Wife stand at attention

Chapter 268 Mrs. Please Be Your Husband First

Chapter 268 Mrs. Please Be Your Husband First (4)
So, sometimes this person's reaction is really uncommonly slow, just like Yang Xiaoguai at this moment is a slow boy.

Blinking her round almond eyes, she looked up at Master Kang, as if she really wanted to understand what Master Kang was thinking at the moment.

Master Kang stretched out his left hand, and ruthlessly ravaged her on the top of the head: "Madam, you can understand that this officer is doing such a stupid thing that loses the efficiency of a soldier because he has a brain convulsion."

After Master Kang finished speaking, Mrs. Kang pursed her lips and smiled.She rolled her eyes playfully at him, and said in line with his words: "Master Kang, it's not you who have a brain twitch, but your wife and I. Alright, Mr. Kang, let's take a boat trip on the river and spend a good time together. Mr. Kang, please!" While speaking, he said a very professional "please" to Mr. Kang.

Mr. Kang raised his chest, raised his leg, and was about to step forward with full authority, but then retracted the right leg that had been stepped out, and made a standard "please" to Yang Xiaoguai, "Ma'am , please first, husband later."

Yang Xiao was very happy, she turned her back and said goodbye, her chin was raised and her chest was raised, and Long Xiong strode forward in high spirits.Mr. Kang followed closely behind to act as a personal guard and flower protector.

There are not many people on this ferry. Although there are vacant seats on the first floor, many people choose to go up to the second floor and stand on the boat board to cross the river while blowing the Jingjiang wind.

Yang Xiaoguai naturally chose to go to the second floor.

Watching the ferry move slowly and feeling the wind from the river, although it feels a little cold, it has a unique style.

Master Kang stood behind her, with his hands tightly around her waist, holding her small palms, and put the hat on her down jacket on her head.

"Is it cold?" A gentle and considerate voice rang in her ear.

Yang Xiaoguai shook her head and snuggled into his arms: "I have you to protect me from the wind."

After scratching her palm a few times with his fingertips, Master Kang said with a smile: "Mrs. Kang, it seems that you are standing in front of me now, are you protecting me from the wind?"

Mrs. Kang: "..."

Master Kang, can you have some fun?Can you have some fun?Can you say something provocative?
I stared at him sideways, but saw that he was smiling maliciously, and there was a faint ruffian in the evil.

It's this naughty ruffian that makes Yang Xiaoguai unable to move his eyes away.

"Yang Xiaoguai, you are really an extraordinary fool." Lord Kang laughed heartily, in a good mood.

Of course, the consequence of laughing heartily was that Yang Xiaoguai twisted his wrist severely to relieve his anger.

The warm sun shines on the body, facing the river wind, leaning against the broad chest, the ferry moves slowly, and the mood is unique.

Mingshan Park is one of the newly developed parks this year, located one kilometer away from Jingjiang.There is a hill in the park. Of course, the hills in the urban area cannot be very high, and the altitude is at most 50 to less than [-].

On the left side are stone steps, slanting up, from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there are more than 200 steps and less than [-] steps.The lawn is paved on the right side, but step pits for stepping on are dug in a very humane way.

Those who come to the park to climb the hill, you can choose to walk up the steps, or you can choose to climb this small step pit to go up.The steps are slanted up, with a very sloping slope, but the step pit is straight up and relatively steep.Younger people like to climb the pits, while older people choose to walk up the steps.

Entering the park, the first is an artificial stream, three meters wide and half a meter deep.The water in the stream is quite clear, and you can see the fish and shrimps at the bottom of the stream.There are cobblestones on both sides of the stream, and small evergreen shrubs are planted beside the cobblestones.

Only one kilometer away, Kang Qiao did not drive over, but walked side by side to Mingshan Park with Yang Xiaoguai after getting off the ferry.

There is a small musical fountain in the middle of the park, but it is rarely open in winter.

Because it is not a weekend and it is noon, there are not many people in the small square of the park.However, there are a few itinerant small merchants and hawkers.

"Why didn't I know there was such a park?" Yang Xiaoguai stood in the middle of the small square, raised her head slightly and scanned the hills ahead, and asked Master Kang beside her.

Master Kang put his right hand on her shoulder, glanced sideways at Yang Xiaoguai, and then at the steps of the hill ahead, "Yang Xiaoguai, I will give you 5 minutes."

Yang Xiaoguai turned to Master Kang with a blank expression, and asked dully: "Master Kang, what do you want me to do in five minutes?"

Why did she feel that she couldn't keep up with Mr. Kang's thoughts today?Is she apathetic and slow, or Mr. Kang reacted too quickly?
Master Kang stretched out his hand on the top of her head and ravaged her hard, almost rumpled her hair into a chicken coop, "In five minutes, I still reached the top of the mountain before you."

As soon as these words came out, Yang Xiaoguai completely understood.

Hehe, Dare to love Mrs. Kang, this is considered to be very caring for her.

Ever since, Comrade Xiao Yang clapped Kang Da's shoulders with his strong hands, showing a bright smile like a peach blossom: "Master Kang, you said, let me take 5 minutes. If you fail to reach the bottom of the mountain before me, But you're being punished."

Mr. Kang raised his brows with a very temperament, and raised the corners of his eyes: "I always keep my word." He raised his right wrist to look at the watch on his wrist, and said in the tone of a soldier who belongs to the training ground: " Start the timer now, Yang Xiaoguai, you can act now."

Yang Xiaoguai started to run, heading directly towards the Bukeng, and shouted loudly to Master Kang behind him as he ran: "Master Kang, after 5 minutes, you can only walk up the steps, not here. The pit! Otherwise, you still lose."

If you are alive, you have to learn to be a little bit of a rogue.At this moment, Yang Xiaoguai used her little bit of rascal to the right.

Seeing her running direction, Cambridge pursed his lips and smiled.

Yang Xiaoguai, in fact, your choice is wrong!

That's right, the number of steps on the steps is indeed much more than that of the step pits, but the steps are inclined and the step pits are steep.Although the number of stages is small, it is laborious. Since it is laborious, it is naturally time-consuming.

Although the number of steps is many, it saves effort.

With arms folded around his chest, Kang Qiao turned his body slightly, smiling at the petite figure who was struggling to climb up, and the corners of his lips curved even more.

After 5 minutes, he walked towards the steps.But at Bukeng, Yang Xiaoguai only climbed ten meters away.

Mr. Kang was in a good mood and did not use the usual pace of training, but took a very leisurely walk, walking forward step by step.If he follows his usual training pace, it will take no more than 3 minutes from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.But at this moment, he was not in a hurry, and took out his mobile phone to take pictures along the way while walking up the steps.

(End of this chapter)

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