Chapter 262
Kang Jian sat across from Cambridge, his lips were tightly pressed, and he didn't say a word.

The meeting room was very serious for a while, and the five shareholders looked directly at Gu Meiyun.

"Everyone, uncles and elders." Gu Meiyun put her hands on the table and said to everyone with a smile: "Today, I asked some of you to come to the company for a meeting. From today, the company decided to dismiss Kang Jian as the general manager. I will be fully responsible for the company's affairs in the future."

"Meiyun, what happened? Okay, why did you just say you were dismissed? After all, Kang Jian has been in charge of the company for five years, and the company has been running pretty well under his management. You have never taken over the company. If you are like's not that we say no, but we...what do you want us to say." In fact, a shareholder said hesitantly.

"Gu Meiyun—" Kang Shuo's voice came, and he rushed into the conference room immediately.

"Mr. Kang, we are holding a shareholder meeting now, please don't disturb us." Gu Meiyun squinted at Kang Shuo expressionlessly.

Hearing this, several shareholders looked at each other again.Why does this sound like an insult to Kang Mian?

"Gu Meiyun, do you have to lose the company to be reconciled? Do you know what management is? Do you know how to cooperate with customers? Do you know how to develop new customers? Over the past thirty years, you Besides swiping the card to spend money, do you know anything else? I have worked so hard to win the company, if you want to defeat my company, I will definitely not agree." Kang Shuo pointed at Gu Meiyun's face with a livid face. The tip of the nose said angrily.

The five shareholders looked at each other again. Although they sympathized with Gu Meiyun and disagreed with Kang Shuo's behavior, they had to admit that Kang Shuo's words were very reasonable at the moment.They can't hand over the company to someone with no management experience.

"Mei Yun..." one of them said.

Gu Meiyun waved her right hand, "Uncle Pei." She interrupted him, indicating that she knew something, turned her head and looked directly at Kang Shuo, smiling confidently and proudly, "Defeat? Mr. Kang, do you think too highly of yourself or too underestimated?" Me? How much do you know about the company? What is the total turnover of the company this year? How many customers has the company cooperated with? What products are the main products of the cooperation? The company was handed over from my father to you At that time, the main business was crystal craft lighting, tell me, how much lighting accounted for the company's performance now? How much is the performance this month, and is it an increase or a decrease year-on-year?"

Gu Meiyun sat on the chair, raised her head slightly and stared at Kang Shuo without blinking, but her smile was full of confidence.

Kang Shuo was stunned by Gu Meiyun's series of questions, he really didn't know what she said.Since the anti-company was handed over to Kang Jian five years ago, he has never been in charge of the company's affairs. Occasionally, Kang Jian would report to him on the company's operations.The performance is increasing every year, so he believes in Kang Jian.

When the others heard Gu Meiyun's words, they also showed a different look.Regarding these questions, who can say that it is a person who does not understand the company at all?Is it someone who doesn't understand management at all?
There was also a look of disbelief in Cambridge's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a smile.

A look of surprise flashed in Kang Jian's eyes.

"What? Can't you answer?" Gu Meiyun looked at Kang Shuo who opened his mouth wide but couldn't say a word with a half-smile, turned the pen in his hand, "If you can't answer, I will answer for you. The company's total turnover this year is 2000 million, but the profit is only 1000 million. There are 2000 customers who have a cooperative relationship with the company online and 1000 offline. The cooperative products are not craft lighting, but crystal wool beads. In the total turnover of 60.00 million yuan, the proportion of crystal lamps is less than 40.00%. This month's performance is only 2000 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1000%, and a five-year decrease of [-]%! Mr. Kang, can you tell me why? Is a turnover of [-] million yuan only a profit of [-] million yuan?" Gu Meiyun's sharp eyes shot from Kang Shuo's body to Kang Jian's.

"In the current financial crisis, almost every order is sold with guaranteed capital, and the profit is only a few tenths. I don't think there is anything wrong with a profit of 1000 million?" Kang Jian answered Gu Meiyun's words very calmly. But something was scratched.

"Hehe!" Gu Meiyun sneered, "What's the profit? Guaranteed sales? Then I'm curious, since it's guaranteed, how come so many dividends are distributed to shareholders every year, and the company's account is not credited?"

After Gu Meiyun's words fell, several shareholders discussed lightly: "Yes, we have not cared about the company's affairs in the past few years, but we get a lot of dividends every year, which is enough to show that the company is increasing every year."

Gu Meiyun squinted at Kang Jian coldly, "I didn't want to bring up this topic today, but since someone brought it up, I'll just settle everything together today." Taking the mobile phone on the table, He directly dialed the number of the secretary's office, "Instruct the managers of each department to hold a meeting in the conference room in five minutes." After speaking, he hung up the phone and turned to Qi Sa, "Lawyer Qi, it's okay."

Qi Sa took out three wills from the file bag, "Ms. Genju Kang's revised will 20 days ago, Mr. Kang and Mr. Gu's will 30 years ago, Mr. Kang Shuo and Kang Jian, Kang Mei and even Fang Ying No one has the right to inherit. Everything in the Kang family belongs to Mr. Kang Qiao, but due to the special nature of Mr. Kang Qiao's work, everything in the company is managed by Ms. Gu Meiyun and Mrs. Kang Qiao's wife Yang Yi. That is to say, from this moment, Mr. Kang Shuo and Mr. Kang Jian have no relationship with the company at all. These are the attached copies of the three wills, and the originals are archived in Zhongbang Law Firm." After Qi Sa finished speaking, he handed the three wills in his hand to everyone present shareholder.

The five shareholders took the attached will and nodded unanimously after reading it one by one, expressing that it was reasonable.

Five minutes later, Liu, the manager of each department, came to the conference room.

The meeting continues.

Qingcheng Bieyuan, Li Qingxue's residence.

Li Qingxue was wearing a large white sweater and a black miniskirt, because the sweater was too big and too long, so the miniskirt couldn't be seen at all.Standing on the balcony with a pair of thin silk stockings and a pair of fur slippers on bare feet.

The spider plant on the balcony drooped a little more, Li Qingxue held a glass of red wine in one hand, and stroked the drooping spider plant with the other, with a curved curve on the corner of her lips.The sun shone on the goblet in her hand, reflecting a faint reflection.

The temperature on the balcony is actually a bit low. The heating in the room is at least 27 degrees, but the temperature on the balcony is no more than ten degrees even under direct sunlight.The winter in Jingshi seems to be colder this year than in previous years, and the snow a while ago was a little thicker than last year.Although the sun was high, the cold wind still gave people a chill.However, Li Qingxue was standing on the balcony wearing only a sweater, but she didn't feel cold at all.

(End of this chapter)

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