Wife stand at attention

Chapter 260: Bamboo Basket Beating Water and Empty 1 Game

Chapter 260
"Ah——Kang Shuo, you are a big liar, you ruined my whole life, I have been with you for 30 years, gave birth to you a son and a daughter, but in the end, I got nothing! Why are you doing this to me? Why did you do this to me! You said, as long as Gu Meiyun files for divorce, she will lose everything. Everything in the Kang family belongs to us. Why did I get nothing in the end! Why, why did you treat me like this! What on earth do I owe you, you want to hurt me like this!" Fang Ying suddenly hit Kang Shuo like crazy, as if she had been raped by Kang Shuo.

Kang Shuo collapsed on the chair, and let Fang Ying keep beating him crazily, without any reaction, he kept muttering softly: "How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why did I have nothing in the end? ?how so?"

"Liar, liar! What about me? How can the old woman be so eccentric, I am also her granddaughter, why doesn't she leave me a penny?" Kang Mei said to herself foolishly with tears in her eyes.He wanted to turn around and hug Ke Lei, only to realize that Ke Lei had disappeared at some point.Kang Mei was in a hurry, "Lei, Lei, don't leave me behind. You wait for me!" Kang Mei yelled and rushed out of the reception room.

Kang Jian glared fiercely at Gu Meiyun and Kang Qiao, then at Fang Ying who was going mad, turned and left the reception room without saying a word.

Qi Zhongbang glanced sideways at Kang Shuo and Fang Ying with his sharp eyes, shook his head helplessly, and showed an incredulous expression to Gu Meiyun and Kang Qiao.

Gu Meiyun smiled back at him: "Uncle Qi, I'm sorry, I'll drink tea with you next time. I'll be back first today."

Qi Zhongbang nodded with a smile, and patted Cambridge on the shoulder with satisfaction: "Young man, work hard, the old man takes good care of you."

Kang Qiao pursed his lips and smiled slightly: "Thank you, Mr. Qi." Looking at Gu Meiyun, he wanted to call Mom, but he couldn't call out the word in the end.Yun hadn't called this word for many years, and he couldn't call it out in a short while, so he said to Gu Meiyun, "Where are you going now? I'll take you there?"

Gu Meiyun naturally noticed Kang Qiao's doubts and struggles.Although she was looking forward to hearing him call her mother, she also knew that there was no rush.She is already very satisfied with the improved relationship between her and Cambridge.In the past 28 years, she has not fulfilled the duties of a mother, and now she does not expect more. She only hopes that the relationship between mother and child will no longer be as strangers as before.She believed that that day, she would definitely wait for it.

Smiling at him: "Go to the company."

Cambridge didn't speak any more, and walked towards the door.

"Gu Meiyun, stop!" Fang Ying, who was suddenly going crazy, walked towards her quickly, raising her hand...

Seeing that Fang Ying's hand was about to fall on Gu Meiyun's face, Kang Qiao quickly caught the hand that was only two centimeters away from Gu Meiyun's cheek, and looked at Fang Ying with a sullen and condescending look: "Try it! "

His expression was as cold as a cold lake in December, and his tone was undeniably irresistible. His deep eyes shot at Fang Ying like a sharp arrow, and the right hand that was stuck on her wrist He even used [-] minutes of strength, as if Fang Ying's wrist would break with a crisp sound if he exerted a little force.

Gu Meiyun stared at Kang Shuo coldly, and said expressionlessly: "Take care of your woman, don't bite like a mad dog!"

Kang Shuo finally came back to his senses, stood up from the chair weakly, and looked at Gu Meiyun with eyes full of vicissitudes: "You designed all this? Gu Meiyun, I really didn't expect you to be so kind. You are good at scheming, these years, I have really underestimated you. It turns out that 30 years ago, you have already designed everything today, Gu Meiyun, you are ruthless!"

Gu Meiyun pursed her lips and smiled, but without the slightest emotion: "It's not as good as you!" After speaking, she cast a sideways glance at Fang Ying, who was still being held by Kang Qiao's wrist, and walked out the door.

Inside the black Mercedes-Benz, Kang Jian was sitting on the driver's seat with a gloomy face, his right hand was holding the steering wheel tightly, his eyes were deep and terrifying, and his lips were tightly pursed.

1000 million!

In the end, he only got 1000 million?

Even the 15 he originally had was taken back!

With a fierce punch in the direction, Kang Jian's eyes were bloody and full of murderous intent.

it is good!very good!

Instead, she wants to see what ability Gu Meiyun has to take over the company from him.

So what if the company gives you?Can you manage customers without customers?
Gu Meiyun, Cambridge, just wait and see!
Turning the key and stepping on the accelerator, the car pulled out of the parking space and sped on the road that wasn't too crowded.

Kang Qiao drove her Wrangler, and Gu Meiyun sat in the passenger seat, warm satisfaction filled her heart.This is her first time riding in her son's car.

"You..." Kang Qiao drove the car and glanced sideways at Gu Meiyun, hesitant and hesitant, but he didn't know how to express the words best.

Gu Meiyun smiled slightly: "What do you want to say?"

"You have never been in charge of the company, can you take over? The company has always been managed by Kang Jian. I didn't think he would hand over the company to you so easily." Kang Qiao's voice was calm, but also It's all true.

"Let Xiao Yang quit Ye's job."

"She was going to deliver her resignation letter today."

Gu Meiyun looked at Cambridge with some puzzlement, "Of course I know they won't hand over the company to me so easily. The first thing he will do must be to persuade the client to no longer cooperate with the company."

"Then what are you going to do?" There was a slight concern on Cambridge's face.

Seeing this touch of concern, Gu Meiyun was satisfied, and said to him: "Don't worry, Mom knows what to do, and I know what to do. I know you like your current status and you do what you like. Since I have taken this step , know what to do."

Cambridge opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Kang Jian returned to the company with a sullen face. As soon as he entered his office, he threw everything on the table to the ground.He kicked the chair hard, and the chair fell to the ground after turning twice.

Several secretaries outside looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to say anything.

I have never seen Kang Jian get so angry, this is the first time.The biggest fire was caused by Li Qingxue's post last time.

The sound of "ping ping bang bang" continued to be heard in the office, several secretaries shuddered, looked at each other in blank dismay, and then immersed themselves in the work at hand.

Two minutes later, the door of Kang Jian's office opened, and Kang Jian stood at the door, and a gloomy voice came: "Call all department managers, and we will have a meeting in the conference room in 2 minutes."

(End of this chapter)

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