Wife stand at attention

Chapter 270 I Love You, Mr. Kang

Chapter 270 I Love You, Mr. Kang (2)
Xia Lidong raised his eyes to look at Cambridge, but he didn't intend to stand up from the steps at all. Then he looked at his wife cheerfully, and then said to Cambridge: "What's the matter? It's not shameful to be looked down upon by your own woman." It shows that my wife is capable and capable. Wife, oh, I'm glad you're above me."

The result of the pun was that his wife gave him another hard kick in the ass.

Seeing this, Cambridge and Yang Yi laughed again.

This couple is quite cute.

Of course, the woman resentfully said after mending her feet, "This man is a piece of mud that can't be helped."

Comrade Xiao Yang patted her on the shoulder: "Sister, you are very lucky."

The sister glanced at her, and then at Master Kong: "Sister, you are not lazy."

He took out his mobile phone and handed it to the sister: "Sister, take a photo for us."

The sisters naturally have nothing to say.

Yang Xiaoguai followed Kang Qiao and retreated to the stone bench behind him, then stood on the stone bench by himself, and lay down on Master Kang's shoulder, "Master Kang, smile, this is the first time my wife took a photo with you , don't show me your paralyzed face."

Master Kang cooperated with his wife and showed a charming smile.

"Crack." The photo was taken.

"Thank you, sister." Yang Yi thanked her.


"You guys, do you want to take a picture?" Comrade Xiao Yang pointed to Xia Lidong who was still sitting on the steps.

"Don't... I won't shoot." As soon as Yang Yi finished speaking, Xia Lidong stood up from the steps like a carp, his legs were not weak anymore, and he ran towards the gazebo in three steps at a time. .

Comrade Xiao Yang was dumbfounded.

Is this the god horse situation?

The sister shrugged: "Photophobia."

There is also such a symptom.

Yang Xiaoguai's eyes widened.

After standing on the top of the mountain for a while, Kang Qiao raised his wrist to check the time. It was already three o'clock in the afternoon.So he said to Yang Yi, "Have you returned yet?"

The sun had already set to the west, Yang Xiaoguai patted him on the shoulder: "Master Kang, squat down."

In line with the purpose of wife first, Master Kang squatted down without any consideration.

Yang Xiaoguai jumped on his back directly, "Master Kang, your wife's legs are weak and she has no strength to go down the mountain. Then I have to work hard on you, and I will go home to comfort you."

Master Kang put her on his back and stepped down the steps: "Then how do you plan to comfort me?"

Yang Xiaoguai: "How do you want me to comfort you?"

Master Kong: "I'll let you know when I think of it."

Inside the gazebo.

Xia Lidong leaned on his wife's shoulder, "Honey, your husband's legs are also weak, can you work hard too? Come home tonight and my husband will comfort you."

What attracted him was a quick meal, plus the word "Get lost!"

People say that your father's back is a mountain, which gives you a sense of security.At this moment, Yang Xiaoguai felt that Master Kang was her mountain, whether it was his back or his arms, they all gave her the same sense of security.As long as he exists, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Lying on his thick back, the corners of Yang Xiaoguai's lips were curved up, and the corners of her eyes were raised.This man is her life's support.

When the two arrived at Dahai's auto repair shop, Yuefang happened to be taking a lunch break.

Seeing the two of them, Yuefang and Haihai were very surprised.

Dahai and Yuefang knew about Yang Yi's miscarriage.In fact, Dahai and Yuefang really wanted to visit, but since Yuefang has a belly of more than eight months, it is already very clumsy to start.Furthermore, she was afraid that Yang Yi would think of her child emotionally when she saw Yuefang's belly.So, after discussing it, the two decided not to visit Yang Yi, but they also called Cambridge several times.

Words of comfort are naturally indispensable, and more of it is the mutual concern.Yuefang naturally hated the old man Kang Shuo to the core. She had seen such a shameless pervert, but she had never seen such a shameless pervert, right?So, there is no cheapest, only more cheap.

Both Yuefang and Dahai felt heartbroken for Cambridge. No matter what, he was still the father who gave birth to him. No matter how much resentment he had, he could only suffocate himself in the end.In fact, the one who suffers the most is Cambridge, with such a father who is no different from a scum.

"Brother Qiao, sister-in-law, why are you here?" Yuefang called the two excitedly, "Quickly, go upstairs, go upstairs. I think you're thinking about it, Dahai and I wanted to go see sister-in-law, But..." Yuefang stopped talking, and looked at Yang Yi with pity, "Sister-in-law has lost a lot of weight."

Yang Yi pursed her lips and smiled, she knew what Yuefang said suddenly, and she also knew that she didn't want to make her sad.He shook the clothes in his hands in front of Yuefang: "I bought clothes for the baby, both men's and women's. This is the nutritional milk powder I bought for you." Pointing to the two big cans of milk powder in Master Kong's hand.

Yue Fang shrugged at her short-cut hair in embarrassment: "Sister-in-law, this is costing you money. Come here as soon as you come, what clothes and milk powder do you want to buy? Really, it's so strange."

Yang Yi stretched out her hand to caress her ball-like belly: "I'm giving this to the baby."

Yuefang smiled, and said to the treasure in her stomach: "Baby, you see how lucky you are. My aunt bought you so many clothes before you were born."

As if hearing what Yuefang said, the baby kicked her in the stomach heavily.

"Master Kong, the baby said thank you." Yang Yi shouted at Master Kang excitedly.

Master Kong pursed his lips and smiled, "Baby said you bought too little, why did your aunt only buy four sets of clothes, and you should buy some more toys."

Yang Yi was slightly taken aback, and then suddenly realized, "That's right! Then why didn't you remind me before, but now." She gave him a look.

"Brother Qiao, what are you talking about!" Dahai and Yuefang said in unison, "There is no such thing as you, we will be happy if you and sister-in-law come. Stay for dinner today, and Dahai will cook."

Cambridge glanced at Dahai, and said with disbelief, "The sea can cook?"

Dahai stretched out his hand and crawled on his short hair with a little embarrassment: "For the sake of the big and the small, I have to learn it too. Otherwise, when the time comes, who will take care of her confinement. Brother Qiao, let me tell you, I am now Learn everything, once you learn it, the most books at home now are how to take care of pregnant women and children, and how to take care of confinement. As soon as my child is born, I will definitely be a standard dad..."

Hai Hai was still talking, but Yue Fang gently pulled the corner of his clothes, telling him not to continue talking, so as not to arouse Yang Yi's sadness.

Dahai stopped talking and said apologetically to Cambridge and Yang Yi, "Brother Qiao, sister-in-law, I...don't take it to heart."

(End of this chapter)

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