Wife stand at attention

Chapter 281 Shi Xiaocao's earth-shattering

Chapter 281 Shi Xiaocao's earth-shattering (1)
The second young master shook his head helplessly, bent over, picked up Shi Xiaocao who was in a coma, apologized to everyone, and left the premiere with the third young master and Taijun.

Everyone at the scene had different expressions, and the crew naturally knew about the relationship between the second young master and Shi Xiaocao, Xu shook his head and smiled, and Shi Xiaocao's fainting was more of a blessing.Only a flash of gloom flashed across Tong Mushi's eyes.

This is an apartment with exquisite and elegant decoration. The apartment area is not very large, only about [-] square meters, and the single room has a kitchen and bathroom.

The women's clothes and the men's clothes were thrown on the ground in a mess, from the entrance to the corner of the bed.On Ruoda's bed, the woman's small black triangle lay in a corner of the white sheet without any shape, intertwined with the man's big red triangle, forming a very eye-catching color contrast.

On the big bed, men and women are tightly intertwined like old roots.The air in the room was filled with the smell of exhaustion.

After the entanglement was over, Li Qingxue got off the bed with a satisfied face, and walked towards the French windows barefoot and naked.Outside the window, the lights are feasting and the scene is bustling.

This is the most prosperous area in Jing City. Ke Lei's company is located in one of the units in this building. He and Li Qingxue boldly chose a small apartment here as their usual place to have an affair.As the so-called most dangerous place is the safest place, even if Kang Mei meets him here, he can still be said to come to the company to work overtime.So, no matter how you choose, this is the best place.

Men are always insatiable, always eating from the bowl and looking at the pot.Ke Lei can definitely be regarded as a typical man.

He looks good, tall and handsome, and has the air of a mature and successful man.Although compared to Master Kong, or Boss Ran and the Second Young Master, he is actually not the successful type.But compared to the crowd, he can be considered a type of success. At the age of 35, he had a small but not small planning company. Back then, Kang Mei was attracted by his aura, so she went to great lengths to snatch him from Zeng Chanhui's grasp at all costs.

However, it was never Kang Mei who Ke Lei fell in love with, but the Kang family's money.So on the surface he dotes on Kang Mei very much, but in reality, he has never cared about Kang Mei at all, even the first time he saw Li Qingxue, he was deeply attracted by her.

Naturally, Li Qingxue is also a one-point person, so the two one-point people naturally formed a pair.

Of course, Li Qingxue would not play real feelings with him.

Li Qingxue stood by the window, looking at the bustling everything outside the window.However, everything here does not belong to her at all, she is just a tiny Fasha in this metropolis.She just wanted to gain a firm foothold in this metropolis and have her own place, but time and time again she missed it.

Could it be that she really has no ties to this bustling metropolis?

Stretch out your hand and open the glass window a little bit, the cold wind blows head-on, and the coolness hits people's hearts.The big wavy curly hair fluttered slightly, and he couldn't help reaching out to wrap his arms around his chest tightly.There was a cold smile in the eyes looking out of the window.

Ke Lei walked to her side, put his arms around her waist, and rested his chin on her shoulder.The intimate contact of skin again made her shiver suddenly.I don't know if it was the cold wind blowing or his close contact.

The chin resting on her shoulder was slightly tilted to the side, and her lips licked her earlobe once and for all, "What are you thinking?"

Li Qingxue didn't react too much to his intimate teasing, and let him hug her and lick her, "I'm thinking about our relationship."

Ke Lei stopped moving, and his hands holding her froze slightly, "What's there to think about?"

"What do you like about me?" Li Qingxue turned slightly sideways, her eyes met his.

What does she have?
She has always known that he will never be a person who cares about others.like her?Is there anything he likes about her?She has no money, no status, no status.He was with her purely for a fresh look.Now he must know that everything about the Kang family does not belong to Kang Mei, so he wants to get some comfort from her.

It turned out that no matter who she was, she was just a cheap sex partner!

Yes, Ye Shanming, Ke Lei, and even Kang Shuo!
Why is this world so unfair to her?

If you don't let her have a good time, then you don't want to have a good time either!
Kang Mei, don't blame me, if you want to blame it, blame your careless mother and you, a man who will never be satisfied.

They both came out of Fang Ying's stomach. Why did you live the life of a rich lady since childhood, while I was just an orphan living under the roof of your Kang family?Obviously I am also Fang Ying's daughter, but you are the bright moon and I am an ant!

"I'm not as rich as Kangmei, nor as young as her. What's more, she gave you a lovely son. I have nothing, and you will choose me instead of Kangmei? Ke Lei, don't make such a joke." Li Qingxue looked up at him, her tone was full of self-mockery and sarcasm, "You and I are just a relationship that cannot be seen, just like now, the lights are feasting outside, but we can only lie here and make love. You will not take me to meet your family and friends, and I can only treat you as a cousin, even if we are in this physical embrace, you can only choose to be in your company Because this way your wife won't be suspicious. So, let's keep this relationship, I don't ask you to give me more, or promise me anything, because I don't have the qualifications or the extravagant expectations. "

Ke Lei tightened his arms around her waist, "It's enough for everything you've done for me over the years!"

Li Qingxue looked up at him with her charming eyes, without saying a word, the double rings wrapped around his neck.

Now, she has successfully made the first step.

This is man.

The phone in the bag rang.

Li Qingxue let go of the hands around his neck, walked to the side of the coffee table and took out the mobile phone from the bag, but when she saw the caller ID, her charming and feminine eyes flickered with disgust.The hand holding the mobile phone paused slightly, and pressed the thumb on the green answer button, repeatedly hesitating whether to answer or not. Finally, after thinking for a long time, Li Qingxue finally pressed the answer button.

However, just when she pressed the answer button and put the phone to her ear, Ke Lei walked up to her, wrapped her arms around her, and asked in a very soft voice, "Whose phone is it?"

Although it was close to her ear on the other side, and the voice was very low, it fell into Kang Shuo's ear on the other end of the phone without missing a word.

(End of this chapter)

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