Wife stand at attention

Chapter 271 I Love You, Mr. Kang

Chapter 271 I Love You, Mr. Kang (3)
Yuefang instructed He: "Yes, brother Qiao, sister-in-law. You know, Dao is not very good at talking, so don't take it to heart. Especially sister-in-law..."

Kang Qiao turned his eyes to look at Yang Yi. In fact, he also knew that when she saw Yuefang's stomach, she would think of her own affairs more or less, "Little boy..."

Yang Yi breathed in, shrugged and smiled, "I'm fine. I can't have sequela phobia because of this, right? Life is still going on. Besides, Mr. Kang, you will never let me have a second chance. Next time, right?" Yang Xiaoguai looked at Cambridge with a half-smile, but her eyes were full of trust and affirmation for him.

Kang Qiao stretched out his arms to hug her, "There will be a second time, the emperor, I will unload him! Then I will unload myself."

Dahai said: "Brother Qiao, if you don't make a move, I will help you first!"

Yuefang said: "Brother Qiao, unloading people is more suitable for Dahai to do. Your task is to protect your sister-in-law, and then quickly release my son's whole daughter-in-law."

Yang Yi 囧囧 looked at Yue Fang with enthusiasm, and then joked: "What if you are a daughter?"

Yuefang continued without hesitation: "Then I will give birth to a son, anyway, your daughter must be my daughter-in-law."

Yang Yi was embarrassed again: "Then what if I am a son?"

Dahai said: "That's just right, marry my daughter, and by the way, I will use my auto repair shop as a dowry."

Xiao Yang bent down with a cute smile, and patted Kang Qiao's waist: "Master Kang, you see that Hai Hai has arranged for your son's future life. If you dare, your son will have to take over his unique skill in the future."

This time it was Dahai's turn to be dumbfounded.

He didn't mean that, okay? He really didn't mean that.

"Brother Qiao, I really don't mean that. How could Brother Qiao's son be as worthless as I am, and he only guards a small auto repair shop? He must be as promising as you, Brother Qiao, at least he has to carry a The general is back." Dahai hurriedly explained his original intention.

Then Kang Qiao fell silent, and arranged his son's life in just a few words?Even the dolls are ordered?His son said without a trace, so there is an extra daughter-in-law?

"No way!" Lord Kang shouted directly, with full of shocking power, the three of them leaned towards him in unison, what's the matter?
Mr. Kang said very mightily: "Now we advocate free love, and we don't engage in arranged marriages!"

Two seconds...no sound.

Five seconds... still no sound.

ten seconds...

"Hahaha..." Yang Xiaoguai laughed, and then Yuefang also laughed, only Dahai continued to look at him with a dazed expression.

Yang Xiaoguai laughed so hard that he almost lost his temper. He bent over, supported his belly with one hand, and supported his waist with the other: "Master Kang, you are really talented. I admire you very much. Really, Extraordinary admiration."

The dinner was cooked by two big men, Master Kong and Dahai. Apart from Master Kang and Yang Xiaoguai, two of Dahai's apprentices were eating together.

After the meal, after chatting for a while, Kang Qiao took Yang Yi and left.After playing for a day, I guess it's time to go back to the company to help tomorrow.Gu Meiyun probably thought so too, that's why she only asked Kang Qiao to accompany her in the afternoon.

Yes, since others don't want them to have a good time, they have to be saints?In this world, not everyone can be a saint, nor is everyone willing to be a saint.She doesn't want to be a saint, she just wants to be herself in peace and live her own life.

The Wrangler is driving on the road with bright street lights.Cars come and go, neon lights flash.

"Are you happy today?" Kang Qiao asked Yang Xiaoguai beside him while driving.

Yang Xiaoguai turned slightly sideways, put her chin on her hands, and looked at him with blinking eyes.

"What's the matter?" Kang Qiao glanced at her and asked.

"Master Kang, I think you are a little abnormal today."

"for example?"

Yang Xiaoguai didn't answer the following words, but just grinned, "Actually, it's good to have a convulsion once in a while, oh, Mr. Kang."

Kang Qiao pursed his lips: "Then, may Mrs. Kang be satisfied with my husband's abnormality today?"

Mrs. Kang nodded: "Satisfied, very satisfied. But if Mr. Kang is abnormal again, it will be [-]% satisfied."

"Say, I plan to go out today."

"I want to visit Jingshi at night."

Mr. Kang waved his right hand and said without a word: "Yes!"

This is the largest night market street in Jingshi, very lively.There are some small stalls on both sides of the street near the night market. These temporary stalls basically sell small accessories.

After finding a parking space and parking the car, Yang Xiaoguai took out a 20 yuan note from Master Kong's pocket, and bought two cups of hot milk tea and two cups of pudding in a beverage store.

"Yeah." Handing him a cup of original milk tea, he was already drinking a cup of original milk tea.Comrade Xiao Yang likes to drink the original flavor, two cups of pudding, one cup of blueberry, and one cup of chocolate.He directly stuffed the chocolate-flavored one into Master Kong's hand.

Master Kang frowned.

Yang Yi stared at him: "Why, don't you like milk tea or pudding?"

But Master Kang unexpectedly said: "Little boy, how about I invite you to watch a movie?"

"Huh?" Yang Xiaoguai obviously couldn't react all of a sudden, just swallowed a mouthful of pudding, and fell to the ground with a "ba da" from his mouth.But her mouth couldn't close all of a sudden, she just opened it like that, staring at Master Kong with almond eyes.

Master Kong smoothly put the chocolate on the cup of pudding she stuffed into his hand just now, and stuffed it all into her mouth with a spoon.Then he took a sip of milk tea very imposingly, and said to Yang Xiaoguai without blushing or panting: "I said, I invite you to watch a movie! Since you come out to play, then play as much as you want at a time, and do what you need to do." I did all the things I shouldn’t have done all at once.”

Yang Xiaoguai chewed her mouth, completely forgetting that she doesn't eat chocolate at this moment, and her mouth was stuffed with a mouthful of chocolate by Master Kong, and asked dully: "What is chocolate?" What should be done, what should not be done?"

Master Kong replied: "What I should do is date you, what I shouldn't do is eat this degrading milk tea and chocolate."

"Chocolate?" Comrade Xiao Yang, who was belatedly aware of it, suddenly recalled it. Her mouth was full of the taste of chocolate, and it seemed to be her least favorite dark chocolate.However, it was obvious that she had already swallowed it.

"Hey, Master Kong, why don't you make such a fool? Put all the chocolate in my mouth without my attention! I hate chocolate!" After finishing speaking, he gave him a hard punch.

Master Kang said casually: "If you don't like it, you still buy it?"

(End of this chapter)

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