Wife stand at attention

Chapter 272 I Love You, Mr. Kang

Chapter 272 I Love You, Mr. Kang (4)
Yang Xiaoguai replied: "I bought it for you to eat."

"Don't you know I don't like chocolate either?"

Yang Xiaoguai: "..."

Well, she doesn't know Master Kang well.

The cinema is just around the corner 50 meters opposite the night market.

The two faced the screen for a long time. Master Kang said to watch a suspense movie, and Yang Xiaoguai said to watch a comedy movie.Master Kang said that comedies are bloody, and Yang Xiaoguai said that suspense films are scary.Finally, after a long time, the two reached a consensus, an action movie about police and robbers.

There is still an hour before the opening of the movie. After buying the tickets, I decided to take a walk around the night market first.

"Uncle, buy a bouquet of flowers for my pretty sister." Just after walking out of the movie theater, a ten-year-old girl with shofar braids walked up to the two of them with a large bouquet of flowers in her hand, and said to Cambridge with a smile on her face .

A large bouquet of forget-me-nots perfume lilies, dotted with baby's breath, lavender wrapping paper.

Kang Qiao looked at the bouquet, then turned to look at Yang Xiaoguai, startled for a moment.

Seeing his hesitant look, the girl said again: "Uncle, flowers are meant to be matched with beauties. You see that my sister is so beautiful, so naturally she needs to use more beautiful flowers to complement her. Don't forget me. After sending my sister, my sister Then I won't forget you. My girlfriend can become my wife." Ji Jin said to Cambridge in a very seductive and attractive tone.

Comrade Xiao Yang smiled slightly.Is this a sales tactic?
Blinking his star-like eyes, he looked at Master Kong with a half-smile.

Master Kong pointed to the bouquet, "How much?"

The girl laughed happily after hearing this, "It's not expensive, it's two." As she spoke, she stretched out two fingers to him, and by the way, put the bouquet into Comrade Xiao Yang's hand, "Sister, send flowers to beauties, man Than Huajiao."

Master Kang took out two one-hundred sheets from his pocket, handed them to the girl, and put his arms around Yang Xiaoguai's shoulder: "Sister is my wife now, so you can call her aunt instead."

"Ah?" The girl couldn't react for a while, and looked at the two in confusion.

"Uncle's wife should be called aunt, not sister. Didn't the teacher teach you?" Master Kang said with a half-smile.

The girl suddenly realized, and nodded quickly: "Yes, yes! The teacher has taught me, so I wish the handsome uncle and the beautiful aunt a happy marriage for a hundred years. You and I will thank each other. Thank you uncle for the money, goodbye." The girl said to Cambridge grinned, turned around and walked into a nearby flower shop, "Mom, I've made a deal, I'll give you the money."

Yang Xiaoguai and Master Kang looked at each other and smiled.



"Hey, I don't look like an aunt anymore. I am young and invincible, and I am clearly a sister. Mr. Kang, you are an uncle!"

He called uncle in his mouth, but he was sweet in his heart.In fact, Master Kang is quite romantic.

Walking on the road with such a large bouquet of flowers, although it is night, it is still very conspicuous under the illumination of the street lamps.Handsome men and beautiful women with flowers in their hands attracted the envious eyes of many passing young couples.

After passing the FAW gun stand, Comrade Xiao Yang had a rare whim and wanted to play an air gun.

Ten guns for 20 yuan, playing balloons, five meters away, the balloons are as big as the palm of your hand.Hit ten balloons and choose one of all toys, hit nine to get a big woolen bear, hit eight to get a little bear, hit seven to free, sorry for six or less, please pay.

Yang Xiaoguai stuffed the flower into Master Kang's arms, took the air gun that was on the table, and pointed it at the balloon five meters away, which looked good but had no shape.

Master Kang stood behind and shook his head without a word and smiled. Even the owner of the stall couldn't help laughing when he saw her holding the gun.

As can be imagined, Yang Xiaoguai missed all ten shots, and even missed the balloon.

Seeing her dejected look, Master Kang shook his head and laughed.Take a step forward, "Which one are you looking at?"

Only then did Yang Xiaoguai remember that she seemed to have forgotten Lord Kang.With Mr. Kang's skills, there is absolutely no problem in winning the first prize. Even Liu Liulai's words are ten out of ten.How could she have made such an ignorant mistake?She should have let Mr. Kang call her. It was a waste of 20 yuan.

Facing the dolls of McDull and Mrs. Mai's mother and child in the pile of toys, he stretched out his index finger and middle finger: "Two!"

"Take it." Master Kang stuffed the bouquet into Yang Xiaoguai's arms, took the air gun on the table, and said to the owner of the stall: "You can choose ten of them, right?"

The owner of the stall nodded: "Of course, there is no deception. As long as you hit it, your girlfriend can take what she likes."

Master Kang pursed his thin lips, "Guy Yang, watch." After finishing speaking, he took the air gun and stepped back ten meters in the direction parallel to the board on which the balloon was placed.

Seeing his actions, Yang Xiaoguai was puzzled.Master Kang, what's wrong with you?Shouldn't the gun be aimed at the positive direction of the balloon?Why is your boss swollen standing on the side?And retreated so far?This is an air gun, an air gun, not the real gun you shot.

The stall owner was also confused, what's going on?After being dazed, he secretly smiled happily. This guy is obviously a rookie who is better than his women. How can he shoot like this when he shoots a gun.There is also a decent retreat so far, if this can be hit, then he is still a fart?It's already been smashed.

Of course...

"Boom——" the bullet popped out, followed by a series of "pa-pa-pa" sounds, just like setting off firecrackers.

The smile on the corners of the stall owner's lips hadn't disappeared yet, but his whole body froze, he was dumbfounded, and the smile on his face was even more so stiff that it couldn't be stiffer, and it couldn't be more ugly.

How can it be!

One shot... one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve!

Twelve balloons were hit by one bullet!

The stall owner looked at the row of exploded balloons in disbelief.

Dazzled, definitely dazzled!

Vigorously, he rubbed his eyes vigorously.But the facts showed that he was not dazzled, but that he actually exploded ten balloons with one shot.

"Bah--pa-pa-pa--" Before he could react, another bullet popped out of the chamber, and then a whole row of twelve balloons exploded.

"Lord Kang, go on, go on!" Yang Xiaoguai was stunned, then jumped up and clapped his hands and shouted to go on.

"Stop—" the owner of the stall hurriedly stopped when Master Kong fired the third shot.Looking at Comrade Xiao Yang with a mournful face, he begged his grandpa with ten hands in his hands and cried like a grandma: "Miss, miss, please do me a favor! If you continue to fight like this, I will run out of blood! Please do me a favor and stop beating me, okay? Take those two toy dolls, I also waived your round of money just now, do you think it’s okay? We have to be trustworthy and show sympathy Yes. I said that you can choose ten balloon toys to choose from, and I keep my word, so you can do me a favor, and leave me something to eat? It’s not easy for me to do this small business, is it?” The boss is also quite a smart person, he knows how to make progress by retreating and begging for help with softness, and he knows how to look at his face, and he knows that good things should be said to Comrade Xiao Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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