Wife stand at attention

Chapter 273 I Love You, Mr. Kang

Chapter 273 I Love You, Mr. Kang (5)
Master Kang held the air gun and waited for Yang Xiaoguai's instructions.

Yang Xiaoguai took a look at the two rows of very imposing and naked balloon stands that had been blown away by Master Kong, then at the dolls of McDull and Mrs. Mai's mother and son, and at the stall owner with a mournful face that almost shed tears , Take one last look at Master Kong.He waved his hand very forcefully, "Master Kang, put away the gun."

Mr. Kang got his wife's order and took it away.

Yang Xiaoguai hugged the two dolls in her arms, winning a big victory and returning with a full reward.

Some people around saw Master Kong's style of play, so their hands were itchy, and they paid for it.

The owner of the stall called a crying father and mother.

Mother, if everyone plays like this, and everyone hits ten times with one shot, then he's still an ass!

However, people said that the previous people could fight like this, so why couldn't they, because doing business is about credit, and they would back off ten meters away to fight at worst.

The boss is called a entanglement, resentment, and depression.

So, grit your teeth!Just hit it, whoever said that everyone can hit it!
Ever since, the boss's business has exploded.

Because, except for Master Kang, no one can hit it.Let alone a row, not even one was broken.So, the boss made a lot of money, and he was really grateful to Master Kong and Yang Xiaoguai.If it wasn't for them, how could he have such a hot business?

So I thought, the gift of these two dolls was worth it, and it was worthy of their value.

Yang Xiaoguai naturally stood aside and grinned as he watched the compatriots who made their debuts but ended up defeated, as well as the boss who almost cramped when he collected the money and smiled from ear to ear.

Suddenly, Yang Xiaoguai turned around and unexpectedly said to Master Kang beside him: "Master Kang, I love you!"

Mr. Kang smiled, the corners of his eyes were crooked, the corners of his mouth were full of affection, and his face was full of spring breeze.

Qingcheng Bieyuan, Li Qingxue's residence.

Li Qingxue dressed up very small and fresh today.A goose-yellow turtleneck sweater, a pair of white slim-fitting pants, her long wavy hair was casually tied into a ponytail, and she wore fur slippers on her feet. Rouge gouache, plain face.

If you don't know Li Qingxue, you will definitely feel that your eyes are wrong.She who never wears trousers all year round actually wore trousers for the first time today.She has always dressed herself up in a very noble and ladylike way, she never goes out without makeup, she has always had long hair hanging down her shoulders, and today she actually showed her truest side.

On the long white jade dining table, there is a bouquet of delicate red roses in the center, and beside the roses are several colored candles and a bottle of champagne.At this moment, Li Qingxue was wearing an apron and standing in the open kitchen, cooking a Western-style dinner.

The matte light light softly imprinted on her body, at this moment she obviously looks like a good wife and mother.

The doorbell rang.

It happened that two servings of beef came out of the pan, which seemed to be a good time.

Turn off the fire, take the steak out of the kitchen, put it on the white jade dining table, and walk towards the door.

When Ye Shanming saw Li Qingxue dressed up like this, he was slightly taken aback.The eyes behind the lens stared directly at her for a long time, then frowned.

Li Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled at him: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong? Come in. I just fried the steak and it's ready to eat."

Ye Shanming examined her suspiciously, and walked towards the house five seconds later.There is no chandelier in the room, only a few wall lamps are turned on, but the dimness is soft and romantic.A light, fresh and overflowing floral fragrance enters the nostrils, mixed with a hint of steak aroma.

Ye Shanming looked around the entire room, frowning in displeasure and puzzlement.

Li Qingxue took off the apron tied to her body, took the champagne, and poured two small glasses into the goblet.Pass a glass to him, and show him a tender smile: "Have a glass of champagne."

Ye Shanming didn't reach out to pick up the champagne she handed over, and continued to stare directly at her with his cheetah-like eyes, words without any emotion came out of his mouth: "If you have anything to say, just say , I don’t have that much time to deal with you.” Slanting a glance at the roses and colored wax on the white jade dining table, the corners of his lips curved into a sarcasm, “Why do so many tricks? You know the relationship between us, It’s just that I pay for the meat and you pay for the meat. To put it bluntly, you are just a high-end chicken that I bought with money. What do you think will happen if you do this? What do you want? "

Li Qingxue's hand holding the goblet froze slightly, the smile on his face was darkened for a moment, but he showed a meaningful smile at him.Tilt your head and down one glass of champagne, then the other.Walking to the table, took a whole bottle of champagne, filled the glass half full, gently swirled the champagne in the glass, looked at the champagne with dim eyes, which was gently swirling in the glass, exuding a strong fragrance, slowly Slowly said: "Yes, you are right, the relationship between us is just that you pay and I sell meat. Even this house is earned by selling my own meat, but thank you for your generosity , I didn’t expect my meat to be so valuable.” Looking up, he drank another glass of champagne.

Ye Shanming still stood in front of her expressionless, looking at her bitter smile, unmoved at all.The corners of the lips and eyes were full of sarcasm and sneer, "So, don't show me that I owe you an expression in front of me, we just do what we need. I'm not Cambridge, so I won't be confused by you."


Li Qingxue sneered!

Cambridge, likewise, was never bewitched by her.

Put the empty goblet in his hand on the white jade table, wipe the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, and look up at his cold eyes: "So, now I am completely useless to you Don't worry, I'm very self-aware. I've always been very clear about who I am. Now that I'm no longer useful to you, I won't stalk you. Just have dinner with me. Is it? Treat it as a host and guest, the last meal I treat you to."

Ye Shanming glanced at her, then at the two steaks on the white jade table, "I'm curious, who did you find next?"

When Li Qingxue was about to say something, he continued: "But don't worry, no matter who you find next, it has nothing to do with me. The relationship between us ends here, and we don't involve each other." The corner of his eyes squinted at everything on the table again, and the corners of his lips curved slightly: "As for the last meal, I don't think it's necessary. I didn't eat the first meal with you, so how come the last meal." After finishing speaking, Turn around and leave without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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