Wife stand at attention

Chapter 282 Shi Xiaocao's earth-shattering

Chapter 282 Shi Xiaocao's earth-shattering (3)
Shi Xiaocao blinked her eyes, looked at the Second Young Master in a daze with disbelief, and pointed at him with trembling fingers: "Second Young Master, did you propose to me at the premiere yesterday?"

Hearing this, the Second Young Master looked at the Third Young Master and the Taijun face to face, and nodded honestly after seeing each other.

"Daughter-in-law, what's the matter with you? Xu, yesterday I proposed to you in front of so many live audiences and the audience in front of the camera, but you..."

Before Taijun finished speaking, Shi Xiaocao disappeared from their sight like an arrow out of a bow, and rushed out towards the door without even putting on the slippers.

This time it's not just the prince who is staring, but the second young master and the third young master, even Baby Miaomiao stares blankly at the direction where Shi Xiaocao's figure disappears.The three big ones and one small stared at each other, then shrugged helplessly, expressing that they had no idea what she meant by this move.

"Ah—" Xiaocao's earth-shattering scream came from downstairs.

Shi Xiaocao was aggrieved to find out that she had a big embarrassment and became famous overnight.

Holding the remote controller in his hand, he looked through the channels of Ruo Da's home theater.She turned through ten channels, and the classic scene of the premiere was playing on six channels - she was wearing a pigeon egg Hong Guoguo fainted in the arms of the second young master.

The gossip host narrates: The second young master is worthy of being the second young master. According to people familiar with the matter, the pigeon egg in the woman's hand is worth [-] million yuan, and she was fainted by the word [-] million yuan.Don't say that she has never seen the world, but if I put on a ring worth [-] million yuan, I might just fall to the ground.

The framed photo behind the screen is Shi Xiaocao's slender finger and the pigeon egg on the finger. Of course, the pigeon egg is circled with a bright red color pen to show that it is a gift from the second young master.

Then there was a series of netizens saying, Misi said.

Gossip fan A said: Oh, who is this girl? She is really useless. How can she be worthy of my second young master?

Gossip fan B said: Isn't the second young master and Miss Tong a couple?We have always been optimistic about them, why did Cheng Jiaojin suddenly come out halfway?

Gossip fan C said: If you are looking for so-and-so, do what you should do, don't interfere with the happy marriage between my second young master and Miss Tong.Kill Xiaosan, kill Xiaosan, kill Xiaosan...

Gossip fan D said: Damn it!Which of your eyes has seen that the Second Young Master and that No. [-] are a golden couple!Your sister also said that she is the second young master's fan, and if she is the second young master's fan, I will support the second young master unconditionally, and don't gossiping like a dick.Is the second young master and root number two the same level?Is it a grade?That's Everest and Tiger Hill, okay?

Finally, the gossip host answered: "Look, let's see, fans reacted differently."Now please follow our lens to interview another party, Ms. Tong.

Everything in the camera, turned to Tong Mushi.

Tong Mushi was walking out of the star-rated hotel with a few friends, and the reporters rushed forward: "Miss Tong, the second young master has a girlfriend, and even proposed to him at the premiere yesterday, but his girlfriend It was when I was faced with that pigeon egg that I was stunned on the spot. Ms. Tong, what do you think about this matter? It has always been rumored that you and the second young master are golden boys and girls, a pair made in heaven, and a pair made in earth. But now , but the second young master chose him over you, what do you think?"

"Miss Tong, it is said that you once found the second young master's girlfriend, oh no, it should be the fiancée who told her to stop pestering the second young master. Is there such a thing?"

"Miss Tong..."

Tong Mushi covered her cheeks with her hands, and walked quickly towards her car, "Sorry, I said everything I needed to say at the premiere yesterday, please let me go."

Then he got into the car quickly, closed the door, stepped on the accelerator, and walked away.

Then, the reporters carried their cameras and chased after the leaving car.

Shi Xiaocao bit her finger lightly, her almond eyes stared at the TV screen without blinking.

I ya ya you bah!

When the Second Young Master came down from the second floor, what he saw was Shi Xiaocao's eyes that stared at the TV motionlessly as if killing his father and enemy, braving raging flames, and the flames were flying everywhere.

"You—" hooked the third young master with a finger, "come here."

The third young master was dumbfounded, and walked to the side of Shi Xiaocao with small steps in a daze, and asked in a doggy and stupid way: "Little sister-in-law, what are your orders?"

Shi Xiaocao gave the third young master a hard look.

The third young master immediately changed his words: "Excuse me, my second sister-in-law, what advice do you have? The little one will go through fire and water, go up and down the mountain and go to the sea! Tell me, what glorious task is entrusted to the young one, and the young one will definitely live up to expectations and triumphantly return!" Return!" The third young master looked at Shi Xiaocao with a face of heroism and sacrifice.

Shi Xiaocao pointed at the TV screen, "Block me those stinky fans who oppose me and the second young master, saying that I am not good enough for the second young master! Yay bah, my sister is not good enough for the second young master, my sister is better than that The root number two is more worthy of the second young master, okay?"

The third young master was slightly taken aback, unable to understand what the root number two meant for a while.Three seconds later, "Pu Chi" burst out laughing, and slapped Shi Xiaocao on the shoulder with great loyalty: "Okay! What the second sister-in-law said must be right, and I promise to complete the task!" After finishing speaking , turned around, but muttered softly in his mouth: "The root number two, there are many metaphors!"

Taijun happily said to Xiaocao: "Daughter-in-law, don't be angry, those people are people who have no vision..."

"Taijun... oh, I'm so ashamed, it's live broadcast, and I just fainted in front of the camera." Xiaocao crawled on Taijun's shoulders and twitched lightly, as if feeling ashamed.

When the Taijun was about to say something to comfort her, she saw her stretching her left hand in front of the Taijun, "Taijun, the second young master is too prodigal. Propose, do you need to buy a [-] million diamond ring? [-] million Hey, not two thousand. I... I... I... Wearing a [-] million diamond ring, do I dare to go out? In fact, my requirements are very low. A bouquet of flowers and a two thousand ring are enough, but... ...But...Second young master, can we return this diamond ring? Two hundred million..." Selling her, it's not worth the price by the catty, okay?

The smile on Taijun's face grew wider.

She likes this granddaughter-in-law even more.

She didn't pretend at all, even though she was always talking about money, in fact, during the time she and her grandson were together, she never spent a single penny of his grandson's money.Instead, I heard from my grandson that I spent all my savings to buy him a watch worth 50 yuan.Although 50 yuan is nothing to the Ran family, to her, it is the whole family.

(End of this chapter)

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