Wife stand at attention

Chapter 286 The Woman in the Photo

Chapter 286 The Woman in the Photo (1)
"What a pity?" The third young master leaned his head to look at the woman in the photo, and asked curiously, "Could it be that she also ascended to heaven?"

This was the only conclusion he could draw from the old lady's expression.

The old lady closed the photo album, took a deep breath, and sighed: "I don't know what's going on. Lili, who has had a good relationship with your father since she was a child, didn't know what happened that day after she had a big fight with your father. I ran away from home. After that, I couldn't find her no matter what. "

The third young master put his hands on his chin, and looked at the old matriarch with a curious look on his face: "Arguing? Oh—" the third young master exclaimed, his eyes flashed, "Taijun, I understand!"

"Understood?" Taijun looked at him puzzled, "What do you understand?"

The third young master put his legs on the sofa, looked at Taijun solemnly and said: "Then, what you said, she has no blood relationship with us, you adopted her. Then look at the way she looks at Dad and facial expressions." While talking, he took the photo album and handed it to Taijun, "Didn't you realize that it's really a woman looking at a man? Because she has always been secretly in love with dad, but dad doesn't like her, so he just Treat her as a younger sister, because my father’s favorite in his life is my mother. Then there will be a boss, and then she can’t stand the stimulation, and she will confess to her father, saying that she likes him and doesn’t ask for a name Just ask to stay by his side. Then, think about it with your toes, how can a father who loves his mother accept her? So, the two had a big fight. And then, this The so-called aunt left home to become a monk!" The third young master flipped through the explanation in a serious manner.

The Taijun was stunned and stunned. After he was stunned, he looked down at the photo and had to say that the eyes of the third grandson were still very bright.No matter how you look at it, no matter how you feel, the eyes and expression are indeed the eyes and expression of a woman looking at the man she loves.

No way?
Tai Jun felt a little unbelievable, how could it be possible?
"Third grandson, you've watched too many brain-dead dramas!" Taijun rubbed the third young master's unruly short hair, "Your father said that Lili found a foreigner boyfriend, because your father didn't approve of her dating with foreigners, and then There was a quarrel, and then Lili eloped with the foreigner."

"Cut!" The third young master waved his hand disdainfully, "Taijun, you also believe this stupid lie! Anyway, what I said is closer to reality, okay! But, why do I look at this woman?" Does she look familiar? Have I seen her before?" The third young master looked at the woman in the photo with his head bowed, with a carefully recalled expression on his face.

"I can't remember, I don't want to! Go back to the room and play rice balls and play games." The third young master who was hot for 3 minutes quickly sat up on the sofa and picked up the coffee cup on the coffee table.

"Third grandson, you said that you stayed with that kid from Mi's family all day long, and you didn't see you looking for a girlfriend, and you didn't see that kid from Mi's family looking for a girlfriend. Don't tell Taijun, you two Did you plan to give it like this? Taijun is old and can't stand this stimulation. Although Taijun also likes that kid from Mi's family very much, but if you like it, you like it. You can't develop in an abnormal direction." Jun's voice sounded behind the third young master.

The third young master's hand holding the coffee cup trembled, the coffee cup slipped to the floor, and the coffee spilled all over the floor, splashing his feet.

"Taijun, the Yin family hates you!" The third young master, who slipped off his coffee cup, turned around, and looked at Taijun slenderly like a little shou who was being bullied. Jade pointed a little.

"Pada!" Now it was Taijun's turn that the photo album in Taijun's hand fell to the floor.

The third young master twisted his buttocks and left Taijun's room like a bruised cock.

Taijun: What does he mean by that?What did the third grandson want to express?Why did she feel that her third grandson was unconditionally developing in a certain opposite direction when she looked at his actions and posture?
King—Dong Hotel VIP box.

Gu Meiyun was sitting with a woman on the leather sofa chair in the box, and there were many exquisite dishes on the table.Two-thirds of the jujube juice was poured into two goblets.

"How about it, do these dishes still suit your appetite?" Gu Meiyun said to the woman sitting opposite with a smile on her face.

The woman picked up a chopstick of mandarin fish and put it into her mouth, "Aunt Yun is the best for me, I know I like mandarin fish." As she spoke, she took out several documents and contracts from the brown briefcase beside her, and put them in front of Gu Meiyun. Yi Di: "Then, Aunt Yun, these contracts are signed with our company by the factory that terminated the contract with the Kang Corporation during this period. Are you saying they are stupid? They have gone around half a circle, and they are not the same It was a contract signed with Aunt Yun's company, but he voluntarily gave us two points of profit!"

Gu Meiyun took a few contracts, looked at them roughly, put the contracts aside, and said to the woman: "You do things, Aunt Yun can rest assured."

Picking up the cup, "Aunt Yun, come here, don't drink, let's drink jujube juice!"

Gu Meiyun picked up her cup and touched it with hers, "What's Kang Jian doing?"

The woman took a sip of jujube juice, and showed a sweet smile to Gu Meiyun: "I just came to the company to find me two days ago, and wanted to sign a contract with us, but I didn't reply him immediately."

Gu Meiyun pursed her lips and smiled: "The next time I come to see you, I can sign a contract. If there is no accident, he will also drop two to three points."

The woman chuckled: "It's all within Aunt Yun's expectations."

Gu Meiyun took the stick of jujube juice that was on the side, and filled the cup in front of the woman: "That's because you're helping me! That's all, Aunt Yun won't say much, there are more things to do over there." It's up to you. It's not convenient for me to come out now."

The woman picked up the cup, "Yes, Aunt Yun's business is my business, I know what to do. Aunt Yun put her heart in her stomach, and then took care of the Kang Corporation with peace of mind. I don't know when can I change my name? You said that if Kang Jian knew about it, his face would turn green!" He said very playfully to Gu Meiyun.

Gu Meiyun pursed her lips and took a sip of jujube juice, she didn't speak, but the corners of her lips raised an inconspicuous arc.

Yes, there will be such a day!

Kang family.

During this period of previous years, the Kang family was already very lively, and it was almost the end of the year.But this year is unusually deserted, without the slightest popularity.

Ke Muxuan was sitting on an electric toy car, having a great time playing in the yard.

Fang Ying sat on the rattan chair that once belonged to Mrs. Kang, with the big umbrella still propped up.At noon, the sun was high above the head, warm and warm.

"Xuanxuan, drive the car to Grandpa." Kang Shuo said to Ke Muxuan with a smile, while saying that he stretched out his hands in a gesture of greeting.

Kang Shuo still loves this grandson very much.

(End of this chapter)

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