Chapter 261
"Understood, Mr. Kang." Secretary A responded timidly.

"No need!" Secretary A just picked up the receiver and was about to make a call when Gu Meiyun's voice came.

"Mrs. Kang." The moment the secretaries saw Gu Meiyun, they were slightly taken aback, and then quickly stood up from their chairs, calling out to her very respectfully.

Mrs. Kang has never been to the company, and she doesn't care about the company's affairs.Why come to the company now?Also said that there is no need to call the department managers?And behind him was a tall man.

what's the situation?
Several secretaries, including Secretary B, have been in the company for five or six years, which can be said to be longer than Kang Jian took over the company.Everyone in the Kang family knew each other, but they had never seen Kang Qiao, so this society had no idea what Kang Qiao was from.Then his aloof aura emanating from the inside out shocked the secretaries in an instant.

"Mrs. Kang..."

Gu Meiyun waved her hand to the secretary who was addressing her, signaling her not to speak yet, and said to Kang Jian who was standing at the door with a gloomy face: "Before the departmental meeting, should we hold a shareholder meeting first? I have already notified everyone Big and small shareholders, the meeting will be held in half an hour."

Kang Jian pursed his lips and smiled: "Since you have made all the arrangements, then follow your own." After speaking, he turned and returned to his office.

Gu Meiyun glanced coldly at the slowly closing office door, turned her head to one of the secretaries and said, "Draft a document. From today onwards, Kang Jian will no longer be the general manager of the company. All duties and powers. Send an email to all cooperative companies, and attach a scanned copy of the company's official seal. From today onwards, Kang Jian will no longer have any relationship with the company. All his words and actions represent only him, not the company. .”


Staring at Gu Meiyun without blinking her eyes wide open, she couldn't recover from her words at all, and didn't know whether she should say "good" or "not good".

"Why are you still in a daze?" Seeing that she didn't respond, Gu Meiyun knocked on her table to show that she could start.

"Oh, oh. Okay, Mrs. Kang." The secretary came back to his senses, and was about to sit down on the chair, but seemed to remember something, and asked Gu Meiyun with a blank face: "Madam Kang, who will take over the management?" Business matters of the company?" Could it be the tall man in front of him?

Gu Meiyun glanced at the stunned secretaries, "First, don't call me Mrs. Kang in the future, call me Ms. Gu. Second, from today onwards, I will take over the company myself."

"Ah?" The secretaries were stunned again, and then nodded mechanically: "Okay, Kang... Ms. Gu."

Gu Meiyun and Kang Qiao walked towards the meeting room side by side, and Kang Qiao asked: "Since there is a shareholder meeting, shouldn't Mr. Qi come with his will? This will be more convincing."

Gu Meiyun didn't stop, and said confidently: "Old Qi is getting old, and I don't want him to interfere in these matters anymore. Before the shareholder meeting, Sa Sa will be there, and she will be the company's legal counsel in the future."

Kang Qiao paused, and looked at Gu Meiyun with a little admiration: "You... have already made arrangements?" Why did he feel that everything was under her control?Whether it was in the lawyer's office just now or now, she was so confident, without any panic.

Gu Meiyun pursed her lips and smiled: "Mom has been doing nothing for so many years, so she should be sober. Money is actually something external to me, but I don't want to take advantage of them. Even if I donate money to charity, it's better than giving it to them." Will you...will support me?" Gu Meiyun looked at Cambridge expectantly.

Cambridge shrugged: "I'm not interested in the company's affairs, but I think I will support you."

Gu Meiyun smiled, the words of having a son are enough.

After half an hour.

The five shareholders sat around the meeting table, you looked at me, I looked at you, it seems that they don't quite understand what happened.Half an hour ago, Gu Meiyun made a phone call and told them to go to the company conference room for a meeting in half an hour.I don't understand how Mrs. Kang, who never cared about the company's affairs, would call them and say they have a meeting.The company has always been managed by Kang Shuo, and it was handed over to his youngest son Kang Jian five years ago. Their shareholders also don't care about the size of the company, and just sit around and get dividends until the end of the year.When you are old, you should enjoy your family and family, and have fun when you have to have fun.What is more important in life than enjoyment, at their age.

However, what puzzled them was that within 10 minutes after answering Gu Meiyun's call, Kang Shuo made another call to their mobile phone, saying that if Gu Meiyun called them, please ignore it completely. Recruit the board of directors, let alone agree to the company being in charge of her.

A few shareholders were confused when they heard it, but at the same time they understood nine out of ten.

They also know more or less about the Kang family.If the Kang family hadn't invested in the Gu family back then, how could there be the Kang family this year.However, Kang Shuo didn't cherish it well, instead he raised his concubine, and even brought the concubine home, and handed over the company that originally belonged to the Gu family to Kang Jian, the son born to the concubine.Although everyone didn't say it on the surface, in fact, who didn't know that it was Kang Shuo's fault?
The shareholders are basically older than Kang Shuo and Gu Meiyun, and they also watched the Gu family hand everything over to Kang Shuo.However, Kang Shuo was taking over the company. Not long after the two elders of the Gu family passed away in an accident, Fang Ying, mother and son were brought back home.Who doesn't say that Kang Shuo has no conscience behind his back.But, let's talk about it, after all, it's all family affairs, besides, even Gu Meiyun agreed to let Fang Ying's mother and son into Kang's house, so what can outsiders say.

Now that Gu Meiyun did this, she was probably forced to the point of no return by Kang Shuo and Fang Ying.

The father-son relationship between Kang Shuo and Kang Qiao was basically known to everyone in this circle.Therefore, when calls from Gu Meiyun and Kang Shuo came to their mobile phones at the same time, most people would subconsciously side with Gu Meiyun.

Gu Meiyun was sitting on the right seat. Kang Qiao didn't want to participate in this meeting, but after thinking about it anyway, the old lady's will stated that the company was handed over to him, and Gu Meiyun and Yang Yi were just hosting the company for him, because the old lady knew He has no interest in the company.After thinking about it, he stayed in the conference room and sat in a position closer to Gu Meiyun.

Qi Sa was sitting on Gu Meiyun's left, the closest to Gu Meiyun, and Cambridge was next to her.Originally, Qi Sa wanted Kang Qiao to sit next to Gu Meiyun and she sat beside him, but Kang Qiao gave her the seat closest to Gu Meiyun.One is to respect her, and the other is to feel that she is suitable for this position.At this moment, Qi Sa was holding the wills that Qi Zhongbang had read before.Before coming, Qi Zhongbang had already given a concise overview of the matter, and Qi Sa was already full of confidence. Although she was only a senior student, now it was only her internship period.However, being from a family of lawyers, she has been familiar with the large and small cases that her grandfather and father have taken on since she was a child, as well as the various legal books she read in the study, plus the few cases she actually took as an intern.While Qi Sa is obviously full of confidence, he is very handy for such a case.

(End of this chapter)

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