Wife stand at attention

Chapter 288 Chaos is Shameless and Shameless

Chapter 288 Chaos is Shameless and Shameless

Fang Yingjue, at this moment, there is nothing like this that can hit Kang Shuo more!

At this moment, Fang Ying suddenly felt an unprecedented pleasure, as if killing someone without doing anything himself, he just killed himself in front of you!
If Kang Shuo was so angry to death at this moment, then all the grievances and sins she has suffered over the years will disappear.

"Impossible! Impossible!" Kang Shuo kept shaking his head, "If she were my daughter, it would be impossible for her to be with Cambridge all the time! They are brother and sister!"

Fang Ying looked at him with a fake smile: "You don't know, the two people I hate the most in my life are Gu Meiyun and Kang Qiao's mother and son? Is the thing I want to do most is to destroy Cambridge? As long as he is destroyed, Kang Everything in the family belongs to my son. I followed you for money. For money, what can I do? Why should I care about a daughter who has never stayed by my side? I am Let their brothers and sisters mess everything up! Destroy Cambridge!"

Kang Shuo's heart seemed to be stabbed by something, stabbing him one after another.The bloodthirsty eyes stared at Fang Ying directly.Suddenly, Kang Shuo swung his fist at Fang Ying as if possessed by a demon: "Bitch, I'll kill you today!"

"Ah—" There was a scream, but it didn't come from Fang Ying's mouth, but from Ke Muxuan's mouth.

When Fang Ying and Kang Shuo came to their senses, they saw Ke Muxuan fell down on the stone pillar next to the wicker chair, with bright red blood gurgling down his forehead, and Ke Muxuan's small body had fainted.

"Xuanxuan!" Fang Ying yelled, ran over in panic and eagerness, hugged Ke Muxuan, whose head was covered in blood, and yelled.

Kang Shuo froze and didn't respond for a while.

At the gate of the compound, the silver-gray BMW belonging to Li Qingxue backed away silently and drove away.

Li Qingxue held the steering wheel with both hands, her charming eyes were gloomy and cold.

Fang Ying, you are ruthless!
She was obviously not Kang Shuo's daughter, but Fang Ying used her to beat Kang Shuo for her own sake!

It turned out that she was worthless in her eyes!That being the case, then don't blame her for being cruel, she will make you all pay the price one by one!

Ke Muxuan was pushed into the operating room, Fang Ying and Kang Shuo stood outside the corridor of the operating room.

Fang Ying clenched her hands tightly and looked anxiously at the light in the operating room.Kang Shuo, on the other hand, sat on a chair beside him with his head bowed.

"Mom, what's going on! Why did Xuan Xuan enter the operating room!" Kang Mei strode towards this side, with tears on her face, Ke Lei came to the hospital with her this time.

Fang Ying glared bitterly at Kang Shuo who was sitting on the chair, stepped forward, stretched her leg and kicked Kang Shuo fiercely, "Ask him! It was he who threw Xuanxuan like this! Kang Shuo, let me tell you , if Xuanxuan has something to do, I will never end with you! Why is it not you who died! Why is Xuanxuan suffering inside, why don't you die!"

Hearing what Fang Ying said, Kang Mei didn't think otherwise, and because she didn't get money from the Kang family before, Ke Lei was indifferent to her during this period of time, hot and cold.Kang Mei threw all her brains at Kang Shuo, stretched out her hand and slapped Kang Shuo, "Dad, why! Xuan Xuan is still a child, he is your grandson, how could you do this to him! I don't blame you anymore There is no penny left for us, I only have such a son, why can you treat him like this! How did you become a father, how did you become a grandfather! To mom, you have not fulfilled the responsibility of a husband, to me and my brother , you have not fulfilled the responsibility of a father, and for Xuanxuan, you have not fulfilled the responsibility of a grandfather! Dad, why are you such a failure in life! How could you treat us like this! I am your son and daughter just like my brother, why? You gave everything in the Kang family to that bitch Qiao Kang and didn't leave us a penny!"

"Enough!" Kang Shuo roared angrily!

Kang Shuo stood up from the chair alone, and slapped Kang Mei, who was going crazy, without any consideration, and stared at Kang Mei with gloomy eyes: "Try to go crazy again?"

Kang Mei was frightened by him for an instant, she looked at Kang Shuo timidly with one hand on her cheek, and wanted to say something, but in the end she just smacked her lips and dared not say anything.

Ke Lei was also surprised at the moment when Kang Shuo slapped Kang Mei.This is the first time I have seen Kang Shuo do something to Kang Mei since I knew Kang Mei five years ago.In his perception, Kang Shuo must not be a good husband and father to Gu Meiyun and Kang Qiao.But for Fang Ying, Kang Mei and Kang Jian, he is definitely a good husband and a good father.However, now...

He didn't dare to be so sure.

Following Kang Shuo's slap, Fang Ying was also shocked, looking at Kang Shuo with incredible eyes.

Kang Shuo pointed at Fang Ying, his old eyes were full of anger, and he wished he could give Fang Ying another slap, "The good daughter you have taught, what kind of person can teach such a daughter! Fang Ying, I warn you You, dare to talk to me like this in the future, believe it or not, I can't even let you stay in the Kang family's villa! The villa belongs to my Kang family, you are not even a fucking outsider, don't think that you gave me two...Three My child, you are a member of my Kang family. You will never be crowned with my Kang family's surname in this life, and you will never be able to step into the door of my Kang family in this life. You will never become a member of my Kang family in this life. !Even if you die, you will not get the approval of my Kang Shuo!"

"Kang Shuo, don't deceive others too much..."

"Why are you arguing!" The noise of several people finally aroused the anger of the nurse. The nurse leaned out half of her body from the operating room, glared at the arguing people, and said angrily: "If you want to quarrel, go out and quarrel. This is a hospital! The doctor is still operating inside, you don’t care about the safety of the child inside, we are still taking care of the safety of the child. Get out!"

Finally, following the nurse's slight anger, Kang Shuo and Fang Ying stared at each other fiercely, but stopped making any sound.

Seeing this, the nurse closed the door and went back to the operating room.

Fang Ying stared at Kang Shuo bitterly, gritted her teeth and said in a very soft voice: "If Xuanxuan has anything, Kang Shuo, let me tell you, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!"

Ke Lei glanced at the door of the handroom, then at Kang Mei, whose tears were like water, and said solemnly: "From now on, my son won't bother you."

Fang Ying and Kang Mei turned to Ke Lei in unison, and Kang Mei asked, "What do you mean?"

Ke Lei squinted at her, and said coldly, "It's literally."

When Kang Shuo heard this, his old eyes stared at Ke Lei like wax torches, as if he wanted to stare him out of a hole, "Ke Lei, make it clear!"

(End of this chapter)

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