zhongbang: "Uncle Qi, my mother...had a stroke a while ago...Did you change this will while in a state of insanity?"

Qi Zhongbang shook his head in disappointment, and took out a doctor's certificate from his file bag: "Here is a certificate issued by an authoritative doctor, proving that Mrs. Kang was sane when she changed her will, so this will is completely It is valid. Moreover, Mrs. Kang added a clause to the will."

"What?" Kang Shuo asked a little decadently.

"This one is reserved for Ms. Fang." Qi Zhongbang looked at Fang Ying and said, "Madam Kang means that if Kang Shuo and Gu Meiyun divorce, and if Kang Shuo marries Fang Ying, the Kang family villa will be donated to charity. Yang Gou, Kang Shuo and Fang Ying are not allowed to take any of the Kang family’s money and move out of the Kang family’s villa alone! As a high-level manager hired by the company, Kang Jian pays 1000 million yuan in salary for five years in one lump sum. , using power for personal gain, misappropriating company funds, all will be investigated for legal responsibility."

"Ha...haha...hahaha..." Fang Ying burst into laughter suddenly, pointing at Qi Zhongbang, "It's a lie, it's a lie! This will is not valid by a lawyer! It's you He teamed up with Gu Meiyun to deceive people! I don't believe it! I need to find other lawyers to verify the authenticity of this will!"

Qi Zhongbang pursed his lips and smiled: "Ms. Fang can always find a more professional and authoritative lawyer to verify the authenticity of the will. Mrs. Kang asked me to leave a sentence for you in private: people are doing it, and heaven is watching. This Everything is deserved."

"Man is doing it, but the sky is watching?" Fang Ying repeated these six words.

There was a glint of viciousness in Kang Jian's eyes, and he stared at Kang Qiao and Gu Meiyun bitterly.

Kang Mei also stared at Kang Qiao and Gu Meiyun with murderous eyes, wishing to kill them both with her eyes.

A very complicated expression flashed in Ke Lei's eyes, as if he was unwilling or disappointed, and more importantly, he was angry.

Kang Qiao and Gu Meiyun looked at each other, and Gu Meiyun smiled at him, "We deserve it."

"Crack!" Kang Shuo slapped the table, then pointed at Gu Meiyun, roaring: "Gu Meiyun, what do you deserve! You haven't done anything these years, and I'm managing everything in the company. Now It's Kang Jian's management again, if you say what you deserve, it should be yours! You just sit back and enjoy it!"

Gu Meiyun smiled instead of anger: "Yes, I deserve it! All of this belongs to our Gu family, and now I just take back what belongs to me!"

"You—" At this moment, Kang Shuo wished he could kill her.

"Now I am reading the second will." Qi Zhongbang's voice stopped Kang Shuo, and made all the angry people quiet down temporarily.

Fang Ying pinned her hopes on this will, hoping that this will have everything she wanted.However, it once again completely shattered her hopes.

"This will is the first subsidiary will. It is an additional will made by Mr. Gu and Mr. Kang two months after the first will was made by the Gu family and the four elders of the Kang family 30 years ago. The will stated that in the marriage between Kang Shuo and Gu Meiyun, if one party betrayed their marriage, the betrayed party would no longer have any qualifications to continue, so all the property would belong to the other party. Because of this will, Mrs. Gu and Gu Meiyun Mrs. Kang didn't know about it, so there was a will made by Mrs. Kang."

"Boom!" Kang Shuo slumped down on the chair, which meant that he lost everything no matter whether he had a third will or not.Everything in the Kang family no longer has his share, and now he has nothing but a villa!

(End of this chapter)

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