Episode 275
Shi Xiaocao: "..."

After being speechless, he slid his whole body into the bathtub and pretended to be dead.

Shame, shame.

Kang family.

It has been ten days since the lawyer's office read the will.For ten days, Fang Ying did not see Kang Shuo again.

Fang Ying got nothing in the end, she didn't know what else to do besides guarding the Kang family's villa.Kang Jian also left the Kang Corporation, only getting 1000 million, and Kang Mei didn't even get a penny.

Kang Shuo didn't say anything to her, let alone this villa, Fang Ying had no idea where he had been these days.Kang Jian would come back occasionally, but he didn't know what he was busy with.

Fang Ying has no other choice but to occupy this big villa. For 30 years, she got nothing, so this villa is hers.

"Squeak—" There was the sound of a car braking suddenly in the yard. Before Fang Ying could react, Kang Mei rushed in: "Mom!"

There were faint tear stains on her face, and she looked very haggard, and she didn't even have makeup on.He ran towards Fang Ying with hurried strides.

Fang Ying was sitting on the sofa thinking about something, when she suddenly heard Kang Mei's voice, she was a little frightened.Standing up from the sofa, "What's the matter?" Her tone was a little impatient, as if she had disturbed her thoughts, a little displeased.

"Mom, did Ke Lei come to see you?" Kang Mei asked anxiously, holding her hand.

Fang Ying frowned, looked at her with very puzzled eyes, suddenly seemed to think of something, stared at Kang Mei fiercely with wide eyes: "Don't tell me, as soon as he heard the Kang family's news, If you don’t have the money, it’s gone!”

Kang Mei threw herself heavily into the sofa, holding her head in her hands, and said in a crying voice: "I don't know, I really don't know! When he was with me, he said it wasn't for us As you can see, he really hasn’t asked for a penny from our family these years, and the company is supported by himself. He said he loved me so he was with me..."

"You're stupid!" Fang Ying poked her forehead fiercely with her finger, "Which of the customers of your company and the units he owns is not a customer of Kang Corporation? Ah! I opposed you at the beginning, I I told you that this man is unreliable, but what do you think, what do you say! You said, you must marry him! Why are you crying in front of me now? What's the use of crying, you If you have the ability, don't come to me to cry, I don't have so much thought to take care of your affairs, you choose your own path, and you decide how to go! What can I do, I can still What can I do? I can't even manage myself, how can I have so much energy to manage your shit! You heard the old woman's will that day, let alone you, even I didn't get a cent , your brother has been in charge of the company for so many years, what did you get in the end? But it’s only a mere 1000 million! 1000 million, is she just sending it off for dinner! "

The more Fang Ying talked, the more angry she became, the more unwilling she felt, the more unwilling she was, the more forceful the fingers poking Kang Mei's forehead became.

"You're enough!" Kang Mei couldn't stand being poked by her, and she slapped her hand away, glaring at her angrily: "Aren't you very capable? You are so capable, why did you lose so badly! Didn't you say that everything is under your control? Didn't you say that everything in the Kang family belongs to us? Why don't I get anything now? Even the original 5.00% was taken back! It's fine if you don't have the skills yourself, why drag me and my brother! Why don't you hold on to Dad's heart and heart? You can't hold on to his heart and heart. She favors you, why don't you even have such a little ability! Do you know, I was killed by you! I have nothing now, and my husband hasn't come home for ten days, it's because of your Use! Being a mistress for your sake, isn’t it too much of a failure..."

"Crack!" Before Kang Mei finished speaking, Fang Ying slapped her severely: "Are you qualified to talk to me like that? Ah! I'm your mother!" Fang Ying was so angry that she almost carried her back , I was so angry because of the old lady's will, and now my daughter is still pointing at her nose and cursing!

Kang Mei held the cheek that was slapped by her, and looked at her very aggrieved, her eyes were full of tears.Two seconds later, the tears in the eyes flowed down the cheeks like a broken dam.He slapped the sofa heavily with both hands, and roared loudly: "I don't want to, why are you doing this to me!"

Fang Ying also punched hard on the back of the sofa: "Could it be I thought it up! If you want to blame, if you want to hate, then hate Gu Meiyun, Cambridge, and Yang Yi, those three bitches! It's all about them Could it be that I harmed you as the one who got in the way!"

"What's the noise! ​​Have you had enough noise?" Kang Jian's cold voice came from the door, and then he saw him walking towards them with a gloomy face.


"elder brother."

Fang Ying and Kang Mei shouted in unison.

Kang Jian threw the briefcase in his hand on the sofa, and glared at the two of them fiercely: "Do you think I'm not annoying enough, not big enough? Crying, what's the use of crying! Do you think it's more useful to think about something practical! "

Kang Jian's words made Kang Mei and Fang Ying sober for an instant. Kang Mei reached out to wipe the tears on her face, "Brother, what should we do now?"

Fang Ying also looked at him unblinkingly, "Jian, mom and Meimei are counting on you now, your father, you must be counting on them now..."

Kang Jian glared at him fiercely again: "Are you still thinking of counting on him? Where is he?"

Fang Ying lowered her head weakly.In the end, the son is the most reliable, Kang Shuo, that's a bastard!
Kang Jian sat down on the sofa, stroked his head weakly, leaned against the back of the sofa, and turned to Kang Mei after half a minute of silence: "Where is Xuanxuan?"

"I asked the teacher to help me watch, brother, you know, during this time..."

"Hurry up and pick it up! Don't have a man and a son!" Kang Jian was really angry.

"Oh, oh, I'll go right now!" Kang Jian's words made Kang Mei completely sober, she stood up from the sofa like crawling, and walked straight to the door.

"Sword, what are you going to do?" Fang Ying asked in a daze.

Kang Jian rubbed his temples, and stood up from the sofa: "Mom, don't worry about it, if my sister brings Xuanxuan back, you can just look at Xuanxuan. I know what to do about other things. Yes, I will move out from this villa starting today, will you move out with me or continue to live here?"

(End of this chapter)

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