Wife stand at attention

Chapter 269 I Love You, Mr. Kang

Chapter 269 I Love You, Mr. Kang (1)
Comrade Xiao Yang was depressed.

If I knew I didn't choose this step, it's simply not human work.From a distance, I didn't realize that it was so steep, and even when I first started climbing, I didn't feel it was very steep.But the more she climbed, the more she felt that the slope was very steep. Her legs were trembling, but the soles of her feet were burning hot.His back was already drenched with sweat, and dense bead crawled out of his forehead.

Turning his head and glanced at the square, Master Kong was no longer there, and he didn't know when Master Kang walked up the steps.Looking up at the top of the mountain, then looking down at the foot of the mountain, Comrade Xiao Yang cried again.This is only two-thirds of the climb, and there is still one-third of the climb.

My God, I would have listened to Liuliu if I knew it earlier, I should have exercised more, so I wouldn't be as weak as I am now.Well, Liuliu, you are right, from today onwards, sister decides to listen to your words and strengthen her training.

Gritting his teeth, he continued to climb up.

The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

"A vine in front of the Amen team, A'Nen'A'Nen, is green and just sprouting. The snail is climbing up step by step with that heavy shell on its back."

"There are two orioles on the tree, Axi and Axi are laughing at him, the grapes are still early to ripen, what are you doing now?"

"Ah Huang Ah Huang, don't laugh, I will mature when I climb it..."

Comrade Xiao Yang was very creative while humming the songs from his childhood, and continued to struggle ING.

At this moment, Yang Xiaoguai felt that she was the snail with the shell on her back, no matter the speed or the image, she was so appropriate.

It is said that the combination of work and rest can double the efficiency.

Yang Xiaoguai had only finished humming twice, but she realized that she had seen the tallest pine tree on the top of the mountain.

Oh yeah, success is in sight.Mr. Kang must not have arrived yet.

However, Yang Xiaoguai's idea just popped up in her head, and there were two extra toe caps in the corners of her eyes.Immediately afterwards, a big black palm stretched out towards her.Then, that familiar face appeared in front of her eyes with a faint alluring smile.And then Master Kong's gentle voice sounded above her head: "Madam, I have been waiting for you for a long time for my husband, the daylily is almost cold, and the peach blossoms are almost gone."

Yang Xiaoguai, who was short of breath, didn't even have the energy to get angry, so she directly stretched her hands upwards, motioning for him to pull her up.

Master Kang stretched out his hands in a good mood, and pulled his tired wife who looked like a cow down.

"Ah, Mr. Kang, you are too insincere and unlovable!" Yang Xiaoguai put her feet on the ground, and hung her whole body on him, putting all her strength on Kang Qiao's body, mouth Li grunted and complained.Mr. Kang put his arms around her waist, let her hang her whole weight on him, and pinched the tip of her nose with one free hand, and said with a smile: "Xiaoguai Yang, I have already let you go for 5 minutes Now, is this called insincere?"

Yang Xiaoguai pouted, "Am I on the same level as you? You are practicing and preparing all the time. I haven't had a physical education class for many years. You have to be sincere, you should let me take 10 minutes Yes, in 5 minutes, you clearly have no sincerity!" Obviously, Mrs. Kang Yang Xiaoguai is making full use of her instinct of playing rogue and her legendary ability to make progress.

Master Kong nodded, "Okay, I will let you go down for 10 minutes with sincerity."

Yang Xiaoguai smiled very satisfied, his smile was like a flower, like a jade, and he was intoxicated.

There is no one on the top of the mountain, about twenty square meters are covered with smooth marble, surrounded by stone benches.There is also a small pavilion built ten meters ahead.

Standing on the top of the mountain, looking around, you can have a panoramic view of everything around, tall buildings everywhere, and cars coming and going.

Comrade Xiao Yang was in a good mood, turned around, wrapped his arms around his neck, and looked at him with a half-smile: "Master Kang, what are your plans?"

Mr. Kang looked at her with deep eyes, revealing a deep sense of tenderness and pampering, and said Chunchun: "Make my wife happy."

Warm and warm in my heart, like the beautiful sun in March flashing across my heart, warming people's hearts.

Her eyes glanced around, and after she was sure that there was really no third person besides the two of them, Yang Xiaoguai made a very bold decision. KISS on the top of the mountain, this man who makes her throbbing and moving all the time, her man.

Of course...

Imagination is beautiful, reality is cruel.

Just when Yang Xiaoguai's lips were about to touch Master Kang's lips...

"Hey, hurry up, you are a big man, why can't you compare to me! I don't even have weak legs, but you actually call my legs weak! Are you embarrassed?" A woman's voice came from the steps, It seems to be talking about his boyfriend.

"Hey, baby, can I compare with you? What you teach in school is sports, and what I want in the company is to write programs! It's different! It's already pretty good that I can support it until now!" The man complained and A flirting voice came.

"Okay, what you said, starting tomorrow, I will accompany you to climb Mingshan Mountain every morning until your eight-pack abdominal muscles reappear and the little mouse on your arm reappears!" the woman said firmly .

"Ah--wife, please forgive me, I might as well sleep on the bed for half an hour!" the man wailed.

Hearing the sound, Yang Xiaoguai quickly broke free from Master Kang's arms, and lowered her head slightly, feeling as if she was caught on the spot for doing something bad.

Yang Xiaoguai glanced sideways at the man whose legs were already weak and his hands were drooping. Brother, didn’t you say that your legs were weak, then why don’t you stop being weak and come up 2 minutes later, you let the girl and Mr. Kang It's okay to come up after KISS first.

Seeing Yang Xiaoguai's very unfriendly eyes, Master Kang pursed his lips and smiled.

"Yeah, there's someone." When the woman who just came up saw Kang Qiao and Yang Yi, she was slightly taken aback, and then she pursed her lips and smiled.Then, he stretched out his left hand, grabbed the man whose legs were so soft that he just wanted to sit down, and directly lifted his collar: "Xia Lidong, don't be too ashamed. You see, the girls are all Stronger than you, if you are a man, stand up straight for me, otherwise I will kick you down the mountain, believe it or not." After finishing speaking, he said embarrassedly to Cambridge and Yang Yi: "Then what, I made you laugh, this Men are under-educated."

Xia Lidong sat down directly on the marble steps, "Honey, you might as well just give me a kick. I don't want you to torture people like this. Why do you want to torture your students? Why are you torturing me?" ? I'm going home to program."

The woman's face turned green, and after that, she hated iron and steel and gave him a gentle kick on the ass.

Kang Qiao pursed his lips and smiled slightly, and said to Xia Lidong, "Brother, I can't let your woman look down upon you."

(End of this chapter)

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