Wife stand at attention

Chapter 287 The Woman in the Photo

Chapter 287 The Woman in the Photo (2)
Ke Muxuan glanced at Kang Shuo who had his arms outstretched, then turned his head to look at Fang Ying who was sitting under the big umbrella, and finally smirked at Kang Shuo and said, "No!"

Hearing Ke Muxuan's voice, Fang Ying's lips raised an obvious smile, as if laughing at Kang Shuo's ignorance.

Kang Shuo was slightly taken aback, then walked towards Ke Muxuan, squatted down in front of him, and asked lovingly: "Why not? Grandpa loves Xuanxuan the most, why hasn't Xuanxuan been on good terms recently? Grandpa played?"

Ke Muxuan's hands were originally holding the steering wheel of the toy electric car, but suddenly he stretched out his hand and slapped Kang Shuo in the face squatting in front of him: "Whoever wants you to hurt, you don't hurt Mommy I don’t love grandma either! You gave all the money to Gu Meiyun, Kang Qiao, and Yang Yi, the three bad guys, you’re going to let me beg for food in the future, why should I like you! Hmph, I don’t like you anymore, you are bad Old man, old man!"

Kang Shuo was instantly frozen in place.

Kang Shuo looked at Ke Muxuan who was like a bully raising his hand and wanted to slap his little hand on his cheek again with unbelievable eyes.It's hard to believe that at such a young age, he would say such a thing.

Pulling his face, he raised his hand and tightly clenched the small hand that was about to fall to his face again, staring at Ke Muxuan fiercely, "Ke Muxuan, who taught you these words! You alone Kid, what do you know!"

Perhaps Kang Shuo was holding his small wrist too hard, which hurt him.Or maybe it was Kang Shuo's fierce tone that frightened him.Kang Shuo had always been kind to him, not only Kang Shuo, but the entire Kang family treated him like a little emperor.Although Gu Meiyun didn't give him a good face, Kang Mei and Fang Ying both cleverly made him appear in front of Gu Meiyun very little.

However, at this moment, the grandfather who had always been kind to him not only clasped his little wrist in pain, but also fiercely attacked him.

"Wow——" Ke Muxuan burst into tears, and with the sound of "Wow", big tears rolled out of his eyes, "Mommy, I want Mommy! The bad old man beat me up, the dead old man hit me I don't like this bad old man, grandma, help! There are big bad wolves here!"

"Kang Shuo, what are you doing!" Fang Ying held Ke Muxuan in her arms, glared at Kang Shuo viciously, and stretched out her hand to push him.

Because Kang Shuo was squatting, following Fang Ying's push, he fell down so logically.

Kang Shuo's fall did not make Fang Ying vent her anger. She let go of Ke Muxuan, put one hand on her waist, pointed at Kang Shuo who had fallen to the ground with the other hand, and yelled at Kang Shuo like a shrew cursing the street. : "Did Xuanxuan say something wrong? Which point is wrong! If you love him, you will not give Meimei and him a penny? He is your only grandson, the grandson you have loved since childhood! But you Well, you have given the whole company to that bitch of Cambridge! Even Kang Jian wholeheartedly helped you manage the company like a cow and a horse, and you didn't even get a single benefit for him! Those bitches How did we treat you, and how our mother and son treated you? Didn’t you feel it at all? If you had the ability, you would make our mother and son suffer for so many years! Kang Shuo, let me tell you, from now on In the end, you are no longer Xuanxuan's grandfather! Xuanxuan, grandma told you that when you meet this dead old man in the future, don't call him grandpa again!" Fang Ying turned and said to Ke Muxuan who was weeping softly: "And , you also remember that it was Gu Meiyun and Kang Qiao, that bitch mother and son who stole our money and things that belonged to us, and we will spit on them when we see them in the future!"

Ke Muxuan looked up at her half understanding, and finally nodded: "Oh, grandma, Xuanxuan understands!"

"Slap!" Kang Shuo stood up from the ground and slapped Fang Ying hard, "Damn woman, are you crazy! Teach children like this! Ah! If it weren't for you, I would be where I am today ? If it weren't for you, I still hold everything in the Kang family firmly today. If you hadn't shamelessly seduced me, would I have nothing today? Dead woman, do you still have the face to accuse me? Ah! I If I don't beat you to death today, you coquettish bastard, I'm sorry for everything I lost!"

As Kang Shuo said, he raised his hand and waved at Fang Ying.

"Kang Shuo, you dare to hit me!" Fang Ying covered the right cheek of the shopkeeper who had been slapped by him, and glared at Kang Shuo with tears in her eyes. Suddenly, she slammed into Kang Shuo like crazy. Going over, "Did I seduce you? Ah! I put so many men who are better than you to chase me, I'm blind and I have to follow you! In the end, what I got, I have nothing. No! Kang Shuo, I will fight you hard today!"

Kang Shuo grabbed Fang Ying's hair, and punched and kicked at her: "Fuck you, you still have the face to say it! Those who chased you back then were better than me! Those were either bald or You have an eight-month-old fat belly. Either you are half a year old or you are seven or seven years old, you still have the guts to call me here!"

"But everyone is richer than you!" Fang Ying, whose hair was being pulled by him, was furious, and also pulled his hair, kicking and kicking him with thin high-heeled legs indiscriminately, "I It’s because I’m blind that I fell in love with you! Shameless, can I compare to you? You even sleep with Qingxue, do you know who she is! She is my daughter, do you still want her? Face, both mother and daughter are sleeping!"

With Fang Ying's roar, the air stopped for an instant, and the hand that was pulling her hair also stopped at this moment.And her hand holding Kang Shuo's hair also froze.

Kang Shuo looked at her in disbelief, his face was very ugly as if he had eaten half a fly.

Fang Ying also realized what she had just said.

"Fang—Ying——" Suddenly, Kang Shuo yelled, "If I don't kill you today, I won't be called Kang Shuo! What shameful things have you done behind my back! Tell me! Why is Xue Er your daughter? She is obviously one year younger than Kang Qiao, that is, she is the same age as Kang Jian! You——" Suddenly, Kang Shuo seemed to have thought of some incredible idea, and pressed his hands With a livid expression and blood-red eyes staring at Fang Ying, "Tell me, she's not my daughter, she's not my daughter!"

Fang Ying was slightly taken aback, but she laughed out loud, her smile was ferocious and distorted, and with a strange terror, she sneered at Kang Shuo: "Yes, she is your daughter Back then, I gave birth to a pair of children, not just Kang Jian! Because my sister was unable to conceive, she begged me to give my daughter to her and her brother-in-law. Otherwise, do you think I would take her back to the Kang family? Otherwise Why do you think I will be so kind to her! Just a niece, it is not enough for me to be so kind to her! Because she is my daughter, so I will be so kind to her! Hahaha... Kang Shuo, this is Retribution, you slept with your own daughter, you are not a human, you are an animal!"

(End of this chapter)

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