Wife stand at attention

Chapter 274 2 Young Master 1 Don't play with fire early in the morning

Chapter 274 Second Young Master, Don’t Play With Fire Early in the Morning (1)
Li Qingxue only heard the sound of closing the door with a "bang", and he had already disappeared in front of her.

no need?

Is it really unnecessary?
In fact, do you know that I don't want to do this, if possible, I also want someone to love me and love me.They are also women, why can such a small request of mine never be fulfilled?
Fang Ying gave birth to me, but didn't want me.I used to have fatherly love and motherly love, but her selfishness took them away.I thought I would have a brand new life when I came to Kang's house, but no one gave me a good look.I thought there would be good development if I caught Cambridge, but you insisted on stepping in.

Ye Shanming, do you know that what I hate the most in my life is not Cambridge, but you and Fang Ying!

If it weren't for you two, my life wouldn't be what it is now.

Li Qingxue sat paralyzed on the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks slowly.He reached for the champagne on the table, stopped pouring it into the glass, and poured it directly into the mouth of the bottle.

After Ye Shanming left Li Qingxue's residence, she did not leave Qingcheng Bieyuan, but took the elevator up to the third floor.

Although this place is called "Second Wife Garden", in fact, many wealthy people have bought property here but did not let their mistresses live in it.

Ye Shanming also has a house here.

There are only two households on this floor, one belongs to Ye Shanming, and the other has never met the owner.Maybe the other party didn't know that this household belonged to him.

I pressed my fingerprints and entered the house.

He didn't turn on the light, didn't even change his shoes, and just lay down on the sofa.

He felt a little tired, maybe not just a little tired, but very tired.

The floor-to-ceiling windows are closed with a layer of thin curtains, and the bright moonlight outside the window is refracted into the room through the thin curtains, casting a faint afterglow in the dark room.

After being bored on the sofa for about 10 minutes, Ye Fangming stood up from the sofa, took a box of cigars from the coffee table, took out one and lit it, turned around and walked towards the terrace.

The round moon hung high in the sky, and the silvery white moonlight fell on the ground, blending with the shining street lamps.Several cars drove into the Bieyuan community.

Curly white smoke rose from the head of the cigar, puffing up.

Ye Shanming held the cigar between his fingers, but he didn't intend to smoke at all.His eyes stared blankly ahead, out of focus.

There was a special ringtone in my ear.Following the sound of the bell, he frowned, turned around and found a person standing on the balcony of the next-door unit, none other than Kang Shuo.

Just like him, his eyes are looking straight ahead, as if he has no target, just looking at the front in a daze.

The moment Ye Shanming saw Kang Shuo, his body froze, and the nerves on his face tightened at that moment.His deep eyes stared directly at Kang Shuo ten meters away like torches, and there was a glint of darkness in his eyes.

In the house, the bell continued to ring.

Ye Shanming didn't take another look at Kang Shuo, and hurriedly turned around and walked into the house.

When Ye Shanming walked into the room, Kang Shuo who was not far away turned his head, but he only saw a hurried figure but did not see his face clearly.

Something flashed in the eyes that were as calm as the surface of water, and he looked at the balcony on Ye Fangming's side, as if he was looking for something, but in the end he found nothing, only the silver-white moon poured down. Light.

Inside the house, Ye Shanming answered the phone, his voice was very gentle, his eyes were less gloomy and more gentle, "Mom."

A soft middle-aged female voice came from over there, "Son, are you at home? I'm still worrying about your absence."

"Mom, why are you calling me so late? It's not midnight in Vancouver. Are you feeling unwell again? If you're unwell..."

"No, no!" Ye Anran hurriedly interrupted Ye Shanming, "I'm in good health, but I suddenly missed you, so I called you. I thought you weren't at home."

"Can you call my cell phone?"

"It's nothing important anyway. You're busy with work, so I'm afraid you'll be distracted. By the way, how is Qingqing? Okay? That girl hasn't called me for a long time." Ye Anran asked Ye Shanqing softly .

"Very good. I'm working in the company. I'll call and talk about her later, but I don't know how to call you." Those words that Shan Qing said.

"You child, how can you say that the wind is the rain. How can you treat your sister like this, and there is nothing special, why do you call to talk about her. If you really want to talk about her, I haven't said anything about you yet. You haven’t called me for so long, you still say Qingqing. In my opinion, you are worse than Qingqing.” Ye Anran reprimanded him lightly, “Don’t just focus on work, you are not young anymore. I will be happy when I find a daughter-in-law back."


"Okay, okay, if you talk about this, you will be anxious with me. I won't talk about the head office. Okay, it's late, and I'm going to bed. Let Maya know that it's time to talk about me again."


"By the way," Ye Anran spoke again when Ye Shanming was about to take up the line.


"It's okay, I just want to say good night to you." Ye Anran didn't say what he said, but said to him with caring words: "Don't be too late, you should go to bed early, now your side It's already night."

Ye Shanming nodded: "Okay, you too, sleep well."

"You too."

Ye Anran hung up the phone, but Ye Shanming didn't regain his senses for a long time while holding the microphone in his hand.Kang Shuo, who was glimpsed on the terrace just now, flashed in his mind.Then the shadows of Kang Shuo and Kang Qiao overlapped, and finally Gu Meiyun's face flashed past.

"Crack!" Ye Shanming dropped the wireless landline in his hand, and the microphone was torn apart and shattered.

"Ding Dong." The doorbell rang.

There was a gloomy look in the eyes without glasses, and then he took the rimless glasses on the coffee table, walked towards the door, and opened it.

Outside the door stood Kang Shuo in a dark black suit. He looked haggard and old. His hair, which was originally black, was more than half white at this moment.His eyes were sunken, with thick dark circles.The spirit does not seem to be very good, a little sluggish.

When he saw Ye Shanming who opened the door, Kang Shuo gave him a surprised smile: "Xiao Ye? Is this house yours?"

Ye Shanming glanced at Kang Shuo indifferently, without any surprise or other expressions, and said in a neutral tone, "Mr. Kang, do you want something from me?"

Seeing his unsalty reaction, Kang Shuo felt a little bored, and even felt a little uncomfortable.Anyway, to Ye Shanming, he is considered a senior, but Ye Shanming obviously doesn't want to give him a good face.

(End of this chapter)

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